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Vyn TImeline

The First Age

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    The Creation
    Life, Birth

    The Lightborn create the world and the primeval races dwarves, elves, humans, and halflings. The Lightborn rule over the world.

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    Splitting of Vyn
    Disaster / Destruction

    A massive magical earthquake splits the massive continent of Vyn into nine continents. This event also opens the doors for monsters from other planes to enter the world.

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    The Anointing
    Religious event

    The Lightborn appoint themselves to rule over each continent. Malphas ruling over Enderal, Eroned over Nehrim, Tyr over Arktwend, Esara of Myar Aranath and Melee, Irlanda over Qyra, Eliath over Arazeal, Morala and Saldrin the twins over Skaragg and Kile.

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    Birth of Gnomes
    Life, Birth

    Tyr creates gnomes and separates the elven race into different sects of elves. The High Elves were created to be sub rulers of Artkwend but still below Tyr. The Sun Elves were created as Artkwend’s warriors. The Moon Elves were created to be the most wise of the elves. Wood Elves were created as guardians of the forests. Snow Elves were made to be the greatest smiths within the Boreal Valley. Some elves were left with the same characteristics as people to rule over.

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    The Landing of the First Men
    Discovery, Exploration

    Malphas sails to Enderal with the First Men. Malphas creates the First Foothold and the Gods Bridge. Malphas anointed three swords for his most trusted knights Flameroar from the femur of a primordial lion for the first Arantheal. The Waterblade made of the very essence of water to a knight who would take the same name as the blade. And Cyfiawnder made in the heart of the Boreal Valley a bastard knight who would take the name Malphason.

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    Arrival in Myar Aranath/Melee
    Life, Birth

    Esara arrives in Myar Aranath and Melee, a desolate waste of islands and makes them flourish with flowers and gigantic trees. With no people to rule over Esara creates the Tengu and Syrinx to live amongst the huge trees.

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    Creation of Treomar
    Construction beginning/end

    Eroned creates the city of Treomar, the largest city ever recorded in history. Eroned appoints seven prominent citizens to lord over different regions. Eroned puts his trust in the lords and returns to the Cradle to lead the dead to the Heavens.

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    Warriors of Skaragg
    Military action

    Morala creates a warrior culture in Skaragg. She separates her people into clans and rules over them as an equal.

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    A Rich Culture
    Cultural event

    Saldrin develops the culture and Kile creates wine and art. The Belt of Kile becomes known as the best place for trade in Vyn.

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    The Qyran Sky
    Cultural event

    Irlanda turns Qyra into an open expanse with hardly any mountains so one can always gaze to the sky. The people of Qyra discover horses and elephants. Mounted combat becomes the central way of fighting in Qyra and horses also become the biggest trade export from Qyra.

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    Kingdom of Arazeal
    Cultural event

    Eliath creates a kingdom with the best qualities of each continent, this leads to Arazeal thriving above all other continents.

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    Elvish Revolt

    The regular elves of Artkwend revolt against Tyr but they are quickly subdued by Tyr and the other elves. Tyr turns all the revolutionary elves into Grey Elves who become slaves of the higher elven races.

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    Birth of Thalgard and Vallodir
    Population Migration / Travel

    Dwarves from Skaragg sail to make a new home in Enderal. They settle in Thalgard but some dwarves head West and create the city of Vallodir.

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    Split of the Undead God
    Religious event

    The god of undead splits into two gods Carsis and Elnil, Elnil the good of the two is banished by Carsis.

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    The Whisperwood
    Plague / Epidemic

    A fungal plague ravages the forests around the First Foothold creating the Whisperwood.

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    The City of Ark
    Construction beginning/end

    Malphas creates the city of Ark and the Sun Temple.

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    The First Nehrimese War

    The First War begins in Nehrim as nobles begin to have squabbles between themselves without a god to settle the matter. Instead of seperate rulers of separate regions the winner of the war becomes the first king of Nehrim.

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    Orc's Emerge

    Orc’s emerge from the Underdark and start a war in Kile. A peace was made and the orcs were allowed to live amongst the populous of Kile.

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    The Golden Age
    Era beginning/end

    A new long period of peace follows, also called the Golden Era. The countries are flourishing and developing - only small political quarrels and wars with the Skaragg disturb the peace.

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    The Flight of Arcanus
    Population Migration / Travel

    With the help of several hundreds of mages the city of Estoric is lifted into the air to escape the country of Ofrye. The city becomes known as Arcanus and sits suspended above the ocean.

