Dalos Bay

Dalos Bay   Established: 0492 AW   Population: 15,000   Military Strength: 2,000   Predominant Race: Human   Authority: Governor Talesin Knox   Dalos Bay is the northern-most town in Wallencia, resting along the western shore in the shadow of the Great Ridge of the Forbidden Lands. Mostly comprised of fishermen and sailors, and their families, Dalos Bay maintains a quiet, small town feel, despite growing in population and being a major point of import/export.   Clifton Lighthouse shines the way for traveling vessels, as fishmongers crowd the many docks of the bay. The weather is always breezy, with summers that stay relatively comfortable but winters that can be a bit harsh. While considered a human town, the people are very open-minded and mix with others well. Citizens include human, dwarf, elf, gnome, halfling and mixed breeds.


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