
The Red Elves, Wood Elves, Grandchildren of Eventide

Variably called red elves or wood elves some cultures, the eladrin are a species of Meranthic (mixed human-elven) humanoid.

Eladrin of Waking Materia are thought to be children of Ahm's Second Aspect, the Swords of of Eventide.

Eladrin societies were once so frequent in the forested continents of Central Materia (Alanthan'aluwan in the Old Tongue) that the plane could have been considered primarily elven. Then came the Deluge, and what was once Alanthan’aluwan is now The Sunken Expanse. The eladrin were decimated. Only traveling merchants, dignitaries, and the occasional wood elf society on the plane’s peripheries were spared.

Nonetheless, these long-lived people have done all within their power to maintain their beliefs and customs; new, smaller eladrin civilizations have been carved out over the last few centuries, however things are not as they once were. Eladrin continue to visit Alanthan’aluwan in their dreams, and wake in mourning.  


  See also: Eladrin Image Gallery (External)  


There is one major and one minor eladrin civilization remaining on Materia. The sub-archipelago of The Broken Empire known as Ilhalvalaut was in an area sheltered from the Deluge's tsunamis by the main continent, and is now a thriving, relatively advanced society with a deep well of historical knowledge.

The Rakuyōsei, on the other hand, are only a handful of tribes displaced from their ancestral lands after losing a centuries-long war with the drow over control of the Emerald Expanse to the west of Marai.



Many human historians would be shocked to know that one of the primary lineages of the mighty First Age Kelpeater Empire, known as Heartlanders in Old Egwithian, are mainly the direct ancestors of the eladrin, not humans. Humans were present in the interplanar empire as well, but were a smaller minority who fared better against the Deluge due to their preference for highland and alpine habitats.


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