Charles Castle

Clan: Toreador   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Katrina , The Three Sisters   Generation: Unknown   Herald of Prince Vanessa Coal     Biography   Charles Castle was born in London in 1815, into a wealthy family of aristocrats. His family was always involved in politics and business, which gave Charles an early introduction to the world of power and influence. As a young man, Charles attended Oxford and studied law, but he was always more interested in art, culture, and the finer things in life. In 1855 Charles was embraced into Clan Toreador while attending a prestigious ball in Paris. He quickly rose through the ranks of the clan, impressing his elders with his charm, wit, and impeccable taste. Charles moved to the United States in the late 19th century and quickly became a fixture in the social circles of the elite.   Charles has always been a shrewd businessman, with a keen eye for opportunity. In the 1920's, he founded Castle Industries, which started out as a small art gallery but soon grew into a vast conglomerate with interests in real estate, finance, art, and technology. Castle Industries is one of the largest and most powerful companies in the city, with a small skyscraper as its headquarters.   As Prince Vanessa Coal's herald, Charles is responsible for communicating the Prince's will to the kindred of the city. He is a trusted confidant and advisor to the Prince, with a reputation for being fair but ruthless when necessary. Charles is always accompanied by three of his Childer: Sophia, Isabella, and Victoria, who are all beautiful and talented Toreador in their own right.     Appearance   Castle is a handsome middle-aged man who appears to be in his late 40's. He is fit, trim, and has black hair. His jaw is defined, and he possesses high cheekbones. Always impeccably dressed, Castle prefers custom suits and always has a red rose somewhere on his person, usually on his lapel. He has an athletic build and dark eyes.     Modern Nights   In modern nights, Charles continues to run Castle Industries, which has only grown in power and influence. He is still a shrewd businessman, but he has also become more politically savvy, using his connections to maintain his position as the Prince's herald. Charles is always impeccably dressed in a tailored suit and exudes an air of refinement and sophistication. He is not someone to be trifled with, and those who cross him or his interests do so at their own peril.


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