
Brimmhammer   Established: 0098 AW   Population: 180,000   Military Strength: 25,000   Predominant Race: Dwarf   Authority: King Brom Stonehand   The largest single population in Wallencia is unseen and underground. The dwarves in Brimmhammer have almost twice the population of Vreidston or Krellmar. Within the Dwarf Haven Mountains is a massive dwarf city. The mountains are ripe with veins of gold and silver, and the finest forges in the land are found in Brimmhammer. There are sections of the city specifically designed for housing visitor and open commerce, and the mines work day and night to export raw ore. For dwarves, this is paradise. And with the legions of dwarves residing in the mines, their numbers are hidden. But should they beckon the call to war, the dwarves of Brimmhammer have the numbers to vanquish their enemies.


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