Dr. Victor Thorne

Clan: Tremere (House Ipsissimus)
  Generation: Unknown
  Sire: Unknown
  Ghouls/Childer: Unkown
  Title: Magister
  Dr. Victor Thorne is a formidable and enigmatic figure within the Tremere clan, known for his relentless pursuit of knowledge and his mastery of the arcane arts. With piercing gray eyes that seem to pierce through the veil of reality and a perpetual air of intensity that surrounds him, Victor exudes an aura of power and authority that commands respect from all who know him.
  Born into a family of academics and scholars, Victor showed an early aptitude for the occult and a thirst for knowledge that knew no bounds. He pursued advanced degrees in both physics and metaphysics, delving deep into the mysteries of the universe and seeking to unlock its hidden truths.
  Embraced into the Tremere clan around 50 years of age, Victor quickly distinguished himself as a talented practitioner of Thaumaturgy and a skilled researcher in matters of the occult. He rose through the ranks of the clan's hierarchy, earning a reputation as a master of ritual magic and earning the title of Magister.
  As a Magister of The Watson Building's chantry, Victor is responsible for instructing and tutoring younger members.
  Despite his intense demeanor and single-minded focus on his work, Victor is not without compassion or empathy. He cares deeply for the members of his chantry and will go to great lengths to protect them from harm.


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