Zamatos is a largely dry portion of the Umhlaba continent that is dominated by mountainous plateaus surrounded by various types of deserts. The only large fertile basin here is home to the Tawana Empire, the spiritual capital of the Amethyst Church. This religion believes that many of the gods who mortals worship are, in fact, aspects of a single, forgotten entity of divine order. From here, companies of warriors are trained for combat in order to protect the constantly departing missionaries sent to find and catalog rediscovered facets of the Lawful One.
In fundamental opposition to their Efrit kin and their Amethyst Empire allies, stands the clans of Shayatin fire elves. These folk see the world as inherently chaotic and brutal. Led by their Ghul masters, they travel in the wake of the Amethyst crusades, bringing embattled people and their destructive gods into their fold.