
Salt is a mineral commonly used in kitchens throughout Vyraj. It is used both as a taste enhancer and as food preservative. Salt is also one of the essential parts of human diet. The reasons above are why salt is a valuable commodity and control of salt mines can make people rich. Access to salt and the rights to sell it were the reasons of many conflicts in the history of the world. One such conflict was the Vavel Secession War. It started when the newly elected king of the Kingdom of Piast tried to seize the salt mines controlled by the nobility of Lesser Lechia.

History & Usage


History of salt mining goes back thousands of years. Some mines claim to have existed continuously from the time of the Istroyan Empire in the Tranquil Era. In most cases these claims are impossible to be proven.

Everyday use

  • Taste enhancer
  • Food preservative
  • Tanning

  • Refinement

    Before salt can be used for any purpose, its crystals must be refined into a powder-like form. The process is relatively simple. Blocks of salt are crushed into smaller pieces with a hammer. When ready they are reminiscent of sand crystals of varying sizes.


    Trade & Market

    Merchants buy the refined salt from the mines and distribute it to settlements. Some of the wealthier merchants and nobles sell the salt to smaller merchants with whom their share the profits.

    In towns and cities salt merchants often have their own part of the market square. In the biggest cities there even have a separate building all for themselves.


    The salt blocks are stored in bags made of thick fabric before they are refined. The refined salt is put into wooden barrels in which it is distributed to markets. There, merchants can sell the whole barrels or divide the salt into smaller containers.

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    Cover image: Forest by jplenio on Pixabay


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