Gunnar Goldheart

CHARACTER: Gunnar Goldheart   SEX: Male   Race: dwarf   Class: paladin   Age: 72 (deceased)   In the Goldheart family, first-born sons are consecrated to Moradin as Paladins. Gunnar Goldheart was famed as one of the greatest in this family line, wielding both sword and magic with ease. Gunnar had many great exploits with his companions but perhaps most notable was helping Salmon Hornraven defeat his power-mad father, King Bentrice Hornraven. Bentrice had formed a powerful ring of necromantic power, known as the Vreidstone. With the help of Salmon, as well as traveling companions, Sharia and Tolin, Gunnar fought the sorcerer king.   When the final strike was necessary, and Salmon could not deliver a killing blow to his father, Gunnar performed the impossible and opened a portal in the very center of Bentrice's body and immediately closing it, sending nearly half of Bentrice's body into another dimension. This act is legendary and never seen before, nor since. But Gunnar gave all the credit to Moradin.   Gunnar assisted Salmon in returning order to the kingdom of Vreidston and then parted ways with his friend to continue adventuring with the others. His saga could fill an entire hall of books.


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