Luther Anvilson

CHARACTER: Luther Anvilson   SEX: Male   Race: dwarf   Class: fighter/war hero   Age: 70   General Luther Anvilson has a history steeped in both glory and tragedy. At a young age, he moved from the mountain city of Brimmhammer to the coastal city of Arwahl. Young Luther enjoyed the diversity of the city and grew to love Arwahl. As a teenager, he decided to do his part and joined the military. Luther proved to be strong and wise and moved quickly through the ranks. By the time the War of the Long Shore began, Luther was leading his own battalion.   Luther was a hero of that war, standing side by side with the likes of Oman Starfire and influencing young soldiers like Levin Ameritus. The city of Arwahl honored Luther as one of their greatest champions, and he was promoted to General. It was around this time that he met his wife, Garia, another dwarf from Brimmhammer. They tried to start a family, but Garia could not conceive.   In 3309 AW, Luther and Garia decided they were ready for a simpler life. They moved away to Jacklight Grove, where Luther built his house and his forge, becoming the town blacksmith. Life was good for Luther and Garia, until a Glovan came and the town council gave into his demands. Luther and Garia found themselves trapped.   Still, life was good for the pair, and in 3326 AW, things got even better when Garia found herself pregnant with their son, Tomas. Luther was elated, but the joy would not last. Three years later, Glovan's cultists came for Garia. Luther would not let that happen without a fight, and fight he did. He took down five of the cultists but in the end lost his wife…and his leg. His blacksmith skills helped him create a metal leg to stand on, but the life of a single father was difficult.   At the beginning of 3331, the cultists came again, this time for Tomas, who was playing in the forest when they found him. Luther was simply lost, with no way to fight and no way to retrieve his son. That is, until the Nameless Ones came along to help reunite father and son, as well as defeat Glovan and set Jacklight Grove free.   The honorable Luther will never forget what his friends, the Nameless Ones have done for him. He would go to the ends of the world to fight by their side.


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