Bjorn Magnusson

Clan: Gangrel   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Few   Generation: 9   Age: 120 years old   Status: Dead (incomplete diablerie by Everlast Lacroix)     Biography   Bjorn was born in the rugged wilderness of northern Sweden in the late 1800s. He lived most of his mortal life as a hunter and tracker, relying on his keen senses to survive in the unforgiving environment. When he was embraced by a passing Gangrel in the early 1900s, Bjorn found that he was well-suited to the vampiric condition. He has since traveled extensively, exploring the wilds of Scandinavia and beyond, and honing his skills as a warrior and predator.     Appearance   Bjorn Magnusson is a tall, muscular man in his mid-40s with a rugged and weathered appearance. He has a thick beard and long, unkempt hair that he ties back in a ponytail. He wears rough-hewn clothing made from animal skins and furs, and his leather boots have been worn down by countless treks through the wilderness. Bjorn speaks with a thick, guttural accent and has a gruff demeanor that can be intimidating to those who don't know him. Despite his rough exterior, Bjorn has a deep respect for nature and is fiercely protective of his territory. He is a skilled hunter and tracker, and his ability to shape-shift into animal form has saved his life more than once. Bjorn is fiercely independent and has no love for authority or the trappings of modern society.     Modern Nights   Bjorn has made his way to the Tri-Island area, drawn by rumors of a pack of Gangrel who have established themselves there. He is curious to meet his fellow Kindred and test his skills against theirs. In the meantime, he has set up a temporary haven in the nearby mountains, where he hunts and roams the wilderness, occasionally coming into conflict with local hunters and hikers.   Blood Sorcery utilized by Matio put him as an axe-wielding murderer who, at least in part, was responisble for killing the 20-person security team that was stationed there.   Among his abilities was turning into an owl. He watched Matio and Core as they searched the woods surrounding the manor in order to figure out what happened. Abigail Lewis pointed him out to Matio, who in turn pointed him out to Core. Core immediately launched himself towards Bjorn and they engaged in combat. Bjorn had the upper hand until Everlast Lacroix joined in the fight, utilizing Lightning Strike. Matio quickly joined in the fight as well, using Crimson Coalesence. The Coterie fought againt Bjorn for a few rounds of combat until finally defeating him. Upon his decision to diablerize him, Everlast began to drink which caused Abigail to act. She activated her powers of Presence, stunning Core and ordering Matio to stop Everlast. When Everlast didn't stop she sunk into the ground and appeared behind him, draining him at the same time he drained Bjorn. Matio pulled the body away as soon as Everlast used Lightning Strike to attack Abigail, hitting her hard before she could react. He hit her a second time, launching her into the ground where she disappeared. Matio's powers of Blood Sorcery allowed him to track her movement while Everlast attempted to finish diablerizing Bjorn.   Due to the adverse conditions and the potency of Bjorn's vitae, Everlast Lacroix was unable to completely diablerize him- doing no more than temporarily sating his eternal hunger for while but losing more of his past self in the process.. some may consider that a steep price to pay.


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