
Elevere   Established: 0019 AW   Population: 12,000   Military Strength: 3,000   Predominant Race: Elf   Authority: Lord Polaris Silverwind   Located in the Elevere Forest between Ovton and North Haven, Elevere is known to be a quiet, almost secretive, home for High Elves. They are welcoming to visitors, but do not invite them to stay very often. Elevere seeks to maintain a connection to nature, refusing much the "modern comforts" of the big cities. Many great warriors and adventurers have come from green forests of Elevere; perhaps most notably, the great war hero, Oman Starfire who was formerly Lord over Elevere until his untimely death in 3304 AW.   The elves of Elevere seek little from the peoples outside of their forests, but they are often first to lend aid to those in need as nearly every great war since Wallencia was established has featured soldiers from Elevere. Generally speaking, they are quite friendly to outsiders, but are not to be crossed if one is wise. They are quite self-sufficient, work hard and live off the land. Strong family and community roots yet individuals are not afraid to travel and seek adventure .   Elevere experiences all four seasons, yet due to thick tree-cover, winters tend to be mild and summers never too hot.   It has long been rumored that a doorway to the fey realm is located somewhere within the Elevere Forest, but also rumored to only be accessible to those with fey blood; therefore, none of the local residents knows its exact location.


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