Morskograd Settlement in Vyraj | World Anvil


Morskograd is the main port city in the Kingdom of Piast. It is located about 300 km north of Eagle's Nest at the mouth of the Vista river. The easiest get to travel between the two cities is to use the road along the river or use the river itself. Both routes are well-used by people. Morskograd is important for merchants of Eagle's Nest. It is their easiest window to the goods from the far east.


The city is surrounded by an earthen rampart with a palisade and towers on top. There are three entrances to the city, each one protected by a fortified wooden gate. Additionally, the fortifcations are surrounded by a dry moat.

Guilds and Factions

Imperial Trading Company

The traders from the far east have established a permament office in Morskograd. The Imperial Trading Company regulates all matters concerning the trade of far eastern goods. They make sure that the prices are in a reasonable range and protect customers and merchants from crooks.

Artisan and craftsmen guilds

All artisans and craftsmen of Morskograd are, similarly to other cities, organized into guilds that regulate who can perform their jobs. The guilds guarantee the quality of the products and regulate their prices.


The majority of buildings in Morskograd are single-storey buildings built of wood and thatched roofs. Only two buildings in the whole city are made from brick and stone. The first one is the town hall and the other is the building of the Imperial Trading Company.

Founding Date
1200 TE
Location under
Owning Organization

The Far East

Many, many years ago a fleet of strange ships arrived in Morskograd from the east. The ships carried immense riches. Their crews were dressed in nice uniforms decorated with golden threads. The rulers of Morskograd at the time signed a trade treaty with the guests and the guests are returning every year with more goods.

Cover image: Forest by jplenio on Pixabay


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