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    The Dark Tapestry
    Religious event

    A woman named Beatrice creates the Dark Tapestry and leads undead to the tapestry for them to find peace.

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    Return of the White Phoenix
    Religious event

    Elnil re emerges from the stars and becomes the good god of undead.

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    The Age of Shadow
    Era beginning/end

    The peace finally ends when the Lord of Shadows conquers Vallodir.

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    The Lord of Shadows
    Life, Death

    A powerful being known as the Lord of Shadows destroys the city of Vallodir. The red mist left behind there causes the city to be known as Fogville.

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    The Sunfire Impact
    Disaster / Destruction

    The dwarves of Amoruk dig too deep and release a demon into the dwarven stronghold, this becomes known as the Sunfire Impact.

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    Birth of Loram Waterblade
    Life, Birth

    The legendary hero Loram Waterblade is born.

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    Birth of Narathzul Arantheal
    Life, Birth

    Narathzul Arnatheal, son of Tealor Arantheal is born.

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    The War on the Lightborn

    Narathzul Arnatheal starts a rebellion against the Lightborn, a war that would become known as the War on the Lightborn. Eroned returns to Vyn to help fight in the war.

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    The Forging of Llofrudow
    Military action

    Narathzul is on the losing side of the rebellion. He finds an ancient Pyrean metal said to be powerful enough to kill gods. He has a blade of the metal made and calls the sword Llofruduw, God Killer.

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    The Siege of Treomar
    Military action

    Narathzul leads a siege in the city of Treomar. The battle is a decisive victory for Narathzul.

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    The Death of Eroned
    Life, Death

    Eroned is killed by Narathzul Arantheal during the siege if Treomar.

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    The Betrayal of Tyr
    Life, Death

    Narathzul allies with the elves of Artkwend who betray Tyr. Narathzul sails to Artkwend and kills Tyr. Saldrin, Morala, Esara, Malphas, and Irlanda take their loyal forces and a massive war in Arktwend ensues.

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    The Death of Eliath
    Life, Death

    The goddess Eliath tries to reason with Narathzul but is slain by him.

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    The Death of Saldrin, Morala, Esara, and Irlanda
    Life, Death

    Narathzul kills Saldrin, Morala, Esara, and Irlanda leaving only Malphas.

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    The Death of Malphas
    Life, Death

    Malphas is killed by Narathzul Arantheal and the War on the Lightborn ends.

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    Disappearance of Narathzul

    Narathzul Arantheal disappears from Vyn.

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    Shards of an Order Begins

    Shards of an Order begins when four stowaways are thrown from their ship and wash up upon the shore of Enderal.

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    Chapter 1: The Queen of Snakes

    fter being stowaway aboard a ship for many weeks the group of Ib the Bruiser, Bobie, Nalia Malphason, Poppo Hedgehopper, and a thief called Sirius were caught by some of the sailors of the ship. They quickly dispatched the unarmed crew but were caught off guard by a strange Veiled Woman who talked of “probabilities” and then knocked everyone unconscious with wild magic. They awoken and after the thief Sirius was killed Ib, Poppo, Nalia, and Bobie were thrown overboard. It was as they were sinking they heard the voice of the Veiled Woman say “Breath”. The group then all had the same vision, an ancient room full of charred bodies and a doorway with a blinding light. You heard voices say strange things before waking up on a sandy beach. The group made their way through an ancient ruin killing skeletons, some particularly nasty rats, and a sahuagin. They emerged on the other side finding themselves on the Sun Coast of Enderal. They met two apothecary, Finn Dalires and Carbos as well as an orc who called himself Turngut. The group of Finn, Carbos, Turngut, Ib, Poppo, Nalia, and Bobie then fended off a bandit ambush. After that Ib went off on his own and the apothecary stayed behind to clean up the bodies before heading back to The League of the Apothecary. Nalia, Poppo, Bobie, and new found friend Turngut traveled to a local town called Riverville to meet with a rogue named Jespar Del’Varek who has been hunting these bandits as of late. They met Jespar and his two companions MacGuire and Pearson. Jespar talked cryptically about an old man named Alfrid that these bandits had captured. The group then met with guard captain of Riverville, Dirk. Dirk talked of the leader of the bandits The Butcher and after interrogating a captured bandit Dirk discovered that The Butcher was planning an attack on Riverville that very night. The party alongside Jespar’s party defended the central bridge and managed to kill the main force of bandits including a strange green robed man and sent the Butcher fleeing with his tail between his legs. The party then learned from the mayor of Riverville, Jugar Featherwill that the green robed man was apart of a snake cult that has long been held up in the Featherwill ancestral home Castle Croft. The party successfully killed the evil inhabitants of Castle Croft and released the souls of several spirits within the castle. They also found the man Alfrid that Jespar had been searching for and traveled back to Riverville to claim their reward for taking back the castle. Nalia also received one of the three swords of Malphas and was tasked with finding the other two. Jespar told the party his mission that a magister named Yero contracted something called the “Red Madness” which caused him to kill a large number of innocence. The party then spoke to Alfrid who revealed he had always suspected something like this would happen because of the rage Yero buried from his mother's death. Alfrid would also inform the party of Yero’s childhood home not to far from here. At the execution of Butcher strange grey creatures emerged from the crowd and were able to free the bandit leader. The group explored Yero's home finding information possibly pertinent to the Red Madness. The group then headed back to town to rest before the long road to Ark.

