
The Heavens may be eternal, but their inhabitants are not. Many times, with the exception of Balthor, the gods that rule above have been replaced. Just as many times, great heroes have disappeared, after gaining power and glory beyond compare. With the knowledge from the Predecessors and their Archeotech Titans, the truth of the process has been revealed to the Speaker's Emissaries.

Ascension is a process, triggered by the immense accumulation of power by an individual. This power must not merely be expressed through others, but must manifest through martial or magical might, though faith and belief also play a role. Once an individual gains a certain amount of power, and does not somehow disperse it, they are forced into the contest of ascension. Accumulation of further power can cause immediate death, either way, when the contestant dies the contest begins.

The Contest has only two possible outcomes:
The contestant fails, and becomes a God-Demon of the Astral Sea, cursed to forever fight their kin as their souls are siphoned into pure magical essence.
The contestant succeeds, and based on their skills, desires, and cunning enters The Heavens. From there, they may become a new God, replacing an old one peacefully if they display harmonius attributes, or they may fight to be a raw addition to the pantheon. Those worthy who desire not godhood may instead fuse with a deity, altering the form of one of the divines.

  • Purity of Spirit (No PotD, No Demonic or Vampiric or Necromantic corruption)
  • Purity of Heart (Devoted to an ideal or a belief system, unwavering towards that belief)
  • Purity of Power (Accumulated power corresponding to their desired domain)


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