Dr. Marcus Hawthorne

Clan: Tremere
  Generation: 10
  Sire: Unknown
  Childer/Ghouls: Unknown
  Title: Warden
  Dr. Marcus Hawthorne is a stoic and disciplined figure, with a commanding presence that demands respect from those around him. Tall and lean, with sharp features and piercing green eyes that seem to miss nothing, Marcus exudes an aura of quiet authority that instills confidence in his allies and strikes fear into the hearts of his enemies.
  Born into a family of scholars and intellectuals, Marcus showed an early aptitude for academia and a keen interest in the mysteries of the occult. He pursued advanced degrees in both archaeology and anthropology, delving deep into the study of ancient civilizations and lost civilizations in search of hidden knowledge and forbidden secrets.
  Upon his embrace into the Tremere clan, Marcus quickly distinguished himself as a talented practitioner of Thaumaturgy and a skilled strategist in matters of defense and security. He rose through the ranks of the clan's hierarchy, earning a reputation as a master of warding and protection magic.
  Despite his formidable demeanor, Marcus is not without compassion or empathy. He cares deeply for the members of his chantry and will go to great lengths to protect them from harm. However, he is also fiercely loyal to the Tremere clan and will not hesitate to take decisive action against any who threaten the interests of his clan or its holdings.
  Modern Nights
  VTM Chronicle 2.0
  As the Warden of The Watson Building Chantry, Marcus is responsible for upkeeping defenses and maintaining chantry security. He oversees the training of guards and sentries, coordinates patrols and surveillance, and ensures that the building's mystical wards and defenses are kept in optimal condition at all times.


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