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    Chapter 2: The Road to Ark

    In Riverville Bobie read many books on religion finding one that mentioned the theory of planar gods. Bobie was told that a man named Dettlaff in Ark would possibly know more about them. Mayor Featherwill gave the party a letter of introduction addressed to a noble named Belis Ormaris before they departed and informed them to take it to the post office in the noble quarter. The group has traveled multiple days and had a particularly nasty fight with some Yeth Hounds. Upon arriving in the small town of Crowhall they were greeted by the town leader, a woman calling herself Ela Renfroth. She told the group about the history of Crowhall and Fogwatch but before long the town was attacked by a large number of undead. The group was able to fight them off but had a particularly hard time fighting three winged vampire brides. Unfortunately during the fight one of the groups adventuring companions Pearson was killed. But thanks to Nalia’s magical sword, The Blade of the Boreal Valley she was able to resurrect Pearson. The group was tasked to go to the ancient Pyrean ruin Anor Colair and stop the evil there. Climbing the tower they fought many dangerous foes before coming face to face with Prince Sorrin Markov. After a fierce battle they were able to defeat the vampire prince. Before moving on from Crowhall the group was able to recruit another member to their party, Thraduik Brune a dwarven watchmen. The players then moved on and arrived in the town of Tallfield during the Tourney of Tallfield. Turngut entered the tourney and made his way all the way to the finals. But Turngut came up short when he was knocked unconscious by Signet Master Jorek Bartarr. But suddenly several members of the audience fell dead from convulsions and turned into undead. The party was also then attacked by two massive Asylum Demons. The group was able to take down the monsters and collected their reward before making their way to Ark.

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    Chapter 3: Oath to a Dead God

