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North of Bukana, lies the large continent of Jiāyuán (CHOW-yen). The dominant cultures of this place are often called the “Mountain Folk,” named for the geography of their lands and their reverence for their sacred peaks. The largest of these people are the Yudiuans and Ryami, as well as the nearby cultures of Sanji (sahn-JEE) and Tonbo Islands (tahn-BO). Shape-changing fox-people called ninetails are said to walk among humans in these lands. Throughout Jiayuan, people of other ethnolinguistic groups can also be found. In particular, ages ago, migrants from Zamatos settled the southeastern shores of the continent and spread inland. The Guldurma Basin (gool-der-MAH) is the largest area that is currently populated by Zamatosian descendents. It is a desert surrounded by mountains and a major caravan route has helped to make its oasis-states quite wealthy. From the Ekhoron (EHK-hoh-rahn) Plateau in the center of Jiayuan, nomadic horselords raid outlying settlements of Yudiguo and Guldurma. These hunter-gatherers worship an all-powerful sky god and live in accord with the land.
Alternative Name(s)
The Jadelands
Included Organizations
Inhabiting Species

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