My Darling Garrick Document in Vyrvania: City of Secrets | World Anvil

My Darling Garrick

Garrick Thornwood sat at his old Rosewood desk. He looked over the letter again. the letter that said his late wife, the beautiful first lady, Serafina, was still alive. Her death 15 years ago had been the most earth-shattering thing he had experienced in his thus far, immortal existence. Who would play such a cruel trick on him now...
by Kat Chiron in Canva
He looked again. It still made no sense. He turned the letter over. It was then he caught a glimpse of the silvery lines of a pencil-written message. Could it really be from his wife?

Letter text
My Darling Garrick, They've hidden me away from you for so long. Please believe that you can find me! Endless Love Serafina xxx

But it must be her... As only 'she' knew that they called their love endless.   He called through to his secretary.   "Ask Joseph to come to my office, and..", he paused, "and find me the Fortune Seeker, tell her I want to speak with her urgently".   Garrick knew that his son Joseph had his ear to the ground, so would know or be able to find out if there was any truth in this mysterious note or if there were any interesting rumblings from certain factions. And the Fortune Seeker, was an experienced tracker and had an almost omniscient knowledge about everything going on in the Realms, given the right price!   If Serafina was to be found, he would find her!

Historical Details


Serafina Thornwood was thought to have died during the Blood Wrath Moon. As there was no evidence of an abduction, nobody has been looking for her for the 15 years since her supposed death. This note could change everything! If Serafina is found and reinstated as First Lady, there would be no succession to Grand Arch Vampyr for her son Ed, and would her daughter Serena now be able to achieve 'pure-blood' status?
Text, Letter

Cover image: by Kat Chiron in Canva


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Jul 17, 2023 19:16 by Molly Marjorie

The thick plottens... I love the mystery here. And I have to wonder if Ed is involved...

Check out Natural Magic : a coming of age fantasy novel, because life is hard enough when you're fourteen, even without saving the world. Or listen to it in podcast form .
Jul 18, 2023 10:38 by Kat Chiron

Hehe...thank you! I think they all have secrets that will come out eventually... ;)

⚙️See my WorldEmber Homework 2023   ⚒️Watch me build Merlin's Gate   ✍️Visit my Author page
Aug 9, 2023 04:09 by Kat Sanders

This is magnificent. I love the mystery and intrigue. If only Garrick gets his wife back. I don't know these characters and I'm already rooting for Garrick and Serafina's endless love.

Aug 9, 2023 21:11 by Kat Chiron

Thank you for the lovely's made my day! :D   I'm hoping to write their story after all the Summer Camp challenges are out of the way. <3

⚙️See my WorldEmber Homework 2023   ⚒️Watch me build Merlin's Gate   ✍️Visit my Author page