Glovan - Volnag

CHARACTER: Glovan   SEX: Male   Race: human   Class: sorcerer   Age: unknown   Glovan, also known as Volnag Archer, is of unknown origins. The people who have lived in Red Leaf for most of their lives remember Volnag as a strange hermit of a man who lived alone on the outskirts of town. His reclusiveness lead to many odd rumors about him. In 3281 AW, the land rights of the Star Spire Temple changed hands, and Volnag found himself the owner. For some time, he kept up the temple's sanctity, but people slowly began to notice his dark demeanor coming out more.   In 3311, Volnag did the unthinkable and locked himself inside the temple, no longer allowing visitors inside. Or at least, it seemed he was locked insideā€¦   At this time, there was some despair happening in Jacklight Grove, as the animal resources dwindled rapidly and unexplainable. A sorcerer by the name of Glovan showed up and said that he could fix their problems but at a cost. The villagers drove him away, but over the next year, thinks got worse and worse. Glovan returned, and the people listened. He wanted the right to take one individual away with him, every couple of months, to dedicate to his cult. The new followers would be either a child or woman, chosen at random, and would be taken in the night. He formed a stone covenant that the people signed, but the language written in stone was arcane speech that they could not read. They became strapped by Glovan, unable to leave the edge of Deepwood forest. The animal population came back, as he said, but the citizens became fewer as women and children would occaionally go missing, and with increasing frequency. And even worse, the same situation was occurring in the nearby towns of Korda and Willowdale.   Twenty years after the Star Spire temple closed, the doors were opened again and Volnag Archer, now withered with age, returned to Red Leaf. He gave the land rights to the people of Red Leaf but warned of the dangerous creatures within. He claimed that he had experimented with dark magic and awakened evil beasts inside. Ursualla Verde was beckoned home and she heard his final confessions before he died. Volnag was buried near his original farm house, and Ursulla called forth and formed The Nameless Ones. Kross, Raven and Gin went into the temple and cleared out the creatures inside, cleansing the Star Spire Temple to be open to visitors again.   Not long after, they made their way to Jacklight Grove and discovered the secrets of Glovan and the covenant. They found their way into Glovan's secret lair in the Korda mountains, and did battle with the sorcerer and his minions. Glovan had been sacrificing children to a great demon, and keeping the women as slaves for the purpose of breeding and continuing his bloodline. In the end, Glovan escaped but the covenants were shattered, freeing the people of Jacklight Grove, Korda and Willowdale. Celebration was had, children and women set free and borders were opened. The Nameless Ones returned to Red Leaf and established a headquarters. When they did so, Ursulla took them to see a shocking discovery she had made. The grave where Volnag had been laid to rest had been disturbed, the dirt pushed out from the inside, and the grave marker had Volnag's name scratched out, with the words "Glovan has risen" scratched in its place.


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