
Owner/Manager: Camarilla
  Fantasia is a well-known nightclub owned and operated by Baron Eric. It is located in the Entertainment District of the city and is frequented by all sorts of customers from locals up to celebrities.

  There are three official entrances/exits, one at the front of the building, one in the back parking lot, and another through the kitchens. The ground level consists of a dance floor in the middle, two long bars running the length of the dance floor on either side, a DJ booth at the far end, as well as tables and booths scattered throughout the other open space. Immediately when you walk in the bathrooms are to the left before the bar. Behind the DJ booth and to the side in line with the bar on the right side of the club is a roped off spiral staircase leading upwards. The second floor consists of the VIP area which features booths and tables. The booths have curtains that can be drawn across the front to prevent others from seeing what is happening inside of the booth. There is a bathroom on this level as well for VIP guests. The third level leads to a balcony overlooking the action. All this level features is a long hallway. This hallway leading to Eric's private office. On the righthand side of the hallway across from the railing is the security office which features CCTV and power boxes.
  Eric's private office is a large rectangular room that features his desk, an armory, and a large one-way bulletproof glass mirror looking out over the club. 
  The club also features various scaffolding and catwalks for use by security and maintenance personnel. There is a ladder that leads up to the rooftop somewhere here as well.
  Fantasia has a basement which contains the armory and locker room for the security staff and their equipment. 
  Due to its turbulent history, Fantasia is home to a large number of security staff. There are at least two at each entrance. Inside of the club between all of the floors and areas is another 18 security personnel. They are all armed with pistols, and a collapsible baton or knife but can access heavier weaponry in either the office armory or the basement armory. 
  There are an uncountable number of waitresses, bottle girls, bartenders, and kitchen staff. 


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