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A High Elf Bard, Jack would describe himself as looking ordinary, but he intends to make his mark on the world.

A High Elf Bard, Jack studies magic in Gate Pass, and intends to make his mark on the world.

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Session 65 - Balance

Reaching the Monastery of the Two Winds, the gatekeeper Caela denied access for the Protectors of the Pass, until the curse of malaise was lifted from Eresh. Returning to the town, the friends met Eril, one of the Band of the Badger. He reported that the spell took hold of the town when the Ragesians attacked. After which, the remainder of the Band was summoned to the monastery by a silver raven. However, Eril shared that through divination, the Band had discovered the storm that raged above the Forbidden Valley was caused by the same magics as the hurricane that decimated Seaquen.   Next, the Protectors were summoned by the Trillith Balance. Balance said they were the force holding the town in apathy, intending to protect Eresh, but they grew weak from all the strife. After sharing some cryptic information, the Trillith went into convulsions before passing away. As soon as Balance died, the lethargy was released, and the town went mad, with Ragesians slaughtering any that they passed.   Fighting their way through the chaos, the Protectors rang the gong above the city, hoping for aid. And aid came, in the form of a devastating lightning bolt, sundering the ground and stunning those nearby.   Chaos reigns in Eresh. What will the Protectors of the Pass do?   Balance's riddles:   “The lesser east wind serves her master in this valley and beyond. Stalking claws, invisible and loyal, have seized those I unwittingly laid low, and carried them away to lie beneath the tempest to the east. The storm that has gathered for decades will not long idly lie, I sense. Be warned: children of the wind are strong here, too strong for me to calm them.”   What do you want? “My kin have many desires, all of which I do not know, do not understand. I left home twenty years past, passing through the Gate to the sunlit world, where I sought a home, a quest which eventually led here. Today, I only seek to maintain the calm, but I grow weak from too much strife. My home is in peril, and I do not wish the minions of the Torch to destroy it.”   What are you? “I am a dream, born in the darkness below the world where my mother lies eternally sleeping. You have met my kin: I sense the wayward elder Indomitability, and others besides whose identities are not so clear. Of my kind, each is born in a dream or nightmare, and this determines the nature and powers of the newly born. We call ourselves trillith.”

Session 64 - The Quiet Town of Eresh

The Protectors of the Pass arrived in the town of Eresh, finding everyone, including an invading Ragesian army, in a strange malaise. Revansoul found another Rayland clone, this one named Rick, who claimed to have seen Aemon Ming traveling with Riv. However, Rick mentioned that Riv was different - he now had feathered wings that allowed him to fly.   Winry caught up with some friends, as well as her father and brother, though all were taken by the strange lethargy.   While investigating the town for clues, the Protectors found a shrine to the elemental power of fire burned down. They also learned from two monks from the Monastery of the Two Winds, now stranded in the town, that the two monastic leaders were in disagreement. Pilas, follower of the East Wind of aggression and action, believed the monks should pick a side in the war. However, Longinus, follower of the West Wind of calm and peace, believed the monastery should remain isolationist.   Finding all they could within the town, the party began making their way up the mountain to the monastery at its peak. Before they arrived though, the Protectors were invited into a nearby home. Within, an invisible voice spoke to them. The female voice uttered "I am Balance, and you've met my kin." Meanwhile, a male voice stated "The scale weighs heavy, and your actions will tip it."   Continuing toward the monastery, the friends were harried by strange birds, as well as windy elementals, impeding their progress. Fighting their way through the challenges, the Protectors of the Pass continued to climb, toward the monastery, and toward answers to the strange happenings in Eresh.

Session 63 - They Have the High Ground

The Protectors of the Pass continued their way up the mountains, headed for the town of Eresh. Traversing up man-made stairs for the tougher parts of the climb, the party found the next set destroyed. As they surveyed the damage, fire rained down upon them - a Ragesian ambush. The friends dove into combat, fighting uphill, until they eventually were victorious.   Questioning a captured orc, the Protectors learned from their prisoner that something strange was happening in Eresh. An aura within the town was causing everyone, Ragesians included, to lose all motivation and drive, dropping their weapons and sitting down due to some strange lethargy. According to the prisoner, Second General Signus, the leader of the invasion force, had retreated, seeking assistance with this odd occurrence that has robbed Signus of his men.   Unsure of what they'll find in the town ahead, the Protectors of the Pass continued their way toward the mountain town of Eresh.

Session 62 - Fiery Arrival

Arriving back in Seaquen, the Protectors of the Pass received news from Headmaster Simeon of the Lyceum. Intelligence suggested that the Torch of the Burning Sky might be located in Castle Korstull. A raging firestorm blocked any entrance to the castle for the Ragesians. However, the monk leader Three Weeping Ravens had a solution. The monk had an acquaintance at the Monastery of Two Winds, the monastery that rejected Winry. The monks who called the monastery home possessed an ability over the elemental wind. This ability may allow the Protectors to pass through the fire and flames to reach the torch.   With the aid of the Wayfarers leader Sheena Larkins, the allies plus Three Weeping Ravens teleported to the city of Yen-Ching in Ostalin. And they arrived wreathed in fire, thanks to the Burning Sky phenomenon. Captured by a teleportation pillar similar to what they found in the Sunken Prison, the Protectors arrived in Ostalin, meeting the military leader Fau Lu Pan. She escorted the party through the city, to meet with the leader of Ostalin, the Khagan Onamdammin.   While the Khagan was a bit strange, he had an offer for the party - win the affections of Pilas, the leader of the Monastery of the Two winds and personal friend of the Khagan's, and Ostalin would side with the Seaquen alliance in the war. Fail, and Ostalin would side with Ragesia. Taking their leave, the party rested, and made their way into the mountains the next day.   On their way, Three Weeping Ravens revealed that his people have been shunned wherever they have traveled because of their strange ability. Using stones infused with souls, the Order of Echoed Souls had the ability of Soul Tapping. This ability allowed some members of the order to experience the emotions and lived experiences of another person. While the Protectors chewed on this information, the monk reminded the party of their mission here - to find the adventuring party The Band of the Badger. The Band was sent by Seaquen to interface with the Monastery of Two Winds, and was never heard from again.   Trudging through the snow, the Protectors of the Pass continued into the mountains of Winry's home, and toward the mysterious monastery.

Session 61 - Many From One

After the chaos in the throne room, the Protectors of the Pass joined a meeting of the leaders of Dassen. It was decided that King Steppengard would remain as regent, and that Dassen would remain united. As thanks for their help, Lord Megadon offered the party each a parcel of land, so that Dassen could be their home as well.   Their business finished in Dassen, the party began their trek back to Seaquen. While on the road, Rayland corrected the friends, clarifying that his name was no longer Rayland, but Revansoul. He shared that he met with Royal before they left. While they met, Revansoul revealed that he intended to kill Aemon Ming for his defection to Ragesia. When the friends pressed him, Revansoul revealed that he, Royal, Rivensten, and others were all clones of a man named Rayland. There were 12 clones in total. Though he had fought for the name Rayland, Revansoul believed that the original Rayland wouldn't approve of killing Aemon Ming, and so he needed to leave that name behind.   With Revansoul's shrouded past revealed, the Protectors of the Pass finally arrived at Seaquen, ready for their next mission to end the War of the Burning Sky.

Session 60 - Madness Revealed

Continuing into the castle of Bresk, the Protectors of the Pass found the Book of Eight Lands, a magical tome that protected the leaders of Dassen from poisoning. However, the friends quickly discovered that the book on exhibit was merely an illusion, and the real book was being held in a Rope Trick spell, nullifying its protection. The guard on duty revealed that it was the Ragesian Serrimus who cast the spell.   Rushing to the aid of Dassen's leaders, the Protectors quickly made their way to the dining hall. Moments after the friends arrived, the leaders were affected by some strange magic, driving them to attack each other in a craze, including King Steppengard. Cackling loudly, the king's advisor Nina approached the party, as her halfling form fell away to reveal her true form - a writhing mass of ghostly snakes, the Trillith Madness.   The main course served in the dining hall was violence. Confused leaders fought each other as the party engaged Madness. The battle was fought quickly and brutally, and though the Protectors nearly fell to the overwhelming Madness, the Trillith was slain. Though the craze in the leaders abated, both Bryn and Winry were left injured. Bryn had lost her ability to speak, and Winry had all her memories wiped away. As quiet takes the dining hall, the Protectors of the Pass decide what to do next...

Episode 59 - Familiar Faces

The Protectors of the Pass entered the tunnels below the castle of Bresk. There, they were attacked by a ghostly apparition that took on the appearance of Balan. To frighten the party, the monster shifted it's visage to people from each person's past, intending to haunt and disturb them. After successfully doing so, the ghost was destroyed, and the wounded and battered friends continued into the catacombs.   After some climbing and sneaking, the Protectors found two very familiar faces lounging in a guard room - the Ragesian diplomat Serrimus, and his Inquistor companion Torrax. Getting the jump on them, the party brutally ended Torrax, and questioned Serrimus while the blood of the Inquistor still pooled on the floor. Serrimus revealed that the plan for the leaders of Dassen was to poison them and cause chaos among the land. Lacking any other information, Serrimus was extinguished, as the friends pushed further toward the dangers ahead.

