
Clan: Brujah
  Generation: Unkown (Elder)
  Sire: Unknown
  Childer: Few
  Trent, a formidable Brujah elder, holds the esteemed position of sheriff within the domain of Prince Vanessa Coal. Born into a world of chaos and rebellion, Trent's mortal life was marked by a fierce determination to defy authority and challenge the status quo.
  Embraced into the Brujah clan, Trent's fiery spirit and indomitable will quickly earned him a reputation as a force to be reckoned with. With a penchant for motorcycles and leather jackets, he became a symbol of defiance and rebellion within the Kindred society.
  As the sheriff of Prince Vanessa Coal, Trent is tasked with maintaining order and enforcing the prince's will with an iron fist. Known for his strength, toughness, and unwavering loyalty, he strikes fear into the hearts of those who dare to cross him.
  Despite his imposing presence, Trent is surprisingly jovial and lighthearted most of the time, approaching even the most serious threats with a sense of humor and camaraderie. He thrives on the adrenaline rush of the hunt, seeing each challenge as an opportunity for excitement and adventure.
  With his loudmouthed demeanor and boisterous personality, Trent is a controversial figure within the Brujah clan and the kindred of Tri-Island City. Admired for his courage and resilience in the face of adversity almost as much as he's hated and feared, none can deny his effectiveness.


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