Dominic Saintclair

Clan: Toreador
  Generation: Unknown
  Sire: Unknown
  Ghouls/Childer: Unkown
  Dominic Saintclair, a Toreador of distinguished lineage, commands respect and admiration within the Kindred society of Tri-Island City. Born into a family of artists and patrons of the arts during the early 20th century, Dominic's mortal life was steeped in culture and refinement.
  Embraced into the Toreador clan at the peak of his mortal beauty, Dominic's transition into the immortal world was marked by an unwavering dedication to preserving and celebrating the aesthetic pleasures of life. As an artist and connoisseur, he cultivated a reputation for elegance and sophistication, drawing admirers from both mortal and Kindred circles.
  Rising to prominence within the Toreador clan, Dominic's talents as a diplomat and visionary leader became apparent. His keen intellect and charisma endeared him to his peers, earning him a seat among the primogen council of Tri-Island City's court beneath Prince Vanessa Coal.
  Following the disappearance of Charles Castle, the Toreador clan turned to Dominic to. Embracing his role as primogen, Dominic embarked on a mission to revitalize the clan's traditions and lead the toreadors of the court to greatness.


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