The Edda of Saint Ajora

The Edda of Saint Ajora is a collection of manuscripts thought to be the final writings of (depending on which theologian you ask) either a lone Saint Ajora or both Ninalta & Saint Ajora. Most accept it as both, as the writings take sometimes drastic swerves in tone, from sombre, priestly treatises on the moral failings of a people that deserve an eternal night to the drunken ramblings of a young girl inconsolable at the abandonment of her goddess, during The Darkest Decade.

Since the Edda discusses the Ten Year Winter in a contemporary style, it was likely written prior to her ascension to Material godhood.

What is claimed to be the original manuscript is located in Arnhem Priory, on the island of Aukslanding in Æthermark.
Manuscript, Religious

Cover image: by Maxfield Parrish


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