Kymera Starr

Kymera Starr AKA The Fortune Seeker is a seasoned traveller of The Enchanted Realms, until she became stuck in Vyrvania when the portal closed fifteen years ago.  
by Kat Chiron in Canva (Nick_Pandevonium)
No-one really knows much about her, but there are plenty of rumours that she is a vampyr-faery-witch super hybrid, which is in fact, closer to the truth than people realise. She is actually a Chimera (an individual whose cells are derived from a variety of different beings), hence her first name of Kymera, and Starr comes from her origins, as a shooting star was part of her creation. The star essence makes her a super chimera, enhancing the abilities she has.
She is now on her third morph, the first was in the earthly realm where she was born, and the second and third in the faery realm. A morph happens every 200 years and she is due to morph again in five years time. Hence, she needs to make sure that the portal is re-opened, so she can return to the Chimera haven in the faery world. At the haven she can safely morph in the presence of the few known chimera, and who will understand her needs and offer guidance during the transition.
A chimera morphing at Chimera haven. by Kat Chiron in Canva (Hal Moran; kmatija)
  SInce being stuck in Vyrvania she has set up home in The Arcane Quarter. It is a small abode that houses her workshop and living area on the ground floor and a bedroom and bathroom on the first floor. In her workshop she works on various jobs and acquisitions. These are usually artifacts that no-one else is able to fathom. Through this line of work she has acquired many useful tools and items of extreme rarity, as well as a small fortune.   As the story unfolds Kymera is drafted in to help solve the mystery of the My Darling Garrick letter, as Garrick Thornwood knows if anyone can find his wife, The Fortune Seeker can.
This article is a work in progress!
Current Location
Currently Boarded Vehicle
3 morphs
Shoulder-length, mid-brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
140 Ibs
Character Portrait image: by Kat Chiron in Canva (powerofforever)


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