Episode 57 - The King's Festival

The Protectors of the Pass perused King Steppengard's celebratory carnival, partaking in some frivolities as they kept watched for anyone wanting to message Lord Gallo. In their searching, Rayland and Bryn met Randas Slabovalles, a fiery chef who shared that he had recently been let go from the king's staff. Randas said he and the rest of the kitchen staff had been replaced by "specialists" to cater the king's banquet for the collected leaders of Dassen that evening. Before they could get more information though, city guards forced them to move along, indicating they didn't like Rayland and Bryn hearing this from the disgruntled cook.   As they toured the carnival, Winry, Myetharia and Jack were joined by a hooded figure who claimed he was one of the castle guards, also recently let go. Before leaving, he examined his previous post in the sewers used by Winry and Rayland to escape their imprisonment days prior. Finding no guard to replace him, the guard said he witnessed several priests taking delivery of many barrels that were then brought into the castle. The guard believed something very strange was happening, and that other guards may be on the lookout for him. Without taking questions, the hooded guard ducked away, leaving the friends to ponder his information.   Reunited, the Protectors of the Pass messaged Lord Gallo and instructed him to not eat or drink anything at the banquet, and to tell the other lords and ladies to do the same. Agreeing, Gallo suggested that if there was a plot afoot, the Book of Seven Lands would protect the leaders, causing the lord to wonder if something happened to the book itself. Considering this, the friends followed Rayland and Winry to the secret entrance to the castle, hoping they weren't too late to stop disaster.

Episode 56 - Return to Bresk

After resting, the Protectors of the Pass joined Lord Gallo in his trek to Bresk. Arriving at the walled capital city, the party were greeted with a hero's welcome. The people who were on wanted posters throughout the city returning to prove their innocence? It was the talk of the town, and the friends found themselves to be celebrities.   After the parade, King Steppengard himself welcomed Lord Gallo and the Protectors. He declared that a new enemy had been revealed, and the only way to defeat them was with Bresk united again. Encouraging everyone to enjoy the festivities, the king invited Gallo and the Protectors to a banquet the following evening. There, they would discuss this new disturbing information.   On the eve of their arrival, the Protectors called together all the leaders of the various holds of Bresk (except Lady Namin and Lord Dashgoban, who's desire for the throne made them unknown factors). Sharing the information and evidence they had collected, the Protectors of the Pass simply asked that the gathered leaders understand the real enemy was Ragesia. If any other faction was raised by Steppengard, the Protectors asked these leaders to stand with them, against the Ragesians, and the king as well if necessary.

Session 55 - The Battle of Otharil Vale, Part 2

The next wave of King Steppengard's forces crashed upon the Protectors of the Pass. Though their enemies were many, the friends and their allies held firm, and defeated the attacking army.   Recalled to Gallo's command tent, the Protectors learned that King Steppengard had sent a message - he wished to call a ceasefire. New evidence had come to light, the king claimed, and after a day of feasting and festivities, Steppengard intended to reveal this evidence to his nobles, and discuss what to do next.   Obviously wary, Lord Gallo requested that the Protectors of the Pass join him to ensure his survival. Before heading out to rest, Myetharia revealed dire news that she received from Lady Shalosha. According to her, Gate Pass was faltering, and Ragesia was pushing further into the city. Lord Shaaladel had sent Shahalesti reinforcements, but things were starting to look bad for Gate Pass.

Session 54 - The Battle of Otharil Vale, Part 1

Steppengard's forces amassed, and marched upon the arrayed forces of Lord Gallo, Lord Dashgoban, Lady Timor, and the Protectors of the Pass.   Three major aspects failed Steppengard's forces. First, their griffon riders abandoned the charge, diminishing their air support. Secondly, their siege engines damaged by Winry and Rayland failed. And third, neither the late Thravanvost nor his sphinx mount offered magical assistance. What remained of Steppengard's forces were deterred, but pressed by their leaders, the first wave fell upon the allied lines.   A bloody combat ensued, and the bodies of the attacking forces littered the battlefield. The Protectors of the Pass were victorious against the first wave. However, another wave amassed behind them. Wiping the blood from their swords, preparing fresh spells, and reloading crossbows, the friends braced for the next onslaught of Steppengard's army.

Session 53 - Thravanvost

After a time of planning, the Protectors of the Pass made their way to King Steppengard's encamped forces. Finding a tent set apart from the others, the party found their quarry - the war mage Thravanvost, and his sphinx mount. Beginning stealthily, the friends quickly incapacitated the sphinx and guards, and then turned their attention to the mage. Though he appeared mighty, he quickly fell to the blades of the Protectors.   With the adrenaline of battle still surging, the party discovered that Thravanvost was mind-controlling the sphinx. Using her healing magic, Bryn broke this control, allowing the enslaved creature to take her revenge upon her captor. Grabbing up Bryn and Jack, the sphinx flew them back to Gallo's Fend.   Meanwhile, Myetharia, Winry, and Rayland quietly made their way to Steppengard's siege engines. Moving very quickly and silently, they worked together to damage the engines of war, and then make their way back to camp.   Bryn and Jack bid farewell to the sphinx, who introduced herself as Nashara. The magical creature told the friends that she would not fight for them, but may be willing to help in a later time of need. Gathering back at Gallo's Fend, the Protectors of the Pass prepared for the battle ahead.

Session 52 - The Battle Approaches

After an evening of enjoying some downtime, the Protectors of the Pass returned to Gallo's Fend to prepare. Lord Gallo had some options for the party. While the bulk of the allied forces converged with Steppengard's army, the Protectors could act as a strike force and aid the effort in other ways.   The first option was to sabotage the siege weapons near the enemy camp. The second option was to take the fight a bit more directly. Joining Steppengard's forces was the court mage Thravanvost and his sphinx mount. His tent was set further from Steppengard's camp, affording the Protectors an opportunity to put the mage and his sphinx out of commission.   Breaking to discuss, the Protectors of the Pass prepared for what would most certainly be a dangerous and bloody dawn.

Session 52 - Lord, Lady, and Mother

After briefly catching up, the Protectors of the Pass spoke with Lord Gallo. They asked him if he recognized the serpent and spear insignia found on the rotting corpse monster in Steppengard's dungeon. Gallo said it belonged to a lesser noble house of yore, and the creature was likely the violent criminal of that family known as Jutras. He was said to be obsessed with the occult, and served a bat-winged deity called Ineluki, offering human sacrifices to it. Jutras was captured and executed for his crimes, calling out for his deity to rescue him before the deed was done. It was also said that he feared chickens.   Rayland also showed Bryn the documents found in the office of Serrimus the Ragesian in Steppengard's court. Bryn recognized the items listed, and knew they were used to create a drug called Red Madness, which caused aggressive insanity, similar to what Steppengard was suffering from. Could this be the Madness referenced in the Ragesian orders?   Bidding farewell to Gallo, the party made their way to the keeps of Lord Dashgoban and Lady Timor. En route, the party rested at an inn. Jack and begrudging Rayland shared a moment, and Jack helped Winry decompress from her arduous experience. Meanwhile, Myetharia asked that Bryn send some messages for her, reaching out to Lady Shalosha of Shahalesti. She updated the princess, who joked back a bit, once again calling her Mellie. Winry listened in, and gathered this information as well. It seems that Myetharia and Shalosha were very close friends in their youth. Realizing that Myetharia must be high born to have such a relationship with the princess, Bryn asked why Myetharia joined the military. Myetharia shared that the long lives that elves lead lend to monotony, and Myetharia joined the military to alleviate her boredom with every day life.   The next days found the party having audiences with both Lord Dashgoban and Lady Timor. Both had heard Jack's words in Steppengard's court via their proxies, and convinced by the Ragesian orders, the two leaders immediately commanded their forces to aid their ally, Lord Gallo.   Surprisingly, Bryn discovered that her son Keth was serving in Lady Timor's forces, and the two were reunited. Detailing how he was separated from the rest of the family, Keth made his way to Timor's keep as a refugee, joining her forces soon after. Keth asked Bryn if she saw his father, Bryn's estranged husband Brent, as Brent had returned to Gate Pass before the invasion to find Bryn and ensure her safety. Though she hadn't, Bryn enjoyed these precious moments with her son, as the party rested for the evening.

