
Fledglings are newly created vampires who have recently undergone the Embrace within the past decade or two. Many are still adjusting to their new existence as undead creatures of the night. They are typically inexperienced, naive, and have not yet established themselves in the vampire society.   As such, they are often seen as liabilities by more established vampires, including their sires, who are responsible for teaching them the ways of the undead and helping them navigate the complex social dynamics of Kindred society. Fledglings are expected to be obedient to their sires and elders, and to follow their guidance and direction.   Fledgling is the age category directly underneath Neonate. They are not typically granted the same level of autonomy as more established Kindred, as they lack the experience and knowledge necessary to navigate the political landscape of the vampire society. They are often used as pawns in the games of more powerful vampires, who see them as disposable assets to be used and discarded at will, even more so than Neonates.   Despite these challenges, fledglings are not without their own advantages. They grew up in the modern world, so they have a better understanding of technology and mortals. They are also generally more adaptable and able to learn quickly, which can be an asset in navigating the complexities of Kindred society.   In summary, fledglings are newly created vampires who are still adjusting to their new existence and learning the ways of the undead. They are expected to be obedient to their sires, elders and local sect leader, to follow their guidance and direction until they have gained the experience and knowledge necessary to navigate the complex social landscape of the vampire society on their own.


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