Seket & Khushum

Seket, the Dragon of Liberation and Khushum, the Living History are twin figures of the common Dragonblood folk faith. Although the legends regarding these figures have hundreds of variations, there are recurrant themes identified by scholars in the oral history. Khushum is typically depicted as a prophet, whose warnings, wisdom, and decisive intervention at the darkest hour of the dragonborn race herald the arrival of Seket, who in turn liberates all worthy Dragonblood kin from slavery and serfdom, and delivers them to a promised land (the myth generally also includes firery vengance on all Elves). Khushumite cults have rapidly faded in recent times, largely due to the folk belief that the recent plagues afflicting the Dragonborn kind stemmed from this pseudo-deity. As Khushumites fade, Sekite cults have formalized, and many cities include shrines to the 'Great Dragon'.


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