The Exiles

The Exiles is the umbrella term for The Banished, Half-blood shifters and revenants, whom have been exiled from the main city of Vyrvania and retreated to The Underworld. The Shadow Prince, Cassius Roman has taken them under his wing and exploited their talents and powers for his own ends, all in return for safety and sustenance.  

The Banished

by Kat Chiron in Canva (Ann H)

The Banished are true-blood vyrvanians that have fallen out of favour with Garrick Thornwood. Misdemeanours range from threats to bring down The Thornwood Dynasty to fraternizing with shifters. Twelve of the Banished were nobles and led by Cassius Roman became The Shadow Syndicate. This syndicate oversees The Underworld and it's aim to one day overthrow The Thornwood rulership in the overworld. The twelve each concentrate on a different area of leadership and are expert in different powers and talents. Other banished take care of training and overseeing distribution of goods and commodities.  

The Half-blood shifters

The Half-blood shifters are the off-spring of shifters and vampyrs. Relationships and intercourse between vampyrs and other supernatural beings is outlawed in the overworld of Vyrvania. Garrick Thornwood believes that vampyr blood-lines will be weakened and spread disease amongst them if hybrid children are created. Hybrid shifters can also be more powerful and dangerous if their abilities are honed.  

by Kat Chiron in Canva (zegers06)


The Revenants

by Kat Chiron in Canva (Christian Rentiera)

The Revenants were thought to be primal instinctual beings feeding off the blood of other vampyrs and virtually extinct after the events that happened at The Crossroads Inn. But when Cassius Roman fled to the Underworld he found a small group of Revenants that had survived their attempted eradication. He also found that he could read their minds and that they were more aware than everyone realised and had advanced psionic abilities. Over time Cassius was able to learn to communicate with them and offered them safe haven in return for the use of their abilities when needed. There is a rumour that Cassius also has an intimate relationship with one of the revenants known as 'Dark Mariah'.


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