The Ruskansmøt

The Ruskansmøt (Valamonian: "Landsmoot" or "Landscontest") is a highly unique religious-political ritual wherein the next Ruskandireij (rus-KAN-dee-ray; "Landschosen") is chosen to rule the Delta Quadrant nation of Valamon. Though the nation has a rudimentary constitution ensuring certain basic rights to its citizenry, the trials of the Ruskansmøt give the Ruskandireij a divine mandate to rule, and she is rarely questioned. This method made Valamon one of the more stable nations during the chaos of the Second Age, following the near-apocalyptic Deluge. It is said the Ruskansvels ("Ruskan's Blessing") was indeed gifted to Valamon for this very purpose.  

The Ruskandireij

The Ruskandireij (sometimes shortened to Ruskan) is a sort of warrior queen and divine font of the Lady of the Mountain, goddess of stone, might, protection and remembrance. Though not an outright avatar of the Lady, the the trials of the Ruskansmøt do seem to impart some level of divine, earth-aspected power to the victor. Many historical Ruskandireij are already members of the Church of Stone, though this is not mandatory and the records list some secular noblewomen, come-from-behind "nobodies" and cultural outsiders as well. The process is blind to everything but victory in the trials.  

The Ruskansmøt

The moot itself is a complex and grueling combination of athletics, combat and mental acuity. In one section, each candidate is given a small army of real, inexperienced citizens to train over the course of a week then command in battle. Combatants are given weapons covered in paint-soaked rags to show the hits scored.

There are of course duels: a popular one is a sport called Kronfall-Boxing, wherein contestants rapidly alternate between boxing and playing each other at a game of Kronfall ("Crown-fall", a strategic board game meant to emulate armies at war). The intent of this game is to test mental acuity in the face of physical exhaustion. Another contest is a simple duel with preferred weaponry.

Thirdly, there are a variety of verbal contests: debates between candidates, question-and-answer periods, prepared speeches and the like.  


There are three groups of judges: 1. the out-going Ruskandireij; 2. a group of religious leaders and trade barons, and 3. a group of randomly-chosen citizens. Though officially equally-weighted, the second group tends to try and anticipate the out-going leader's preference and match theirs to curry favour. Scores across all contests are collated and a victor is chosen to great fanfare and sometimes weeks' worth of festivity.  


It is said that this method of rulership is a blessing by Lady of the Mountain upon Valamon during the nigh-apocalyptic devastation of the Deluge. Official histories state the Lady saw the compassion and nobility of Valamonians in their attempts to rescue and house survivors from across the plane, and so blessed them with greater societal stability as best she could. Indeed, the victor of the trials does come into a certain amount of stone-aspected divine power, indicating there may be some truth to this. The Lady is, as always, silent on the matter.

It is possible Valamon was chosen in particular because the Lady's current incarnation at the time was once a mortal Valamonian, who took pity on her homeland. Many noble houses have competing claims that their most celebrated knights or warrios was that person.
    Music: A famous Valamonian folk song celebrating the coronation of a new Ruskandireij.

The Ruskansmøt

Religious, political

Early Second Age (apocryphal)


Lady of the Mountain


Left: The legendary, nameless mountain from which the Lady takes her name. It's location and even appearance are unknown but it is nonetheless a popular subject in art.

Centre: Sigarda the Salty, fourteenth Ruskandireij, sitting the throne. Behind her is a mural of the Lady's legendary mountain range.

Right: A Second Age painting of Ninurišalga, the Lady of the Mountain.

Profile: Gundula the Gladhanded, thirty-first Ruskandireij.


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