Eolas Species in Vyngaard | World Anvil
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Elves of the Seas

Eolas, sometimes rudely referred to as the Kelps, are an ocean people who build large, flat ships and bind them together in cities to sail on open waters. They rarely touch land, almost only for repair and trades.   As most elves are, Sea Elves are more secluded and isolationists, taking it to a whole new level. It is not unexpected, as they are never considered guests anywhere due to their history of betrayal and isolation. Very few Eolas are ever trusted, and seeing one of land is often considered a bad omen.   Eolas live off of the ocean and what it can provide them with. They are expert divers and fishermen, using spears and tridents.

Additional Information

Geographic Origin and Distribution

Eolas colonies float along the coasts of all three contintents, though generally keeping away from the far northeast and southwest corners. They sail outwards onto open waters to explore, though always keeping close enough to land to be able to navigate back and not get lost to the sea's curses.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

Eolas take their names from their parents', mashing together their first names.
Last Names Examples: Iwalani (Iwana + Halani), Hokula (Hoku-la), Puhihale (Puhi + Iahale)   Female Name Examples: Lilinoe, Maleia, Ka'aphe, Akamai, Leonani   Male Name Examples: 'Alaneo, Hunakai, Keahi, Liko, Kaikea

Major Language Groups and Dialects

Eolas speak the Common tongue, but they have developed another simpler tongue for communicating across the waters.   Eka is a language made up out of yells, sounds, and whistles symbolising words, without the use of grammar. The words are memorized and formulated like orders. It's only used to communicate important information across ships, but in the last few decades it has been growing into a more steady language for long-term communication.   Eka is the most effective way of communication between ships without having to stop, as the yells, sounds, and whistling carries well over water.

Common Etiquette Rules

When one sails past an Eolas floating colony, it is considered rude to interact with them. They will never take on another race on their colonies, and to common knowledge, it has never happened. Instead, when a ship passes an Eolas colony, one should make eye contact if they can, and provide a respectful gesture with one's head, like a nod.   When two Eolas colonies meet, which rarely ever happens, they always stop and trade, both supplies and many people, to keep from inbreeding. One who chooses to go to another colony is sent off with much love, and is often joined by many many others, sometimes as many as hundreds.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

Hunting is the heart of the Eolas community, exploring the waters and discovering new things. They live off of the water and know it better than any others. It's rare for Eolas to interact with other cultures, and Eolas who move off of the ships and onto land are considered to have less honour and choosing the more simple life.


Eolas are one of the three elven subraces that sprung from the elves that the The Tidal Empire brought into Vyngaard from another realm across the Yngveig.

Historical Figures

'Akhai, the Storm's Gift is an Eolas who left her colony to join the navies. Though frowned upon during her youth, she is now a proud part of Eolas history.
ca 900 years
Average Height
1.8 - 2.2 m
Average Physique
With humanoid forms, they have more body fats than most other elves but have slim muscles coating their arms and legs. Dressing in tight, hanging fabrics that don't get in the way of their work, they also keep their hairs long and flowing. Eolas range in pale and cold colours, with cut cheekbones and strong jaws

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