Bentrice Hornraven

CHARACTER: Bentrice Hornraven   SEX: Male   Race: human   Class: king/sorcerer   Age: 75 (deceased)   Bentrice Hornraven succeeded his father and took the throne of Vreidston in 3076 AW. Magic use was quite common in Vreidston at the time, without restriction. Though Vreidston was already a mighty city, Bentrice always lusted after further power. He studied necromancy as a less popular but more potent magic. He believed if he could raise an army of the dead, he would have an army that knows no fear or emotion, and could be unstoppable.   Near the end of his life, Bentrice took to locking himself in his tower for weeks at a time and his family knew that he was up to something terrible. Bentrice took the vast knowledge he had obtained and forged a powerful ring designed to resurrect and control the dead. This ring, he believed, would make Vreidston the most powerful nation and expand his kingdom, possibly across the world. He named it The Vreidstone.   When he finally came out of his tower with his new powerful artifact, his family knew he had lost his mind and could not be saved. A struggle ensued, which killed Bentrice's own wife. He immediately used the ring to bring his wife back; a lifeless corpse now animated. He did not see this as a problem but his son, Salmon, was enraged.   Salmon battled his powerful father, with the aid of three companions: a tiefling wizard named Sharia Kriest, an elf ranger named Tolin Stormcrow, and a dwarf paladin named Gunnar Goldheart. Together, the four defeated Bentrice. The Vreidstone was locked away in the family vault.


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