
Vierix Xandalphon was a historian, orator, poet, dilletante, athlete, Lichlord and Colonial God of The New Rozsan Empire, in the First Age of Waking Materia.


Appearance & Heraldry

Generally portrayed as a handsome, muscular, light-complexioned man with a strong dislike of clothing.

See also: Vierix Xandalphon Image Gallery (External)



Accounts on this Lichlord are varied and less agreed-upon by Scholars of the Canon, painting the picture of a man possessed of either great subtlety or great eccentricity, with erratic loyalties and indefinable politics.

In actual fact Xandalphon was an avatar of the first local ascendant and goddess of night Asphodel, acting as a mole within the empire that was decimating her nation-cult at the time. Whether the Night Lady was ever successful in exacting revenge on her subjects’ killers is unclear; certainly Nireau would undergo a series of sharp declines in the coming centuries, however it’s difficult to prove what of that was Asphodel’s holy work.



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