Session 51 - Reunited

After their exhausting battle, the party tied up their surviving captive, and found some orders from Ragesian commanders, ordering an invasion of Dassen. The orders also mentioned "Madness", and that they waited to learn of their success or failure. Along with Deception and Indomitability, Madness may be another Trillith.   With evidence and prisoner in tow, the party made their way back through the Alydi Gap, returning to Gallo's Fend. Once there, Gallo urged the party to make haste with his new proxy Makhesson, and get to Dashgoban to present the evidence to him. On their way out of the Fend, the three friends were greeted with a welcomed sight - Rayland and Winry, majestically soaring on their bird mount. After a reunion, the once again complete Protectors of the Pass began their trek to Dashgoban.

Session 50 - King of the Hill

The Protectors of the Pass fought their way into the guard tower overrun by Ragesian soldiers and an Inquistor. The battle was a game of inches, and many of the Protectors went down to the brutal melee. But digging deep, the Protectors fought back their enemy, and won the day, defeating the soldiers, the Inquisitor, and capturing one of their number. Their mission was a success.

Session 49 - Fighting Uphill

Fighting their way to the captured guard tower, the Protectors of the Pass encountered heavy resistance. While many made their way to the top of the tower via Bryn's flight, Jack in giant ape form burst through the main gate. Within, Jack discovered an empty entry way, a contingency of guards heading to the roof. But what he also found, was a Ragesian Inquistor. Will the friends defeat the Ragesians, or escape with their lives? Find out this week on, War of the Burning Sky!!!!

Session 48 - The Alydi Gap

Making their way through the Alydi Gap, the Protectors of the Pass searched for evidence of a Ragesian incursion. All was well, until they reached the final tower. As the group marched their way up the switchbacks leading to the tower, arrows suddenly rained from the sky, and a dragon-like creature bearing a rider on it's back descended upon the party. It seems they found the Ragesian incursion they were looking for.

Session 47 - Escape or Die

After being dragged out of the cell he shared with Winry, Rayland was taken into a chamber, and tortured by Torrax the Inquisitor. Torrax asked many questions concerning the location of the Torch of the Burning Sky, what the party knew about Trillith, and detailed information about Seaquen. Tightlipped through the pain, Rayland answered no questions, and was returned to his cell, missing a piece of his leg.   In Gallo's Fend, Jack, Myetharia and Bryn met with Lord Gallo, and learned of his plight. Ten thousand of King Steppengard's men marched toward the Fend, intent on capturing Gallo and bringing him back to Bresk. To ensure that he can gain victory against Steppengard and also keep the Alydi Gap held against the Ragesians, Gallo needed support from his neighbors Dashgoban and Timor. To gain their allegiance, Gallo needed proof of a Ragesian incursion through the Gap. Several guard towers along the Gap had gone dark, so Gallo asked that the remaining Protectors of the Pass to make their way to those guard towers. Their mission was to defeat any Ragesian squatters, and gather proof to bring to Dashgoban and Timor. Lending two of his best to the party (the knights Sir Sterling and Clara Astly), the Protectors plus two prepared for their journey.   Using all her available strength, Winry broke her shackles, and Rayland picked the locks on their cell, freeing Jinnis next. Fighting their way to escape, the three found themselves cornered by a skeletal creature, intent on consuming their flesh. Bravely, Jinnis sacrificed himself, allowing Rayland and Winry to escape into the sewers beneath the torture room. Once there, they were greeted by a grizzly sight - the corpse of their ally, Balan. Shaking off the trauma of the dungeon, the pair used Rayland's golden feather token, and left Bresk behind them.   As Rayland and Winry raced to Gallo's Fend, and Jack, Myetharia and Bryn charged into the Alydi Gap, deranged King Steppengard's forces marched, the future of Dassen hanging in the balance.

Session 46 - Gallo's Fend

After being turned down by Royale and an unsuccessful jail break, Winry joined Rayland in the dungeon below King Steppengard's castle in Bresk. There, they learned that Ragesians were torturing prisoners and healing their wounds, a tactic used by the Inquisitor in the Sunken Prison. Awaiting their turn, Rayland and Winry were able to speak with Hrumbrand and Jinnis Bremman. Hrumbrand was clearly insane, so he didn't talk much. But Jinnis gave some insight to help Rayland and Winry escape.   While their friends were behind bars, Jack, Bryn and Myetharia arrived in Gallo's Fend. There, they met Lord Michael Gallo himself, and were invited to meet with him after they had rested. Following Rodger, their assigned footman, the friends were taken to a nearby home, where they could rest. However, knowing their friends might be suffering made the trio restless, and so they hit the town for some drinks and to give a performance, before what would prove to be a pivotal meeting with Gallo the following morning.

Session 45 - Keep to the Shadows

The Protectors of the Pass made a difficult decision - Bryn, Jack, and Myetharia would continue on their trek to Gallo, while Winry and Rayland headed back into the city.   After a night staying in a run-down stable, Winry and Rayland headed into Bresk, and learned some interesting things. Posted across the city were wanted posters of the party, along with army recruitment posters. It seemed as though the king was preparing to move against Lord Gallo, and needed more troops to do so. The two also learned that the royal mage Kelkin Thravanvost looked forward to combat, and was likely at the king's side in the castle.   Sneaking into his quarters, Rayland discovered that the Ragesian representative Serrimus was having some strange shipments delivered to the castle - an unknown herb, and liquids that masked the taste of strong medicine. But before more information could be gathered, guards rushed into the room. After a valiant effort, Rayland was captured, as Winry escaped.   Without many options available to her, Winry disguised herself and approached Rayland's "cousin" Rexington Royal, who invited her to join him in his quarters for further discussion.   Meanwhile, Bryn, Myetharia and Jack flew on the back of Takasi, making their way to a hopeful alliance and some direction to pursue from Lord Gallo.

Session 44 - Enemies of the State

After their strange meeting with Hrumbrand, the Protectors of the Pass believed that a trap was waiting for them at the north gate of Bresk. Curious who had it out for them, the party decided to go and spring the trap. However when they arrived, the Protectors were surprised to find not an ambush, but a city guard with horses for each member, holding the gate opened. Confused, the party decided to sneak out of the city by another way, expecting an ambush on the road. None came.   Returning to their inn, the Protectors discovered a daunting sight - dozens of guards, several Talons, and even a few griffon riders gathered around the inn, clearly interested in the party. Walking past them and up to their room, the allies were shocked to find the room empty, no Balan in sight. The was evidence of a scuffle and a person being dragged out of Balan's room. Before they had time to investigate further though, a few Talon thugs burst through the door, intending on capturing the Protectors. Using some clever magic, the party was able to calm the assailants and escape.   Upon leaving the inn, the Protectors of the Pass were discovered by the guards waiting outside. Knowing the numbers were against them, the party made a break for the north gate. And like so many ants crawling over a hill, the army of guards milled behind them in hot pursuit.   They returned to the gate to find the same guard that was there before, who quickly untied the horses, led the party outside, and slammed the gate behind them. Dashing along the road, the party made as much distance between themselves and the churning city seeking the capture of the Protectors of the Pass.

Session 43 - The King of Dassen

The Protectors of the Pass found themselves before King Steppengard, the monarch of Dassen. Nearby, the halfling advisor to the king, Nina Glibglammer, questioned a man with bound hands. This man was Relder, and he was the assistant to Jinis Bremman, the proxy of Lord Gallo. As her questioning ceased, Nina reported to the king with conviction that the man was most certainly suffering from his memory being modified. Indeed, Relder seemed confused and kept changing his story. Though Relder seemed guilty of taking part in the assassination of Steppengard's family, the king refused to have him executed, citing the lack of corroborating evidence.   Taking Relder away, the king turned his attention to the Protectors of the Pass, and specifically to Jack. Jack made a plea to the king, asking him to allow the party to help in the investigation of his family's murder, and in finding the truth, sidestep civil war. Jack's words stirred the proxies of Lord Dashgoban and Lady Timor, and made Lord Iz's proxy and Lady Namin herself take notice. Also taking notice was Lady Dene's proxy, a halfling that bore a striking resemblance to Rayland.   Incensed, the king refused Jack's offer, and demanded that the party leave Bresk within three days, or face judgement.   Excusing themselves, the Protectors stood off to the side of the royal chamber. There, they were greeted by a few members of the court. Joining Lord Dashgoban's proxy Erimoc, a man introducing himself as Everit Crowe spoke with the party. As Lady Timor's proxy, Crowe encouraged the party to stay in town to allow things to settle down. But if the party intended to leave, he encouraged them to seek Lord Gallo, a likely ally.   Next, the party met Rexington Royale, Lady Dene's proxy, and "cousin" to Rayland. He offered his help, so long as Rayland did as he asked. After flattering the rest of the Protectors, he turned and left, replaced by the representative of Ragesia, a man named Serrimus. Flanked by the brutish Inquisitor Torrax, Serrimus made his pleasure of the party's dismissal known. Scoffing at the Protectors and offering veiled threats, the two Ragesians turned and left.   Leaving the king's chambers, the Protectors and their guide Balan headed back to their inn. Once in their room, Rayland and Myetharia headed back down to the tavern to get food for the group. It was then that they were approached by a lanky musician they saw earlier in the king's chambers. He introduced himself as Hrumbrand. Looking frantic and a bit confused, Hrumbrand told Myetharia that the king was intending to arrest the party on suspicion of treason, and that they needed to leave the city tonight. He told them that he had someone at the north gate that would let them out, after which they could flee to Lord Gallo.   Myetharia keenly picked up on some arcane influence on Hrumbrand, as he seemed to be under mind control. Myetharia and Rayland decided to follow the musician after he left, turning into a chase through the city. Before the two could intercept the man, however, Hrumbrand arrived at the castle, and told the guards to take him to the dungeons. They happily complied, clapped him in chains, and hauled him beyond the party's reach.   Returning to the inn, Myetharia and Rayland recounted the strange encounter to the party. Considering all the information they gathered in the day, the Protectors of the Pass considered their next moves.

