
Clan: Gangrel   Sire: Unknown   Childer: Unknown   Generation: Unknown, 12-13 originally (Diablerist)   Winters: 17     Biography   Prong, a rugged and enigmatic Gangrel, emerged from the darkened corners of the world with an aura of silent determination. Born in the mortal realm, he lived a life steeped in adventure and conflict, honing his skills as a soldier. Prong's mortal days were defined by his proficiency with many weapons, but mainly the longsword, wielding it with grace and precision, earning him a reputation as a formidable combatant.   His journey as a Kindred began when he found himself in the midst of a bloody battle, mortally wounded and surrounded by the chaos of war. It was in his darkest hour that a Gangrel recognized his indomitable spirit and unyielding desire to survive. The kindred embraced him, imparting the gift of eternal life, setting him free into the world to find his way, forever changing Prong's destiny.   As a fledgling, Prong struggled to adapt to his newfound existence, grappling with the beast within and his insatiable thirst for blood. However, his warrior instincts and iron will guided him through the challenges that arose. Under the guidance of his sire, a wise and reclusive Gangrel, he learned to merge his mortal combat prowess with his vampiric powers, forging himself into a formidable predator of the night.     Appearance   Prong is not an attractive individual. He has a wide flat face and an even wider nose. Physically speaking, his only redeeming qualities are his fitness and his height. Standing at 6'5" in his boots and dressing in dark leathers, Prong is an intimidating person to encounter. He always has his sword with him, sharpened and ready for combat.     Modern Nights   In the modern nights, Prong roams from city to city, using the silent grace of a predator stalking its prey. His appearance in his early 40s belies his true age, his feral aura hinting at the depth of his experience. Prong's mastery of the longsword remains an integral part of his identity, allowing him to blend the savagery of his Gangrel nature with the finesse of his mortal training.   Prong is a lone wolf by choice, eschewing the complexities of vampire politics and societal entanglements other than those of his clan. Instead, he seeks solace in the shadows, patrolling the outskirts of the city and the forgotten corners where the urban jungle meets the untamed wilderness. He is an observer of the delicate balance between man and nature, always attuned to the subtle shifts that threaten the equilibrium.   Despite his solitary nature, Prong occasionally finds himself drawn into the intricate web of Kindred affairs. His reputation as a skilled combatant and his uncompromising loyalty to the Gangrel clan have garnered the attention of other Kindred. Though reluctant to involve himself in their power struggles, Prong is known to lend his sword and strategic insights to those causes he deems worthy, often aligning himself with the underdogs and defenders of nature.   Prong's encounters with lupines have been few but memorable, each testing his mettle and serving as a stark reminder of the delicate truce between vampires and werewolves. His experiences have granted him a grudging respect for the lupines' primal power, causing him to approach their territory with caution and respect.   As he navigates the modern nights, Prong's journey is one of survival and terror. With his longsword at his side and the untamed spirit of the Gangrel coursing through his veins, Prong is a force to be reckoned with—a relentless warrior on a quest for personal strength and power amidst the chaos of the eternal night.   Prong is one of the few kindred to have a reputation for embracing his wildside and his beast, resorting to frenzies on multiple occasions and being a suspected diablerist.


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