
Clan: The Ministry   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown     Biography   Not much is known about her background except that Lysandra is an expert manipulator and often acted as a diplomat for the Ministry clan in various places. She had a penchant for seducing powerful Kindred and using them to further her own ambitions.   Lysandra and Core were lovers for a few years, but they eventually broke up due to infidelity on both sides of the relationship. She has since left the Camarilla and joined the Anarchs.     Appearance   Lysandra is a sensual and undeniably beautiful woman with striking features and dark eyes. Her pretty face is framed by medium legnth, dark hair, and she often lets hang loose around her neck. She stands at around 5'7" and has a lean, athletic build with well-defined muscles that suggest she took her physical training seriously in life. Despite her toned physique, she still maintains a distinctly feminine silhouette. Her movements are graceful and confident, giving her an air of poise and control. Lysandra favors form-fitting clothes that accentuate her figure, often choosing sleek, black leather or silk garments that complement her somewhat tanned skin and dark hair. She's not afraid to show a little skin, but always in a way that is sophisticated and understated. Her wardrobe consists mainly of designer pieces, and she's not above splurging on a high-end accessory or two. She prefers to wear elegant and stylish clothing that accentuates her figure, often opting for dark colors like black and navy blue. Overall, Lysandra's appearance exudes power and sensuality, a potent combination that draws others to her and commands respect.     Haven   Her haven is a luxurious penthouse apartment located in the heart of the Center Island. The space is decorated in a modern style with high-end furnishings and artwork. Lysandra maintains a small group of loyal ghouls who serve as her security and help with day-to-day tasks.     Modern Nights   After leaving Camarilla, Lysandra became an Anarch and has been using her skills and resources to help further the movement's goals. She has been involved in various forms of activism, including sabotage, negotiation, and direct action. She has become somewhat of a leader within the Anarch community. However, her unresolved feelings for Core still linger, and she struggles to reconcile her lingering feelings for her former lover.


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