Session 42 - Many Threads

As the Protectors of the Pass bedded down for the night, Hethal Bekoff snuck away from their camp, determined to not return to Bresk.   The next day found the Protectors arriving at the walled city of Bresk, gaining entry via Balan's diplomatic paperwork. After dropping their things at the Golden Griffon inn, the party dispersed to prepare for their meeting with the king the next day.   The party learned that Rayland looks like Lady Dene's proxy, Mr. Royal. Rayland went to privately meet with Mr. Royal, whom he called Rex. Mr. Royal said that he would help Rayland, but only if Rayland would give him "the name", and also debase himself and grovel. Obviously, Rayland turned him down and stormed out of the meeting.   The Protectors also learned that Steppengard hasn't held court in some time, but would again in two days. They heard that Nina Glibglammer remained King Steppengard's advisor, and was highly respected and well established. However, she was being very hostile as of late.   Whether by Nina's advice or not, the king met with Princess Shalosha, and turned down her offer. This seemed strange, considering the king agreed to terms with Ragesia.   The party discovered that the northern kingdoms of Dassen looked fondly upon Seaquen, making them possible allies in the Protector's mission.   Rumor has it that the hearts of the king's children were removed either cleanly with surgical precision, or brutally with monstrous claws. No one knows for sure.   Intending to meet with the only ally they likely would have, the Protectors unfortunately found that Jinis Bremman, father of the Lyceum student Jineer and proxy to Lord Gallo, had been arrested for suspected treason. No more information could be discovered about what led to his arrest, but the party did learn that Lord Dashgoban was displeased with the arrest, as it led to increased tensions and a step closer to war.   Concerning Lord Dashgoban, it was his proxy Erimoc Dashgoban who notified Steppengard of the Ragesian ambassador on the night of the assassinations. He had sent a note to Steppengard, stating Lord Dashgoban's displeasure, which caused him to leave the table, therefore avoiding the poisoned food.   The Talons, whom the party had met on their way to Bresk, were only recently established as a police force, who's task was to deal with intelligence and arrests regarding the assassinations.   Finally, the party became aware that the next in the line of succession listed in the Book of Eight Lands was Lord Megadon, potentially making him a prime suspect in the assassinations. Also potentially a suspect was Lady Namin, who was known to desire marriage with the king.   Recollecting at the Golden Griffon, the party shared their collected knowledge, and planned their next moves.

Session 41 - Frozen Dassen

The Protectors of the Pass saved a group of people fleeing a centipede monster. This monster was covered in thick plating and wreathed in flame, and seemed to not be chasing and killing the people for food, but for sport. The Protectors dealt with this fearsome foe, saving the lives of nearly all the fleeing people.   Continuing on their way, the Protectors were snagged by something frozen in the ice - the dead bodies of a courier from Lady Dene, and his two guards. The guards had crossbow bolts sticking out of their backs, and the courier had been hung, their bodies placed into the river and frozen in place to cover the murder. Following tracks, the party came upon a halfling caravan beset by five human soldiers. The soldiers were tossing the caravan, looking for and eventually finding a young woman. The soldiers were clearly intent on killing this woman, so the Protectors jumped in, and Jack magically incapacitated the brutes.   With everyone calmed down, the brutes, halflings, and young woman all explained the situation - some by blade, some by poison, King Steppengard's family had been assassinated. What's more, each of their hearts had been removed, presumable to stop resurrection magic. It was assumed the only reason Steppengard himself survived was because he had stepped out, responding to a noble who was complaining about a Ragesian ambassador. By the time he returned to the banquet hall, he had avoided the poisoning. However, King Steppengard could have been protected by the Book of Eight Lands, a magical tome that recorded the genealogies of the leaders of Dassen's lands and protected them from poisoning.   In the wake, all those fleeing the capital Bresk were considered conspirators with the assassin, and were being rounded up by vengeful soldiers under Steppengard's orders. This young woman was one of those fleeing. The halflings shared that she paid them 100 gold pieces to be smuggled out of the city.   Attempting to alleviate tensions, Bryn cast Zone of Truth on all the gathered people, and the young woman (introducing herself as Hethal Bekoff) admitted that she had nothing to do with the assassination, but that her boyfriend had been arrested under similar suspicions. The soldiers (introducing themselves as "The Talon") also admitted they had killed the courier in an act of vengeance, and intended to do the same to Hethel.   Taking Hethel with them and sending the soldiers on their way, the Protectors of the Pass continued their trek to Bresk. What awaited them was a kingdom holding back the tide of Ragesia, on the verge of civil war.

Session 40 - Leaving Seaquen

Joined by Balan Bastom, the Protectors loaded up their packs, and hit the road for Bresk. Both Balan and Headmaster Simeon informed the party that it wasn't just their martial prowess that gave the leaders of Seaquen confidence in them, but also for their renown in the lands of Dassen.   While they traveled, Balan informed the Protectors of political structures and important dignitaries in the court of Bresk, the capital of Dassen, and the seat of power for King Steppengard.   After investigating a strange pyramid which housed two trolls, the party arrived at the small town of Vidor. The weather headed north from Seaquen proved to be as strange as Balan had implied - snow rested in piles on the ground, and the Nasham River was completely frozen. The locals confirmed that this type of weather is incredibly rare.   The Protectors decided the best course of travel would be to procure a sleigh pulled by reindeer, and ride their way up the river. Doing so, the Protectors felt the ground tremble, and saw a large group of people running from a monstrous centipede-like creature. Dismounting their sleigh, the Protectors of the Pass drew their weapons, preparing to end this threat and save some lives.

Session 39 - After the Storm

After returning to Seaquen and updating Headmaster Simeon, the Protectors of the Pass took a much-needed rest.   The next week found the Protectors recuperating and taking care of various business. Jack, Bryn, and Winry met Crystin in the refugee town, and held a solemn funeral for their friend Laurabec. Rayland and Myetharia blew off some steam at a local dive bar, and Rayland got a sweet magical tattoo.   Myetharia spent some time checking in with the various members of the Protectors, and encouraged the magistrate Lorb Vortbert to reconsider his stance on the refugees.   Winry joined Rayland in clearing out his room in Aemon Ming's house, and also helped him look into his brother Rivensten's room. Within, they found downy feathers and a hidden note that simply said "Sorry".   Bryn helped the Protectors complete some of their activities, and also took time to commune with the stars that had been so long hidden by Lee's conjured storm.   Jack spent his time playing the Lyre of Fabrication, repairing the storm's damage to the town.   After the week had passed, the Protectors were summoned to Simeon's office. There, they met the portly half-elf Balan Bastom, noble of Ostalin serving as a dignitary of Seaquen. He confirmed the whispers that the party had been hearing - King Steppengard of Dassen had survived an assassination attempt, and also accepted a non-aggression pact with Ragesia, allowing them to travel through Dassen unmolested. The only thing stopping Leska's armies from marching to Seaquen was an unexpectedly long and brutal winter. Not interested in wasting this opportunity, Balan has suggested a potentially dangerous mission - he wishes for the Protectors to escort him to Bresk, capital of Dassen, and offer Seaquen's aid to King Steppengard.   Considering their next steps, the Protectors of the Pass prepared to continue their mission to save Gate Pass, and stop the war.

