
Krellmar   Established: 0163 AW   Population: 100,000   Military Strength: 10,000   Predominant Race: Human   Authority: King Terrion Skold   Krellmar is the southern-most city of Wallencia and it has a reputation for being cold and strong. The winters in Krellmar are brutal and have resulted in the strong staying alive and breeding stronger children. People further north in Wallencia joke "Ah Krellmar, where the men are men, and so are the women". Despite the jokes, Krellmar is known for some of the most powerful and vicious warriors in the world. Close to the tundras on the southern tip of the continent, Krellmar sits between 2 rivers; the Ice River and the Artisan River. Their proximity to Bleeker's Ridge puts them in constant battle with the orcs of Sslaag. Krellmar is home to one of Wallencia's more legendary warriors; the barbarian, Commander @Gin. Krellmarian soldiers are said to laugh at death.   Krellmar is another territory that allows for legal slavery, especially with orcs. Orc slaves are treated particularly cruel. Aside from soldiers, Krellmar has a major city infrastructure and economy. Life is cold here, but the job market is similar to any large human settlement.


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