    You finally arrived in Ark and began to take in the sights of the city. You delivered the letter of introduction from Jugar Featherwill to the noble quarter post office, a letter addressed to one Belis Ormaris. After some shopping the PC’s learned that a man named Trusty Patches may have information about Dettlaff and various other things. Nalia also learned that a man named Father Winthrop is an expert on all things Malphas and could tell her about the swords of Malphas. The group went back to the Dancing Nomad to rest for the night and found Jespar Del’Varek having an argument with his lover Ves. Jespar informed the party that his employer Constantine Firespark would meet with them the following morning. However the group was rudely awakened to the Inn being attacked and rushed down to provide assistance. They defeated the mysterious knights swiftly with the help of Jespar and Constantine Firespark. However, the assassin who was sent to kill Constantine fled. The group was finally paid for assisting Jespar on the Sun Coast and were then offered another job from the old mage. The group then went to Trusty Patches in search for information on the man known as Dettlaff. After paying Patches some gold the group found out that Dettlaff van der Vesper was in the Undercity. Upon traveling there they were able to find Dettlaff’s location at a toy shop via the help of a mercenary named Dagroar. The group then found a strange music box which teleported them to the realm of Apocrypha. There they learned many things from Dettlaff, the chosen of the god of knowledge, Pamat. BobE learned about his new god Elnil and received several gifts from both Elnil along with a gift of good will from Pamat. Nalia would also learn the names of the three swords of Malphas, her current swords true name being Cyfiawnder, and the other two being called the Waterblade and Flameroar. Nalia however did not learn the location of the swords but did learn that the Waterblade is held by Loram Waterblade. The group ventured back to their plane and got ready for dinner with Lord Belis Ormaris. Upon arriving they heard Belis arguing with another lord named Dakrast about the state of the Undercity. The group had a pleasant dinner with lord Ormaris before departing the following day for Rashengrad. The group encountered Aldius the Boatman who ferried them across the lake known as the Heart. However while going across the lake the players encountered undead controlled by the Girl in the Water. The group was able to defeat the undead and moved on to the ruin Rashengrad, where they fought many constructs outside. When entering the ruin the group encountered even more constructs who had killed most of the excavators and mercenaries that were also mysteriously there. After the fight they met Lishari Peghast, the lead on the excavation who had managed to survive by hiding atop some rubble. She explained that the excavation was to find the sigil stones, stones that have the potential to protect someone from the Red Madness. Thegroup continued through Rashengrad easily defeating a large construct by using the kill box tactic. They then found another mute assassin who killed himself when he became trapped in a room. The group made their way to the final room where they found a Pyrean frozen in a crystal. After some rest and extra looting the group with Lishari Peghast and the frozen pyrean made their way back to Ark. Lishari took a quick liking Turngut and flirted all the way back to the city. Upon arriving they found that the city was in shut down of sorts. The front gates were closed and people and carts heading into the city were being searched. The learned terrorists in the city have been targeting prominent nobles, mages, and members of the order. They were allowed in and made their way to the Sun Temple and were let in due to danger any important person had of venturing out of the temple. They met briefly with Firespark getting paid before the group was introduced to Grandmaster Tealor Arantheal. Alongside the Grandmaster was Truchessa Natara Del’Varem, Bastion Krell, and Commander Tody Ulric. They informed the group that an anti religious tyrant named Taranor Coarek will be in Enderal in two months to kill any who still follow gods. The grandmaster stated that the time of the old heroes is done and its time for new heroes to arise. He offered the group a chance to join the Holy Order but to do so they must first pass the Trial. The group set off with Signet Master Jorek Bartarr, a woman named Calia Sakaresh, and an elf named Dunwar. To do the Trial the group must first enter the Whisperwood and make their way to the First Foothold. The group encounters some plant zombies before coming face to face with a victim of the Red Madness and a greater Asylum Demon called a Demon Firesage. The group then continued on to the First Foothold the first place where Malphas and the First Men of Enderal camped. It was then that Jorek Bartarr revealed to the group that the rumor of the Lightborns deaths are true. The group saw a vision in which they witnessed Narathzul Arantheal wielding a black steel blade known as Godkiller besieging Kaer Rzeka. The group then saw as Malphas himself helped Belis Ormaris, Loram Waterblade, and Tealor Arantheal escape from the castle before the ceiling of the castle caved in, with Malphas dying soon after. The group then begun their initiation drinking a purplish liquid and falling into a dream like realm. Each person saw something very specific Turngut saw Gaunter O'Dimm, Nalia saw a knight with tarnished armor wielding the Flameroar, Poppo saw a halfling who looked strangely similar to himself, and BobE saw a strange nine jeweled mask hovering above two knights. The group went through the dream dungeon fighting a possessed Dunwar, freeing Micolash Bartarr and escaping the dungeon. The group awoke and found that two days had passed and that they were back in the Sun Temple. The group then had a conversation with Tealor Arantheal who congratulated the group and stated that they would be the last to go through the old trial as it has become extremely corrupted by the shadows. Jorek Bartarr then thanked the group for freeing his son and for the first time treated the group with respect. The group then went to a party thrown by Jespar Del'Varek. Several of their friends were their to congratulate and give gifts to the group. Jespar, MacGuire, Pearson, Thraduik, Lambert, Ves, the Dalpots of the Halflings Orange, Detlaff van der Vesper, and Ib the Bruiser with his boss Francis Bedlam The King of Beggars. The group had a good night of celebrating until it was interrupted by Helgard von Eberich the father of the little girl that Turngut had killed in the arena.