Session 38 - He Who Controls The Storm

The Protectors of the Pass squared off against Lee Sidoneth and his giant squid Lula, as the violence of the hurricane reached a crescendo above them. Battling the waves and Lula's tentacles, the Protectors fought their way to Lee. To impede them, Lee animated gargoyles and called down lightning onto the party's heads. The gargoyle's stone flesh deflected many hits, Lula dragged Jack beneath the waves, and Rayland and Winry dropped from the exhaustion of traversing the Sunken Prison. Bryn did her best to beat on Lee from a distance while keeping everyone on their feet, and Myetharia brought her dual blades to bare on the many foes.   The Protectors of the Pass fought for every inch of ground, but eventually found themselves face to face with Lee. He had somehow become heartier and stronger, so that even his flesh seemed to rebuff attack. But after Bryn got Rayland and Winry back on their feet, a flurry of blade and claws left the betrayer bloodied and beaten, as Winry kicked him close to the edge. Dropping the wand, Lee called out "Master, let your winds destroy them," before his body was torn asunder by the fury of the storm around them. Quickly grabbing up the wand, Bryn commanded the storm to cease, and at her command, the winds began to calm.   Collecting themselves, and saving Jack from Lula, the party began their slow, exhausted trek back to Seaquen. They were greeted by Laurabec's giant eagle steed Takasi, who informed them that his master was dead, and wished for a new connection. Stepping up to the challenge, Bryn accepted, and gained Takasi as her own.   Returning to Seaquen, the Protectors found it to be damaged and battered, but still standing. Though there were losses and the odds were terrible, the Protectors of the Pass had once again succeeded.

Session 37 - Bottom of the Prison

After tying up their captured Ragesian soldier, the Protectors of the Pass continued through the undercroft of the Sunken Prison. The next room they arrived in seemed to be a chamber of experimentation, where more of the fish men the party fought previously floated in tanks, unmoving. Near the tanks, there was a book, in which the writer detailed "I have not been able to replicate the process that created many lives from one. I cannot help but assume that something outside of the realm of normal experimentation and scientific process occurred that night that I may never recapture." It continued "while the Aquiline Heart may be only myth, this could be a true method not only towards success, but eternal life."   Near the experimentation room, there was a bedroom, and on a shelf was placed a dark orb. After a quick look-over, it was determined that this was in fact the item that was causing the odd weather in Seaquen, not just the continuous rain, but the hurricane too. However, there was a missing item, a wand that controlled the orb. Collecting the device, the party moved on.   The next chamber was designated to be a room of torture. A number of cells lined the nearby wall, and within the Protectors found a young sorcerer from the Lyceum, bloodied and imprisoned. In another cell was an unusual stone pillar, that was revealed to be some sort of magical teleportation focus, which was designed to draw those attempting to teleport within its proximity to be drawn to the pillar instead of their destination.   In another room, the party found a young elf woman tied to a torture table, and applying his trade was a Ragesian Inquisitor named Damius. The Protectors attacked, and though Damius was alone in combat, he fought well. The party eventually felled him, but were very hurt from the fight. After hearing reports from the two captives, as well as tied-up soldier, that Lee had fled hours before the party arrived, the party believed that the druid was in the wind. Collecting the captives, the party began their trek out of the Sunken Prison.   Nearing the exit, the Protectors heard the raging hurricane outside, seemingly worsened after their time in the Prison. The party prepared to head back to the Lyceum and see what to do next. However, a shadow passed before the front door, and as the Protectors left the Prison's walls, they were greeted by an unwelcome sight - Lee Sidoneth, and his pet squid Lula. "Looking for this," Lee yelled through the storm, and held above his head, the missing wand that would stop the storm. Drawing on their small reserves of strength and determination, the Protectors drew their weapons, and dove into the battle to save Seaquen.

Session 36 - The Red Room

After a tense fight with monstrous fish people, the Protectors of the Pass dove deeper into the Sunken Prison. They arrived at a magically-bored hole, submerged in deep water, plunging straight into the depths of the earth. Out of options, the Protectors steeled their nerves, and began the long swim down. At the bottom, they found the water of the prison was held out of a large cavernous chamber, complete with a flowing lava river, a small bridge, and a garrison of Ragesian orcs, ready to stop the intruding Protectors. The Protectors decided to do something crazy - tying themselves off to a line dropped down the hole, Jack used his wand, and dispelled the magic, draining the entire Sunken Prison into the cave.   After what seemed like an hour, the water finally stopped pouring in, and the Protectors dropped into the red-mist filled chamber. Making their way quietly and carefully, the party crossed the bridge over the lava river and found themselves at a door. Hearing the Ragesian garrison within, the Protectors prepared for a serious combat. Bursting the door open, the melee began. As the red mist poured in, Rayland became one with the darkness, and slashed and stabbed his way through the soldiers. Myetharia and Winry bravely charged into the room, punching, kicking, and slashing through the enemy defenses. Bryn lit up the mist-shrouded enemies with divine magic, and also dove in, mace swinging. Jack charged small fireballs, and chucked them into the fray, fiery explosions flashing brightly in the fog.   The battle was hard-fought and brutal. But as the mist began to fade, the Protectors stood victorious, ready to continue their trek toward Lee Sidoneth.

Session 35 - Tide of Bone

Wrapping up their fight with angry crustaceans, the Protectors of the Pass prepared to head further into the prison, seeking Lee Sidoneth. After taking a closer look, Rayland realized that he had seen these creatures before, in tanks within the shop of his previous patron, Aemon Ming. He kept this information to himself, as he headed over to where Jack was calling for him. Jack had found a treasure chest with no lock, and wanted Rayland's help. Unfortunately, that chest turned out to be a creature with sharp teeth and a hunger for halflings, as it attempted to consume Rayland. The rest of the party lived up to their name, protecting Rayland, destroying the monster.   After a quick healing from Bryn, the Protectors continued on. They soon found themselves in a hall of jail cells, bars rusted and rotted out, half drowned in the rising tide. Within these cells were the remains of what seemed to be prison guards, nothing but rusty armor clinging to long-still bones. But as the Protectors entered, these skeletons reknit themselves, and began to rise, a tide of bone rising to stop the party's progression. The Protectors of the Pass dove into the deepening water, furiously engaging the monsters. They were nearly overwhelmed. But then, floating above the stagnant water, Bryn entered the hall, summoning the darkness of the room to destroy their foes. Dark tendrils of twilight enveloped the skeletons, turning them to dust, their remains scattered into the waves. Seeing their path was now cleared, the Protectors of the Pass submerged further into the Sunken Prison.

Session 34 - The Sunken Prison

Soundly defeating Georgio, the Protectors of the Pass questioned him and each of his co-conspirators. Georgio revealed the plan - teleport the Wayfarer's ship, killing everyone on board, and blaming Shahalesti for it. If the plan was accomplished, it would end Shahalesti's ability to make alliances with the kingdoms north of Seaquen, and would pave the way for a Ragesian march to the sea. When pressed, Georgio said he knew Ragesia would be victorious, and he wished to be on the winning side. Before he was taken into custody, he shared a key piece of information - the leader of his group was Lee Sidoneth.   Learning of a possible location from one of the thugs, the Protectors headed off to the ruins, as a violent and powerful hurricane made landfall. Arriving at the ruins, the party found a hidden entrance to an underground prison. Escaping the storm, the Protectors headed inside. They were greeted by giant crustacean monsters, and a dangerous fight ensued. Taking plenty of hurt themselves, the party eventually defeated the lob-strosities, and prepared to make their way further into the sunken prison.

Session 33 - The Storm Breaks

As the Protectors of the Pass reconnected after their few weeks off, they were informed by Kiernan Stekart that Rayland's patron, Aemon Ming, had vanished. This information prompted Rayland to share a letter that Ming had sent him, stating that a storm was coming to Seaquen, and he inteded to escape it. After this information was shared, Kiernan ask the Protectors to go to the theatre. So, using their tickets given to them by Georgio, the Protectors boarded the Wayfarer's galleon to enjoy their afternoon show. As they boarded, a strong and thunderous storm approached.   Midway through the play, the party witnessed Georgio climbing out of the theatre of the Wayfarer's ship toward the deck. He seemed to have blood on his hands. The Protectors followed Georgio, eventually finding themselves staring down the two half-orcs they had met earlier in Lee Sidoneth's office - Brutus and Setales. Behind them, Georgio began manipulating the controls to the Wayfarer's teleporting ship. Knowing teleportation could harm those below deck, the Protectors dove into action to stop a potential disaster.

Session 32 - Badgers and a Dragon

Seeking the mother dragon, the Protectors of the Pass made their way eastward along the coast of South Harbor, following her mournful cries. Arriving in a swamp, the party discovered a draconic woman, playing a lyre and singing a baleful song. As she sang, buildings began to knit together out of the rocks and rubble lying about the swamp. She introduced herself as Naizelasa, and transformed into a green dragon, thankfully taking her egg and returning it to her clutch. But before leaving, she gifted the party with her magical lyre, which Jack Identified as a Lyre of Fabrication.   Rising the next morning, the Protectors made their way to the Royale in the ruins. After engaging in some dart playing, the Protectors met The Band of the Badger, led by the female paladin Metran. After a wager was set, the party dropped into friendly combat with the Badgers, for the entertainment of the gathered crowd. Though the Badgers were confident and seemed formidable, the Protectors of the Pass defeated them very quickly, and without a single member falling. Climbing out of the pit and gathering their winnings, the Protectors basked in their victory among the rabble-rousing and revelry of the Royale.

