Kung Fu

Kung fu or gongfū is an ancient term, possibly even imported from off-plane, meaning 'divine technique' or 'divine methods'. It describes styles of unarmed martial arts that are divinely guided by the Material Gods, usually because they developed or used the style in mortal life.

There are eight major schools of kung fu found on Waking Materia, which divine theorists in Marai and Khayyam believe are reflective of the Eight-Pointed Soul that lies within all beings, analogous to eight different forces "pulling" on our souls at a given time, and thus eight domains in which we must achieve inner balance. These forces are often represented both by a cardinal direction as well as a Quintessential element.

The divine arts are listed thus:


Mountain Gales Style

Mountain Gales employs a delicate hand for deflecting and manipulating attacks (the gales), and immense leg strength for a sturdy stance and powerful kicks (the mountain) to punish openings.

Other names: Wingchun, Steady Guidance
Divine Grand Master: The Lady of the Mountain
Cardinal direction: North
Element: Earth

Culmination of physicality, opposed by Void


Void Mind Style

It teaches that once material desires are overcome, one sees the world (including one’s opponent) in a calm and unbiased manner, allowing practicioners to predict outcomes accurately and respond appropriately. Practicioners aim, if possible, not to kill their opponents, and fight in a way that instructs rather than punishes.

Other names: Mūnoken, Crane Style, Empty Head Style, Blind Beggar Style
Divine Grand Master: Kagemitsu (Uhrmazd), The Field Marshal
Cardinal direction: South
Element: Void

Culmination of Void or aphysicality, opposed by earth


Inner Fire Style

Arguably the most visually impressive style of kung fu, practicioners shape their lifeforce (ki) into external, kinetic energies with which they strike their opponents. The methods are compared to primal magic sourced from the earth, sea and sky (of which our own lifeforce is a part!). V'Shaat adapted these methods from the ancient arts of Tong Deum, taught to her by Galadnock mac-Kenzie.

Other names: Senjutsu, Kijutsu, Twelve Zodiacs Style, Tong Deum
Divine Grand Masters: V'Shaat, Galadnock mac-Kenzie
Cardinal direction: East
Element: Fire

Culmination of bright chaos (soul), opposed by cold/night/stagnation


Welcoming Gesture Style

Satsujinken a brutal martial art that specializes in painful and debilitating point strikes, often used to debilitate and humiliate their opponents before victory. Sometimes called Mantis Style due to the raised arms and pointed hands of its core stance.

Other names: Satsujinken, Mantis Style, Miezaru Tekken
Divine Grand Masters: Asphodel
Cardinal direction: West
Element: Cold

Culmination of cold/control/stagnation, opposed by bright chaos (soul)


Drunken Fist Style

Drunken Fist is centred around subversion of the opponent’s expectations, leading to seemingly random methods, often described as “masterful chaos”. Though not usually considered a "respectable" style to most clans, Drunken Fist is popular in the the major population centres of Marai and the Broken Empire as it's a consistent trump card in bar fights.

Other names: Zuiquan, Monkey Style, Variegated Fist, Dancing Swallow
Divine Grand Masters: Silas, Behemoth
Cardinal direction: South-west
Element: Wind, Shadow

Culmination of cleverness, wisdom in silence, trickery, opposed by light/honour


Dawn Celebration Style

As its name implies, Shaolin is a vital and athletic art, even appearing celebratory, like a festival dance. The techniques are often complimented by holy techniques that channel divine magic into healing hands or energy projections, which only add to the show.

Other names: Shaolin, Divine Admonishing Palm, Eight Directions of Sun's Gleam, Eight Trigram Staff
Divine Grand Masters: Amaterasu (Aios)
Cardinal direction: South-east
Element: Light, Vitaliy, Honour

Culmination of bright presence, clarity and honour; opposed by silence and trickery


Meandering River Fist Style

Meandering River Fist is a graceful art which deflects and reverses the opponent's strength rather than overpowering them. It is taught in a simple but unusual way: students are attacked briefly but frequently by their teachers, often by surprise. Bruises heal and their memories revisit, until they gain a preternatural familiarity with aggression, moving it about calmly like a valley moves water.

Other names: Taiji, Shadow Boxing
Divine Grand Masters: Saint Frances Heronseye, Ranarim
Cardinal direction: North-east
Element: Water, Life

Culmination of defense/philosophy, opposed by aggression/instinct


Assassination Fist Style

Void of grace or artfulness, Ansatsuken is a potent style that focuses on sudden, powerful, decisive strikes, causing maximal damage as efficiently as possible.

Other names: Bajiquan, Ansatsuken, Hakkyokuken
Divine Grand Masters: The Crimson Serenity
Cardinal direction: North-west
Element: Salt, Death
Culmination of aggression/instinct, opposed by defense/philosophy
Banner art credit: Will Murai, Eisuke Ogura, Ikeno Daigo, Magali Villeneuve

Cover image: by Will Murai, Eisuke Ogura, Ikeno Daigo, Magali Villeneuve


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