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    Chapter 3.5: Heart of Stone

    He challenged Turngut and his companions to a duel. A hard battle was fought in the rain at the foot of the Von Eberich manor but the group came out victorious. Supposedly killing Helgard by snapping his neck, but with a crack of the neck Helgard revealed himself to be immortal. Helgard then told the group his story. The von Eberich family was once an influential Enderalan family until they fell on hard times. Helgard was set to be married to a Nehrimese noble woman named Iris but her father denied the marriage to Helgard because the bankruptcy of his house. One fateful night Helgard was drunk and asked for riches and immortality for his house. Unfortunately he asked a man who called himself Master Mirror and his wish was granted. Helgard became immortal and his riches were restored and Helgard was allowed to marry his beloved Iris. But the cost of immortality and riches was the souls off those who had the von Eberich name. Helgard and Iris then had a child Anna, and things were normal for many years. Until Helgard's heart turned to stone and he began to neglect his family and showed them no love. Helgard began to seek dangerous thrills just to feel any joy. This behavior led to Iris and Anna leaving Enderal with Iris' father back to Nehrim. This drove Helgard to a suicide attempt but as he was immortal it did nor work. Upon arriving Iris and her father were killed and Anna was left to beg on the streets before being kidnapped and thrown into the arena with a ravenous orc. Because of the pact with Master Mirror Iris and Anna were left in a sort of limbo where they were not living nor dead. Helgard learned of the death of his wife and child and sailed to Nehrim to enact revenge upon Turngut but could not find the orc. He sailed back in soon after finding Turngjt leading to the duel. He asked that Turngut and his group seek out Master Mirror and barter for his and his families souls back so that Anna and Iris could rest in peace and Helgard could feel emotion again. Helgard gave the group a lead, the Master Mirrors mirror shop. When they arrived the clerk of the mirror shop told them that she seldom saw Master Mirror and the last time she did was months ago. Master Mirror gave her a riddle to give to the group, the note given predating when the group started traveling with each other. But before pursuing the riddle the group went through their commencement and became official members of the Holy Order. The riddle led the group to Tallfield, and there they learned that Master Mirror was in fact Gaunter O'Dimm. A powerful being of mysterious origin. The group bartered with O'Dimm but eventually landed on playing O'Dimms game in exchange for the souls of the von Eberich family and one question. If they lost O'Dimm would take Turngut's soul when the war was over. The group were then teleported to an alternate dimension of the city of Ostian and were told to find Gaunter O'Dimm within the realm. The group encountered Turngut's father Darkgut and several gladiators before fighting a flesh golem with the head of Anna von Eberich in the main arena. The arena was littered with mirrors that exploded when looked at. The group thanks to a skin wraith summoned by BobE that grappled the flesh golem were able to figure out that O'Dimm was hidden in the reflection of water. With finding O'Dimm the group were teleported out of the realm to the von Eberich estate. O'Dimm then answered the question "How to stop the Red Madness?". O'Dimm answered that stopping the destruction of holy places is the only thing keeping the Red Madness from spreading. He additionally said "Seek out the machine of ancients, it will stop the madness that creeps into this world". With that the group entered the von Eberich estate and saw Helgard embracing his spectral wife and daughter. Anna von Eberich forgave Turngut and the ghosts of Anna and Iris were finally laid to rest. Helgwrd also forgave Turngut and gave him a gift, a magical cestus that he won in a card game, Chainbreaker. The group then returned to the Dancing Nomad to rest.

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    Chapter 4: The Four Points

