Mr. Dretch

Clan: Nosferatu   Sire: Unkown   Childer: Diamond and others     Biography   Mr. Dretch was born in the early 1900s, in a small rural town in the United States. He was always different from the other children, with his unusual appearance, strange mannerisms, and obsession vermin. He had a fascination with rats and spent most of his time studying them and training them.   As he got older, Mr. Dretch left his hometown and traveled to the big city. While here he was embraced by a Nosferatu, leading him to find a new home in the sewers beneath an industrial dock. He quickly discovered that he was not the only one living down there; there were other Nosferatu like him, who had also sought refuge in the darkness of the tunnels.   Mr. Dretch soon became an information broker, trading secrets and knowledge with his fellow Kindred and the mortals above.   Over the years, Mr. Dretch has amassed a network of contacts who are always on the lookout for new information to trade. He also embraced the Discipline of Animalism, developing a strong bond with his rats and bats, which he uses to gather intelligence and keep an eye on the mortal world above.   One night, Mr. Dretch came across a young woman named Diamond, who had been left for dead by a gang of mortals. Feeling a sense of kinship with the girl, he embraced her and took her under his wing, teaching her the ways of the Nosferatu and grooming her to become his trusted confidante and ally.       Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Mr. Dretch is a well-known information broker, trading in everything from names and locations to the latest news on the city's supernatural politics. He spends much of his time in the sewers beneath the industrial port, surrounded by his loyal "cousins" and communicating with his beloved rats and bats. He keeps a close eye on the mortal world above, always looking for new opportunities to profit and expand his network. Mr. Dretch is also deeply involved in the world of crypto and schreknet, constantly researching and experimenting with new technologies to stay ahead of the game and maintain an unidentifiable amount of wealth.


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