The Ap'shetran Era of Sovereign Iyō

Political event


After Godlord Io'a's assassination and a string of weak leaders, the vibrant but feral Iyō would stagnate for a few centuries. However around 400 I.M. rulership fell to a previously obscure but brilliant Queen Regent named Ap'shetra of Saulot. She appears to have achieved Lichdom, whereupon she would rule for nearly four centuries until her ascension to local demigodhood and abandonment of her rule, around 766 I.M., whereupon the nation rapidly fell as its predecessor did. Nonetheless under Ap'shetra's rule, Iyō experienced an explosion of prosperity, modernization and territorial expansion, both into proto-Marai on one front and Alanthan'aravaut on the other. Much of the surviving art, literature and architecture of Iyō comes from the Ap'shetran Dynastic Period.

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Emerald Expanse
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