A Shocking Revelation! Document in Vyrvania: City of Secrets | World Anvil

A Shocking Revelation!

Ed Thornwood sank into his father's office chair and took in his surroundings. The feelings of importance and pride he now felt at taking over from his father as ruler of Vyrvania. He never imagined that this day would come, as vampyrs, especially pure-blood stock were thought to live for eternity and his father had already been the founder and ruler of Vyrvania for over 1000 years! He experienced a momentary pang of melancholy as he was reminded of the reason he was taking the seat of his father. The tragic and mysterious death of his mother.   He quickly brushed the pensive feelings aside and began looking for his father's schedule. There seemed to be no sign of a diary on top of the desk so he began to look in the drawers underneath it. He found the diary in the furthest drawer to the right. When he picked it up he found a letter penned on pink paper stuck to the underside of it. He peeled it away from the diary and placed both items on top of the desk. Ed wasn't sure he should look at the letter as the pink paper suggested communication of a personal nature. But he couldn't imagine that his father would keep something like that in his office so he unfolded the letter and read the delicately handwritten words.   See letter!
by Kat Chiron in Canva
Letter Text
Dearest Paramour,   I am sorry to bother you after our little encounter, but I have something I must let you know. I totally understand if you cannot engage with this news at present, but I thought it only right that you are aware. You see, I have found out I am with child, and there is no-one else that I have been that close to. The child must be yours. I really hope that you can advise me on the best course of action in this situation.   Yours hopefully,   A
    What was this that he'd just read? Surely this couldn't be written to his father. Maybe it was something to do with that scoundrel brother of his Joseph. Yes that must be it. His father would be making sure that the family name wasn't tarnished. So now that job fell to Ed. He would make sure that Joseph was pulled into line...  
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Ed has got it wrong, his father is the 'paramour' of this letter and the repercussions will change the course of history.
This article is a work in progress!
by Kat Chiron in Canva (TerryJ)
Text, Letter


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