    he group then gave an update about what they learned from Gaunter O’Dimm to Jorek Bartarr, Constantine Firespark, and Tealor Arantheal. Tealor then sent the group to a Council of Eight meeting to present this information to the council. A lot of political intrigue happened but it all ended with the council sending Jespar, Lambert, and Ves to negotiate with some renegade elves in the Belt of Kile; and giving the group a job to try to stop the ever growing riots in the Undercity. The group travelled to the Undercity after defusing a situation at the main gate thanks to a partially drunk BobE. The group met with the leaders of the Guild of Beggars, Francis Bedlam, Ib the Bruiser, and Tinboy. The guild further informed the group of what's going on in the Undercity before pointing them toward two potential leads. A trouble maker named Ogald and the group's old nemesis The Butcher, aka William Brown. The group learned that during the War on the Lightborn Francis was in the same regiment as the Butcher, and during the war the Butcher took a really bad blow to the head which changed him. Francis informed the group that it would probably be more difficult to track down William but the group pursued this lead anyway. They were told to track down Trusty Patches, a seller of information who has recently gone into hiding due to the mute assassins who prowl the city now. The group was told that the only person who would know where Patches is located is a freelance thief called Greirat. The group then set out to find this Greirat in the Lower Burg of the city. Finding Greirat they chased him through the streets and nearly lost him but managed to catch him at the last moment. The halfling thief would lead the group to Patches who would give the group information about the Butcher who had been spotted exiting and leaving a warehouse very frequently. Coincidentally a tiefling named Otir Teauge also disappeared around the very same warehouse. The group went to the warehouse where they were shocked at the not outright violent guards who asked if they had a meeting with Mr. Tolstock. Poppo and Turngut went in to meet with Hobson Tolstock and very quickly discovered something wasn’t quite right. A fight ensued in which the group discovered that Hobson was a doppelganger. Many of the guards having just been regular guys doing their jobs surrendered and had no clue about Hobson being a doppelganger. The group then searched and found a secret passage leading down. After interrogating Hobson Tolstock the group learned that “Hobson” was really a doppelganger named Sikt and that the real Hobson Tolstock was killed and put in a barrel of acid. The group also learned that inside the crates and barrels of the warehouse are enough armor and arms to arm a large revolt in the Undercity. After a small moral dilemma it was decided that it would be better to kill Sikt. Before being executed the doppelganger said a single word “Vatyra” the word the Butcher said before he was rescued at his execution. The group then rested before moving to the area below the warehouse. They discovered that the tomb was ancient from the time when the Undercity was more well off. The tomb belonged to a family that Nalia recognized as the Beartildes but didn’t know much other than that. They searched the tomb until they came upon a child sized sarcophagi which they opened. They were then attacked by a spectre which drained some of the lifeforce away from Turngut and Nalia. Inside they found a doll that had the soul of a child trapped in that would bring great bad luck to whoever held it. The group continued on and started to hear the loud noise of someone being tortured, the group barged in and a tiefling hung upside down. The group assisted the tiefling Otir Teague while he hung upside down playing a violin. The group freed Teague and his dire badger Stigz and Teague shared that he was down here looking for treasure. He shared that he knows where it is and will share the spoils with the group fifty fifty. After some discussion the group agreed to Teague’s terms and the group battled a gargoyle before finding a good amount of treasure. Teague departed warning the group of what was under the stairs and wished them luck. Earlier Poppo had found a secret passage that led somewhere upon further investigation and encountering some traps the group came upon a door which warned them to not enter the room as great evil is laid to rest there, a great evil that wielded something known as “He Who Grins”. The group then interrogated one of the torturers and learned that the Butcher as well as the leader of the Vatyra, Queen Vatyra are somewhere inside this crypt. The group decided to leave it for now and continued on. And found that the next room was boarded up upon removing the boards and locking the door. The door opened on its own and for a brief moment they saw the lone rocking chair in the room move just a little. The group attempted to remove the chair from the room but it would not budge out the door. The group then relocked and reboarded up the room and continued on. Finding a room with a large number of stone guardians, Poppo was able to pull a stone and deactivate the guardians. The group then had a near tragic battle with some doppelganger rogues which nearly ended in the death of Poppo Hedgehopper who narrowly escaped death. The group then left the Beartilde Crypt seemingly searching all of it. The group returned to Putrid Grove and reported to Francis Bedlam. The group then rested and was rudely awoken by the halfling Greirat being hung in the middle of the grove. A note on his body stated that the Vatyra had tortured Greirat and used him to find the informant Trusty Patches. The note also challenged the group to a Dance of the Four Points. The note itself was written by the Vatyra leader Queen Vatyra. Francis informed the group that the Four Points is a place where gangs fight to establish who is at the top in the Undercity. However several years ago the four most prominent gangs in the Undercity made a treaty called the Big Four treaty which established a relative peace in the Undercity. The group set out for the battle at the four points and were met by Queen Vatyra, William “The Butcher '' Brown, Ogald the leader of the Hounds, and a brawler named Eanulf. The battle was difficult with many on both sides losing their lives. Ogald was the first notable person to be killed followed by Ib the Bruiser who was killed by the Butcher. Right after that however Turngut charged over and smashed in the Butcher’s head like a watermelon. But tragedy soon followed as Turngut was killed trying to get up to Queen Vatyra. Queen Vatyra fled and the battle was won despite terrible losses. More tragedy followed as Poppo follow Vatyra before disappearing no one knowing where he went.

