Mind Control Language in Vyrvania: City of Secrets | World Anvil

Mind Control

Mind control is a natural ability of the Vampyr people. Other supernatural beings can also use mind control but only if they have access to powerful magic.   There are many levels of ability of mind control and all 'pure-bloods' and 'true-bloods' enhance their ability and learn about the regulations on how mind control can be used during there university years.  
The university is run by the Dean, Byron Elsworthy who is an expert-level mind controller and has overseen the training of hundreds of mind control teachers. Each teacher then goes on to teach thousands of students. Students then have to attend a refresher course every fifty years.

The Dean, Byron Elsworthy by Kat Chiron in Canva (Andrew Poplavsky)

  All students start at the Basic-level, learning to control their initially chaotic minds and then practicing manipulating their fellow students under strict instructions and supervision.   Once they have mastered the basic-level they move on to Intermediate-level, learning the art of gentle mind control (whereby the person being manipulated is not aware of it) and the ability to manipulate small groups. At this stage they also learn the regulations before being let out into the wider world.  
The regulations are as follows:
  • No vampyr should use mind control on another vampyr for illegal, criminal or abusive purposes.
  • Mind control must only be practiced at a vampyr's current designated level.
  • Every vampyr citizen must attend a refresher course every fifty years. If they do not complete this they will be demoted.
  •   Expert-level mind controllers are few and far between. Those that are currently expert-level in the overworld of Vyrvania are The Thornwood family, Byron Elsworthy and a handful of noble vampyr. This is a deliberate limitation to enable peace and control to be maintained.   However, it is not known how many expert-level mind controllers there may be in the underworld and is therefore not regulated there. It is rumoured that Cassius Roman combined his expert-level mind control with a glamor to seduce an important noble vampyr woman.

    Cover image: by Kat Chiron in Canva


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