Session 31 - Politics and Pilfering

Myetharia collected Princess Shalosha, escorting her to the meeting with the gathered Protectors and Headmaster Simeon. While on their way, Shalosha recognized Myetharia, calling her Mellie, telling her she was unrecognizable from the last time Shalosha saw her, and implied that they were once very close friends. Myetharia didn't share much, but did have an air of anger and resentment toward the princess.   Once at the meeting, a disguised Diashan shared his story. Though Shalosha was interested in confirming Diashan's claims, she was not willing to further negotiations. She made it clear that she was merely representing her father, Lord Shaaladel, and was confident that his interest was in acquiescence rather than alliance. The truth of the situation was made clear by Headmaster Simeon - Seaquen would not turn over control to Shahalesti, and Shahalesti wasn't going anywhere until they were in control of Seaquen. Resigned to an uneasy stalemate, the meeting broke, each member fading back into the rainy night.   After a few hours break, the Protectors of the Pass reconvened in South Harbor. Working together to distract guards, they were able to steal the dragon's egg from Nathan Lowduke. Aware that the dragon was active during the night, the party left the tent city of South Harbor to find the mourning mother, and reunite her with her egg.

Session 30 - Denizens of South Harbor

While Rayland and Jack arranged the Diashan-Shalosha meeting at the Enchanted Draught, Winry went to meet with the Wayfarers. Though initially accepting Sheena Larkin's offer to join the guild, after learning of the necessary practice it entailed, she instead turned the gig down. Afterward, the Protectors reconvened in South Harbor to attempt, and ultimately fail, to find Nelebekus.   While in South Harbor, the party met several interesting figures. One was Laurabec Adelsburg, a follower of the Acquiline Cross, and her giant eagle steed named Takasi. Along with them, they reconnected with Crystin, who was assisting Laurabec in helping the many refugees in South Harbor. They also met a monk named Three Weeping Ravens, who said she and her people were from a monastery near Shahalesti, but not much else. They also saw a small stone fort, surrounded by a practice yard, where refugees were training to be a more organized militia.   Learning that a dragon had destroyed a caravan looking for her lost egg, Winry was reminded of her friend Nathan Lowduke and his dragon egg. Deciding it was in the town's best interests to find and return this egg, the Protectors found Nathan's abode, and decided to return in the evening to steal the egg. With a full dance card for the evening, the party broke to prepare for the climactic meeting.

Episode 29 - Swamps and Mires

Meeting with the leader of the goblin raiders, the Protectors of the Pass brokered a peace deal that would allow the caravans to Seaquen to arrive in tact. The leader Hessilen laid out her requests, the Protectors gave her one of the coffers of platinum from the witches Hanindrea, and Hessilen gave them a Decanter of Endless Water as an olive branch. The Protectors promised to return to the goblins once they had obtained permission for them to trade with the merchants in Seaquen.   Returning to Seaquen, the Protectors rested, rising the next day to gain permission from Magistrate Lorb Vortberd to manifest this peace with the goblins. After running some errands, the party recollected in South Harbor. They attempted to ensnare Nelebekus, the one responsible for paying Hanindrea for their creation of Tidereaver Tears. As Nelebekus paid the witches with Shahalesti coin, the Protectors hoped that cornering this person would give them more answers concerning Shahalesti's plans. Alas, Nelebekus never showed.   Arriving at the Lyceum, the Protectors joined the council meeting, where headmaster Simeon revealed his intentions to turn Seaquen into a base for the resistance against Ragesia. Many community leaders shared their opinions on how best to accomplish this, but all were cut short when new visitors arrived. Dressed in their country's regalia, a group of Shahalesti elves joined the meeting, led by none other than Princess Shalosha.   Shalosha offered a fleet of her nation's ships to "protect" Seaquen. However, the price for this protection was to hand over control of the city to Shahalesti. Unhappy with her offer, the princess was shouted out of the room, leaving chaos in her wake.

Session 28 - Gators in the Mist

Summoning one of their feather tokens, the Protectors of the Pass boarded their roc steed, and flew to the hag's hut in the swamp. Arriving, they witnessed three witch-like women patrolling the home. While Winry and Rayland approached stealthily, Jack engaged the women in conversation, while Bryn and Myetharia took up positions to defend. Becoming flustered, Jack ran out of words, and simply attacked the hags, kicking off combat.   The hags quickly summoned shambling skeletons to their side. Outnumbered, the Protectors were in a tight spot. Looking for options, Rayland unlocked one of the many locked huts in the hag's campsite, and found within a chained woman in a red dress. Unlocking her manacles, the woman leapt into action, delivering a Fireball that turned the tide of battle. The woman introduced herself as Katrina, the sister of the Gate Pass thief Rantle, who had requested the Protectors keep an eye out for her.   The battle turning in their favor, the party quickly mopped up the skeletons, the hags, and their pet alligator, the boggy swamp once again falling quiet and peaceful.

Session 27 - The Wayfarers

As the Protectors of the Pass rose from their rest, the Lyceum campus was buzzing with rumors. Gilver Fern informed the party and the students that a devil had been captured in the night. Realizing this was the tall figure that Myetharia had witnessed during her watch, the party inquired further, learning that the erinyes would be executed at midday. Finding their way to the town center, the Protectors watched as a seemingly displeased Simeon oversaw the public beheading of the devil.   Knowing the hour was soon, Jack and Winry prepared for their performance. Heading to the galleon of the Wayfarers, Jack and Winry were summoned, and took the stage. Winry's acrobatics and magical abilities were superb, and won much attention and admiration. However, Jack was unable to capitalize on the opportunity, and his part of the performance was a disaster. Afterward, Winry was offered a position in the Wayfarer's upcoming show by Sheena Larkins, the guildmaster of the Wayfarers. Informing Sheena that she would consider, Winry was given two days to make her decision.   Departing the galleon, the Protectors headed back to the magistrate's office to learn more about a new mission - several supply caravans had disappeared on the road to Seaquen, and stocks were running low. The magistrate Lorb Vortberd told the party that if they could find and stop the source of these disappearances, they would be handsomely rewarded. Deciding it was time to once again dive into the fray, the Protectors of the Pass geared up, ready to head into the swamps outside Seaquen to end this threat.

Session 26 - Truth and Fire Rats

As the Protectors of the Pass waited for their stakeout to begin, Winry suggested they play a game of serious questions and honest answers. All agreeing, the party spent some time sharing about themselves and learning about each other.   Myetharia shared that she did, in fact, like the party and wanted to stick together. Bryn revealed that her ex-husband Brent was responsible for their separation, as he was cheating on her with another woman. Jack shared that his family thought he was still in Gate Pass, and that he never had an act in their traveling troupe. If the mission was complete and the party broke up, Winry stated that she didn't know what else she would do, but was certain that she wouldn't go back to the monastery. And finally, Rayland admitted that he, in fact, had fully died previously, and Aemon Ming was at least partially responsible for his resurrection. The party pressed him further, but clearly uncomfortable with the conversation, Rayland left to play darts at a nearby tavern.   Finishing the game, Rayland and Winry snuck to the house to watch for activity. While doing so, they witnessed a swarm of rats with flint-like teeth starting garbage fires. These rats congregated in a basement. Calling the Protectors together, the group headed down into the basement, and destroyed the rat population responsible for the recent arsons. Capturing a few rats as proof, the victorious party headed back to the Lyceum to rest.

Session 25 - The Headmaster

After near defeat at the hands of another demon, the Protectors of the Pass were spirited away to a meeting with the headmaster of the Lyceum, Simeon Gohanach. On their way, Crystin shared another one of her visions - she saw an "eagle in chains" among the refugee camps. Offering her goodbyes, she gave Jack a magical cloak, and left the party to set out on her own.   Arriving at the headmaster's office, the elderly human Divination mage asked for Funzbar's book. Paranoid from recent events, the Protectors asked for Simeon to prove there were no tricks about. Turning to Rayland, he shared that he knew of Ming's second shop and what lies beneath, and also what the "Red" stands for. Rayland confirmed this was in fact Simeon, and Bryn handed over the book.   Quickly looking over the book, Simeon was able to decipher a small amount - the book was likely written by Kreven, the second in command of the Ragesian Inquisitors. It was further read and approved of by an individual who couldn't be affected by Divination magic. The book also revealed that The Scourge might have a second purpose, or a second meaning. There was also expressed interest in "Trilla". This sparked recognition with Simeon - Trilla was the name of a young gold dragon that was captured by Dracus Coaltongue before he became the emperor.   Wrapping up their meeting, Simeon shared that there would be a council meeting in two days, and strongly requested the Protectors attend. Asking Diashan to stay back for more questioning, the party left the tower to explore Seaquen.   As they walked the streets, the party heard the news from a town crier - "4th Ragesian army attacks Shahalesti around northern edge of Otdar mountains! Caravans disappearing in swamp, adventurers requested to clear path for supplies! Investigators wanted for arson, come to the Magistrate's office! Open auditions for the Wayfarers continue tomorrow midday!"   Discovering they had more time to rehearse, Winry and Jack gathered the supplies they needed for their performance and spent a few hours practicing. Meanwhile, the remaining members looked into the arson investigation. Following some rat tracks from one of the burned buildings led Rayland, Bryn, and Myetharia to an undamaged house build upon a basement. Deciding they would scope the house, the group reconvened and made plans for investigating further under the cover of night.

