Wayfarer Representative | Wherever I May Roam

Wayfarer Representative

The Wayfarer Guild has a lot of official members, as well as hired staff. But only a Wayfarer Representative is allowed to speak for the guild and be in charge of its Lodges. These representatives will act as Lodge leadership, run caravans, or represent the guild in a place too small for a full Lodge.   A representative is always a veteran Wayfarer, though that still means they can be young. To put at least some limit on, the official rule is a minimum age of twenty. In reality, most representatives are between thirty and fourty when they are chosen. To be made one, a larger Lodge must have at least six of its representatives agree on the decision, without any of its representatives objecting.   There are of course other requirements for becoming a representative, though they're soft and vague. In essence they must not only be trusted but also have the skills required to deal with their tasks, as well as emergencies. Without leadership skills, one cannot become a representative. While in some cases a Wayfarer is made a representative as a form of soft retirement after a serious incident, they still will be trusted and have most of the skills required. A guiding hand will then help them gain any skills they still lack.  


A representative must not only talk for the guild, they also must work for the guild itself. Rather than sitting behind a desk as a bureaucrat, they may instead dismember Beasts, train new Wayfarers, even hunt Beasts themselves. In small settlements, they may need to do all of those at once.   In case of emergencies, a representative must be able to take lead. This means that they need the know-how on dealing with all kinds of possible scenarios, ranging from Raiders to Beast stampedes to a Wayfarer gone rogue. As such, they need to make sure they have all the required tools with them and keep their skills and senses trained and sharpened.   Lastly, a representative must remain neutral. In merchant conflicts, in warfare, in power struggles, the guild must always remain neutrality. Because to risk that neutrality means risking all its members. Of course in return, a neutral representative has the full power of the guild behind them. Even a monarch had best be careful when crossing swords with a representative.


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