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    Chapter 5: Siege of Archcliff Castle

    Soon after the battle while Nalia and BobE mourned after the body of their fallen comrade a strange woman named Vynya appeared. A woman with strange visions for the past several months has seen visions of the group as they have adventured. She even seemed to have some segmented visions of the future but the future is never certain. What was certain was that the present that the group were in was not good based on the fact that Turngut died and that Poppo had turned into a bird and disappeared. The group quickly set out trying to look for Poppo, while the Guild of Beggars took care of the bodies of Ib and Turngut. Francis Bedlam had Tinboy send word to an investigator by the name of Hurak the Hunter to help track down Poppo. After following the tracks in the sewer for a little while they soon got confusing but the hobgoblin Hurak soon appeared to assist the party in tracking Poppo’s kidnapper. The group followed the track for a while in the sewers before finding themselves in an area of the Undercity called the Barrens. Further following the tracks they found a hidden passage that led to an area of the Undercity called the Arhcliff where they saw a castle. Hurak went in to free Poppo while the rest waited outside. But suddenly Poppo and Trusty Patches who was also kidnapped by the Vatyra appeared next to the group. The group departed and went back to the Putrid Grove to see Turngut’s body. The group finally met Father Winthrop a priest of Malphas who they had heard about several times. The group had their own last moments with Turngut before they departed to drink to Turngut’s memory with some old friends at the Dancing Nomad. There Helgard von Eberich offered to assist the party in avenging Turngut. The group then returned to the Sun Temple. There BobE tried to raise Turngut from the dead, but not knowing the actual effect of the spell BobE cast animate dead raising Turngut into a skeleton. He attempted to enlist the help of Nalia and Father WIntrhop to fix his mistake but was ultimately caught by the Truchessa. Additionally having seen a vision of what BobE had done Vynya also confronted BobE. Fearing the punishment BobE fled with the skeletal Turngut leaving the city of Ark and his friends behind. In the morning Poppo and Nalia met with the Grandmaster, Signet Master, and Truchessa. They informed the two that BobE is no longer a member of the Holy Order and that they would be keeping a close eye on him if he ever returned to the city. They didn’t convict Nalia or Father Winthrop due to the Truchessa thinking it was solely BobE’s doing. The group then attended a beautiful funeral ceremony for Turngut. After the ceremony was done Vynya came to the realization that one of her many visions was happening and that a mighty planar archer would be entering the tale. The group then begins to gather allies for their attack on the Archcliff Castle. Nalia and Vynya begin to gather their old friends when they are met by a strange creature called a fetchling. The fetchling revealed himself to be Archie, a servant of Elnil, a phenomenal archer, and also quite the braggart. Poppo went to the Undercity reporting to Francis who was hesitant to help due to there being only a few remaining guild members. Poppo then went to speak to the Carver’s and after a conversation in a bath with Idrok Nernalt, the Carvers agreed to help under the condition that the Holy Order would assist in helping the Undercity after the war with Taranor Coarek was done. The group regrouped and headed to the Archcliff. There they met the leader of the Forty Thieves Peacock Lavore and Edward Pin the leader of the Red Moth Syndicate. The primary force that the group assembled attacked the force of Vatyra that came out to meet them while the group went alongside the castle in an attempt to sneak in. However the group encountered an umbral dragon, which they fought and killed. The group then moved inside taking out the archers on the wall and disabling the two catapults inside as well. The group then moved to the main keep where they fought to the two doppelganger rogues that killed Turngut and Vesuvius Blackmantle, a duergar torturer. The group then moved upstairs to fight the Queen herself. The group fought Queen Vatyra, Eanulf, and a manticore. Though the manticore and Eanulf fell, Nalia did as well. The group were able to defeat Queen Vatyra who turned to snow after she died, it was revealed that this was not the actual Queen Vatyra but a simulacrum that was running things in Enderal. After the battle the Blade of the Boreal Valley began to shutter and vibrate on the ground before snapping releases a huge amount of holy light which brought Nalia back from the dead. However the Blade of the Boreal Valley was destroyed and innerit leaving only a broken hilt. The group searched the room finding some treasure but ultimately finding a journal that explained the Vatyra’s plan to cause riots and replace influential people in the Undercity, then nobles in Ark, then eventually members of the Holy Order. The plan also detailed that they had been hired to also destroy the temples in the city by a person referred to as “T.C”. The group exited the keep and found that the battle outside was won, but at the cost of Francis Bedlam the King of Beggars. With only Tinboy and very few others left, this will likely lead to the disbanding of the Guild of Beggars.

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    Death of Turngut Ulgratch
    Life, Death

    During the Dance of the Four Points Turngut Ulgratch is killed.