Brackish Taro

Brackish Taro is the general term for a family of root vegetables that are tolerant of "brackish" or partly-saline wetland areas, such as lagoons and inland seas. Given the frequency of these ecosystems on a waterworld-type plane, they are a staple crop across much of Waking Materia. Brackish taro is a hybrid, created by the inter-pollination of several different species.  


The nigh-apocalyptic devastation of the Deluge caused a thousand harms to the unsuspecting plane of Waking Materia. One of the most virulent effects, following the initial carnage, was a substantial drop in the amount of arable land, forcing most Waking cultures to adapt their agricultural methods or starve. One major boon to the plane has been the practice of hybridizing crops, where the qualities of two parents of different types are combined in the offspring.  


The first recorded examples of hybridized breeding are on the continent of Rhosgobel, Voidward of Broken Empire, where the local Halfling population began experimenting with breeds of taro root, a plant they already knew to have diverse cultivars. With some effort, the Rhosgobelish farmers were able to discover combinations that yielded hybrid vigour in more saline conditions, meaning the offspring were superior to their parents in terms of plant weight and yield. This discovery revolutionized farming on the swampy, partially submerged continent, and the methods have since spread across the quadrant.

In terms of plant breeding, Materia is now well ahead of its average technological level; some Materian breeds of fruit & vegetable even carry high prices on interplanar markets.  


Brackish taro is a versatile vegetable that lends itself to all manner of culinary styles. The root vegetable is largely used in much the same way potatoes or yams are in other cultures. There are some breeds that have a slightly sweet taste and may be prepared with added sweeteners like honey or syrup, or blended into sugary drinks.
Rhosgobelish brackish taro, with its characteristic light pink colour.
A Maraian ink drawing of a traditional taro plant.


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Aug 18, 2024 20:04

The pictures in this article are really gorgious. It sounds exactly like the sort of vegetable I'd love to cook with. I wonder if there are any more vegetables that have been bred for this harsh environment?

Aug 18, 2024 20:55 by Alan Byers

Likely many since the need is so high on such a flooded, waterworld-type plane! It was a neat subject that gave me more ideas to write about. Thank you for stopping by!