The Catastrophe of Hundredfjord

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Generic article | Oct 14, 2024

The Catastrophe of Hundredfjord is a particularly feared Kaiju named for its most infamous terrestrial attack on the island of Hundredfjord, to the Voideast of Valamon. It is also called Old Plateback due to its curved, armour-plated backside.

The Catastrophe is a member of the Benthic Titans, a sort of pantheon of demigodlike kaiju, considered stronger, more intelligent, more aggressive or otherwise more problematic than "normal" sea monsters. It is so classified because of its confirmed ability to confront onslaughts by some of the most powerful monster hunters in the Delta Quadrant. During its famed attack on Hundredfjord it was only driven back by not one but three elite teams, each backed by a small army: one group of cedas of The Stormlords (themselves the demigods of, among other things, monster hunting), one group of Dragon Knights of Tallarax and one of the V'Shaatian Anzu Riders of Tel. Among each there were several major casualties, representing a great blow to modern heroism on the plane.

Old Plateback is a popular subject of worship among the cults of the Queen of the Kaiju, Ob'Silexia, especially around the Valamonian region where expectations of future attacks represent a major aspect of their vile scriptures.


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Oct 15, 2024 22:43

Well, that is a scary kaiju! I'd rather eat a shrimp-like creature than being eaten!