Levin Ameritus

CHARACTER: Levin Ameritus   SEX: Male   Race: elf   Class: ranger   Age: 47   Levin Ameritus is a skilled ranger, tracker and warrior who grew up in Splendia. He was only a teenager when he joined the military just in time to fight in the War of the Long Shore. He was very green but had the skills to fight and the respect to listen to authority. During the war, he was sent to Ovton where he served under the leadership of Oman Starfire. Oman saw some strength in Levin and took the lad under his wing. Together, they took down many of the great hobgoblins that attacked the shore. He spent some of the war in Arwahl as well, fighting along-side General Luther Anvilson.   After the war, Levin came home to Splendia and continued to serve the military as one of Lady Luna's guardsmen. At age 35, he married a beautiful fellow soldier named Tara. In 3326 AW, Tara was on patrol in the Dragon Spine Mountains when her troop was ambushed by goblins. A lucky arrow found its way through Tara's throat, killing her.   After mourning, Levin decided to step down from action. There were no wars to fight and Levin needed time away from violence. Lady Luna asked him to act as one of Splendia's hosts that greet and escort visiting politicians and people of importance. Levin accepted and has been living a quiet life since.


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