Session 24 - Deception at South Harbor

After a restful night in Seaquen for everyone but Winry, the Protectors of the Pass enjoyed some coffee while standing in line to meet with the local magistrate. Their intentions to look into the case of arson was quickly derailed however, when a mind-controlled young man named Grayson approached them. He told the Protectors that a short blonde woman wearing a hat named Jess was looking for them. After Jack broke the control on his mind, Grayson agreed to take them to Jess.   Making their way into the tent city of South Harbor, the Protectors were led to the house of the Rutland family. Knocking on the door, they were greeted by Jess, who insisted they come inside. Locking the door behind her, Jess removed the Hat of Disguise she was wearing. Jess was actually another powerful devil sent by Inquisitor Guthwolf, the same Ragesian Inquisitor who sent the bearded devil after the party in the Fire Forest. Demanding Funzbar's book of intel, she dove into battle, slashing away at the party.   Moments later, Myetharia and Winry were unconscious, Jack was nearly down, and Rayland's daggers couldn't penetrate the devil's plate armor. While Bryn struggled to keep everyone on their feet, it seemed the battle was soon to go to the devil. But a knock on the door revealed a relieving sight. Grayson had alerted the guards, and responding quickly were several powerful mages from the Lyceum, flanked by guards. Seeing the tide was about to turn against her, the devil doffed her disguise and fled.   Battle coming to a close, the faculty members insisted that the party meet with Simeon the headmaster immediately. Still very injured, the party made their way to the Lyceum, hoping to learn from the headmaster what the next step in their journey would be.

Session 23 - Arrival at Seaquen

After a long and arduous journey, the Protectors of the Pass finally arrived in the port of Seaquen. Greeted by Tommin Wheelright, the party was ferried ashore to meet with Lee Sidoneth, the harbormaster. Meeting with Lee were two half orcs, and a character very familiar with Rayland - his employer Aemon Ming.   The Protectors impressed upon Lee and Ming the necessity for a meeting with Simeon, the headmaster of the Lyceum. Leading them to the Aurad Tower within the gates of the school, Lee introduced the party to Gilver Fern, the teacher of bardic magic. After fawning over Tiljann for a moment, the halfling showed the Protectors where they could camp within the walls of the over-crowded Lyceum.   As Bryn set up camp, Rayland exited to attend to personal matters, and Myetharia found her way to a nearby blacksmith. There, she found a set of very nice matching scimitars, promising the proprietor of the store that she would return for them soon.   Her work with the party at a temporary close, Torrent began to depart. Jack caught her, and made note to Torrent and the gathered Protectors - though the road was long and dangerous, they had made it to Seaquen, and completed their mission. Next on their plate - save Gate Pass.

Session 22 - Bar Games and Warships

After a night of bar games and frivolity, the Protectors of the Pass neared the end of their journey to Seaquen. They witnessed a group of Lord Megadon's guards collecting hefty tolls, a trio of witches with skeleton guards in a swamp, and experienced strange and violent storms that blew in from the north toward Seaquen. Using their feather token from Nelle, the Protectors boarded their eagle-inspired boat, and made their way to the coast.   Before they could arrive, however, they were stopped by a Shahalesti warship. Seeing an opportunity to gain some intel, Rayland stealthily boarded the warship and made his way to the captain's quarters. While Rayland did what Rayland does, the remaining Protectors kept the ship's captain Thallen distracted in conversation.   Rayland's findings in the captain's quarters confirmed the story Thallen shared with the party - their ship was preparing for the arrival of Princess Shalosha, the daughter of the leader of Shahalesti, Lord Shaaladel. But Rayland uncovered more information than that. Thallen's orders were to "secure the port" for alliance discussions, and that the princess was being accompanied by an armada of 17 warships. Knowing Shahalesti's reputation for bullying alliances, sometimes violently, the arrival of these ships seemed disconcerting.   As Rayland made his way back to the boat, the captain suddenly recognized Jack. She called him the son of Mel, the famous leader of the Masters of Mirth traveling troupe, and implied the family was very wealthy. Knowing they needed to stall for Rayland's return, Jack confirmed the captain's suspicions, asking her to put the good word in with his father if she returned to Calanis.   Information gathered and Rayland collected, the Protectors continued on their boat to the shining docks of Seaquen.

Session 21 - Springs, Sorcerers, and Sphinxes

Rising with the sun, the Protectors of the Pass gathered their belongings and once again hit the road, heading south toward the coast. They rested again in Brightstaff Commons, a town renowned for it's natural hot springs. While relaxing in the warm pools, Torrent shared the story of the town's name - The town is named after an artifact called Brightstaff, a powerful healing object. About 10 years ago, a red dragon named Vorax-Hul took the staff and the dwarven clerics who guarded it to his lair in place of destroying the town. Though grateful for the dwarves’ sacrifice, the townsfolk feel guilty and hope the dragon may one day be destroyed.   Back on the road, the party met Sir Quincy Felthuf, a knight of Lord Rego. He shared camp with the Protectors, and told them of the Lyceum's decision to not aid Rego in a situation decades prior. A sorcerer named Lsi-pu gained control of an air elemental and used it to attack Lord Rego's castle for weeks. The lord asked the Lyceum for aid, but none was given. Strangely, the Lsi-pu disappeared one day, and hasn't been seen since.   Continuing on their way, the Protectors witnessed a silver capped and mantled dwarf, playing with and riding on a sphinx. Knowing sphinxes preferred a stoic life of solidarity, this was an unusual sight indeed.   As they reached the coast, Jack felt inspired to share a bit about his five older siblings. Winry also shared that she had 2 older siblings, Rayland had 2 older brothers, and Bryn reminded everyone that she is also the youngest. They pondered on the strange coincidence of all being the youngest in their respective families, when they realized they had passed into the lands of Lady Namin. Upon this realization, the party noticed they were being followed by two knights. Wary of their passive pursuers, the Protectors of the Pass watched their backs, and readied themselves for whatever lies ahead, or behind them.

Session 20 - Cold After Warm

Finally departing the Fire Forest, the Protectors of the Pass made their way through treacherous, icy foothills, continuing on their way to Seaquen. The change in temperature was a welcomed one, but made traveling a bit difficult. After a few days of wandering the paths, playing five-finger fillet, and decompressing conversations, the party arrived at the small hamlet of Cornerwood.   There, the Protectors met Captain Kinroar, the guard leader of Cornerwood, under the command of Lord Rego. The good captain shared that Cornerwood was once a prosperous trade town. But the days of plenty had faded with the fires of Innenotdar. With the knowledge of the flames ending, Kinroar was encouraged that the town may yet rise again.   Arriving at The Palacial, the local inn, the party set about taking care of some personal business, before enjoying a performance from Jack and Tiljann, and then heading to their soft beds for a night of warm, comfortable rest.

Session 19 - Protectors of the Seela

Waking in the morning, the Protectors of the Pass began casting spells and hatching a plan to defeat Indomitability.   As Bryn flew the roc over the prone form of the fiery stag, Winry dove into the boiling water. Retrieving the sword, it bonded with her, and became a living weapon for her attacks. Now freed, Indomitability charged the shore, killing as many Seela as he could, attempting to stop the song. Before the Protectors could respond, there was a flash of arcane light. Joining the fray and murdering Seela was none other than the bearded devil that hunted the party.   Seeing the tide turning against the villagers, the Protectors convinced Papuvin and the singers to allow Indomitability to go. With some convincing, and some straight up attacks, Papuvin agreed, and Indomitability disappeared, promising to see the party again sometime. With Indomitability gone, Vuhl spoke up and thanked everyone for releasing his brother. Suddenly, his form shifted from a Seela into a tentacled writhing mass, who then similarly disappeared.   The threat to the Seela now gone, the Protectors focused their fire onto the devil. With great teamwork, and Winry's new magically imbued attacks, the devil finally fell.   With Indomitability dealt with and the devil subdued, the Seela breathed their first unlabored breath in years, and cheers rang out for the victory of the Protectors of the Pass.

