Ursulla Verde

CHARACTER: Ursulla Verde SEX: Female Race: Human Class: Wizard Age: 97   Ursulla Verde is the High Priestess of the Order of the Healing Sun, based in Arwahl. The Order is a church that worships Pelor and dedicates their life to bringing relief and healing to the down-trodden, and are seekers of peace in the world. Ursulla, in particular, has a great gift for insight, and sees the potential in people, even when they do not see it themselves. She is highly respected in Wallencia and her word carries much weight in Arwahl as a voice of charity, kindness and goodwill.   Ursulla was born in Red Leaf and though she now resides in Arwahl, she still calls Red Leaf her home. She is widely known for bringing together adventurers who will work for the good of Wallencia, so it was no surprise that it was she who formed The Nameless Ones when the Star Spire Temple was corrupted near Red Leaf.


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