Session 18 - The Hag and the Dryad

As combat began, the once-nymph-turned-hag Gwenvere ducked under the muddy water, hiding and biding her time. As Jack, Bryn, and Myetharia battled the wretch, Rayland and Winry snuck into her cavernous abode, and found what they were looking for. There, wrapped around a mannequin's head, was a lock of blonde hair tied together with a brass clip.   Snatching the relic of Anyariel, the two made their escape. But as the Protectors of the Pass tried to board their giant roc steed, Gwenvere attacked. But she was rebuffed by many attacks from the prepared party, with Jack furiously and brutally landing the final blow.   Removing Gwenvere's head, the party mounted the roc and soared over the blaze of the forest, to Timbre's Grove, home of the forest's dryad spirit. Once there, the Protectors displayed the lock of hair, prompting the dryad to share her story.   In short, she revealed that in years past, Shahalesti attacked the forest. But Anyariel defended it. Wounded, she was cared for by Timbre. To thank her for her sacrifice, Timbre gave Anyariel her wooden sword, a living piece of Timbre's willow tree. When Indomitability attacked years later, it was that same sword that pinned Trilla to the bottom of Seela Lake. Timbre revealed that while that piece of her tree survived, so would the Seela. So long as the sword was bound to a living person.   Armed with this information, and accompanied by Timbre herself, the Protectors of the Pass again mounted their roc companion, beginning their return to the Seela village.

Session 17 - Sacrifice of the Seela

The Protectors of the Pass agreed on their next course of action - using one of their feather tokens, the Protectors summoned a huge bird, and rode it across the forest to the village of the Seela. Once there, the party met the leader Papuvin, who delivered sobering information - the lives of the Seela, and that of the forest, were connected to Indomitability. If the child of Trilla was released, they would perish.   Meeting with the leader of the opposing faction, Vuhl revealed his plan to the Protectors - to kill the dryad Timbre, and use her death as a distraction to stop the Song of Forms that the Seela used to hold Trillith in his watery tomb.   Deciding on another course of action, the party instead headed to the lair of the watery hag Gwenvere, who held a relic that would allow the Protectors to gain access to Timbre, and learn of their options to save Myetharia, the Seela, and the forest. Offering the once-nymph a hunted rabbit, the party discovered her location floating in a lagoon. Wasting no time, Jack fired a Faerie Fire spell at the creature, and combat began.

Session 16 - A Little Illumination

The party found their way to the mouth of the White River, and were greeted by an aged, tired, and emaciated unicorn that introduced itself as Nelle. Nelle revealed that he was tasked by Bhurisrava to protect several elves living in the village within the Fire Forest. Nelle complied, healing the elves as much as he could over 40 years, but his magic had little to no effect. The elves still burned, never dying, constantly suffering, their minds destroyed by the pain.   Nelle also revealed that Bhurisrava tried to remove one of these burning elves from the forest, but the elf turned to ash upon leaving the boarders of the woods. The party now had confirmation of their fears for Myetharia's fate.   As talk turned to Bhurisrava, Nelle shared that he was an elf with red hair and a healing mace. The same mace that Bryn found in the shrine, held by a dead elf with red hair. In all likelihood, Bhurisrava was dead. Nelle shared that Bhurisrava was allied with the Seela people, a village that remained in the forest to this day. They are the singers of the song that Winry heard in her vision from the dream seed.   Jack used Minor Illusion to create an image of Indomitability, and Nelle shared that he is a child of Trilla (also known as "Trillith"). He invaded the forest many years ago in the form of a giant fiery stag. Anyariel repelled him, but he was not defeated.   Nelle then showed the group a statue of an eagle and a dragon intertwined, and on it were six Feather Tokens. Nelle gifted these to the party, and clarified the grave truth of the situation - the party must end the suffering of the forest; they must free or defeat Indomitability.   Heading back down the river to reconnect with Torrent and Crystin, the party came across a fairy-like woman named Tiljann who was being attacked by other fairy people. The attackers claimed that Vohl demanded Tiljann's death. The party scared away most of the attackers and saved Tiljann, who revealed she and her attackers were of the Seela people. In thanks for saving her life, Tiljann agreed to tell the party a story that would answer many of their questions.  

Session 15 - Games by Firelight

After tense negotiations with the bearded devil calmed, the party headed back into the tower to rest. It was clear that there remained trust issues between the party members. Picking up on this problem, Winry suggested a game in which each person would have to be opened and honest. It led to hilarity, honesty, and newfound connection between the members.   They learned that Winry was from Eresh (a place between Sindaire and Ostalin) and that she once stole Jack's diviner. Jack shared he had a scandalous relationship with a girl named Elwyn and that his family were traveling performers. Bryn revealed a tattoo representing her father's orc clan, and the party gained more insight into her relationship with her ex-husband Brent and her son Keth. Myetharia opened up about her tryst with a human named Alram Morrison that her family did not approve of, and spent time in jail for beating up a high-born prick. And Rayland revealed that he was from a small town called Green-on-Alremlin in Ostalin, had been trained as a footman since 12, and once had tattoos, but no longer does (something he refused to expound on).   After a night of rest, the party agreed to head toward the mouth of the White River, where they hoped to find Bhurisrava, and some answers. The party also became aware of Myetharia's condition worsening, as she showed fatigue and discomfort, as well as a distaste for being dunked in water. After the party dealt with a fiery salamander, they continued onward, and neared their destination.

Session 14 - A Hot Deal

The party woke Winry while fighting off the antlered snakes, and discovered that she did have visions of the Firestarter. The eyes in the fire visited her in a dream, while chanting in Sylvan could be heard in the distance. The group discussed what to do with this information, but didn't have long to talk. Arriving after the fight, the bearded devil that hunted the party appeared on the bridge, looking to parlay.   Jack tried to fool the devil with a different book and some abstract legalities. Not taken by the ruse, the devil suggested a deal - he helps the party defeat Indomitability, and in return, they would give Funzbar's book to him. Although Jack seemed to be willing, the group decided to instead retreat back into the tower to discuss.   After debating the options, the group decided an informal agreement was acceptable. However, when paper and quill were presented to make the deal official, the party backed out. But not before Myetharia attempted to make a deal personally.   Bidding the party farewell, the devil turned to leave, promising their next encounter wouldn't be so friendly.

Session 13 - Burning Questions

It begins with a fight. Two ghoulish creatures with poisonous claws attacked the party, but were easily dispatched. As one perished, it uttered a final phrase - "All this, just to die?"   During the melee, a subterranean chamber was found below the tree fountain. Descending the stairs, the party discovered a strange site. The room, bathed in blue light, had a statue of an elven woman wielding a greatsword, and two bodies. One was a clearly deceased elvish priest with a clawed face. The other was also an elf, wearing dated Shahalesti military garb, specifically the regalia of the Solei Palancis. Myetharia knew this man, and called him Diashan Shediell. He was still alive, still breathing. And although the fires of the forest tried to engulf him, some force was keeping the blaze at bay.   Also within the chamber was a cracked case, less than a foot long, its contents missing.   Leaving the chamber, the party headed back to the stonewood bridge and successfully broke into the tower. Once inside, the party found a journal written by one calling themselves Bhurisrava. In it, they recounted the forest falling to the magical flames, and their attempt to bring the survivors living in the forest to the mouth of the White River, upstream. There, Bhurisrava hoped they would find reprieve from the fires. He closed the entries by saying "May someone find what I have hidden."   Through magical means, the party determined the name "Bhurisrava" meant "never defeated in battle," similar to the name Indomitability, but seemingly different.   Bhurisrava also had set aside a small pouch filled with strange seed-like items. The bag was labeled "Dream Seeds" in goblin, and said that one will give someone visions of the "Firestarter", but two would poison them.   Jack tried to eat one, but nothing happened. Then Winry tried. And she fell unconscious, her body rigid on the floor, eyes flickering behind closed lids as though in a violent dream. As the party considered what to do next, suddenly there appeared three large snakes with antlers on their heads, floating through the air. The party faced these newcomers, confused, but ready to defend their fallen friend.

Session 12 - Indomitability

The party was trapped between burning trees, an encroaching wall of flame, and fire on all sides. Three elemental creatures shaped like deer attacked as well, raking their flaming antlers against each adventurer, engulfing them in flame. In an effort to appease the forest and not anger it, Winry and Jack used magical frost to temporarily extinguish the burning trees blocking their path, and each member climbed their way out. Myetharia held the rear guard, allowing everyone to escape while she took the hits from the elemental deer. Unfortunately, those hits became overwhelming for her, and she was knocked out, still burning from their attacks.   Winry ran back to carry Myetharia to the trees to escape. But when Myetharia regained consciousness, she seemed strangely unperturbed by the fire that still smoldered on her.   Arriving on the other side, the party witnessed a face form in the rolling fire wall - the face of a dragon with a fiery crown of horns. He had this to say:   “Come!” it roars. “Follow the river. Set me free!” “Know this: I am the flame; I am a prisoner here. Save me, free me from the prison of this enforced flesh, and you may continue to your destination. Refuse, and never shall you leave this wood. You shall be a prisoner for as long as I. You shall burn forever, and never die.” “I am Indomitability. No wound shall ever defeat me. No fire shall ever destroy me. My power can be yours if you release me.” “Rest your flesh now in the ruins beyond the bridge. Then you must follow the river down to the singing lake. I lie trapped beneath its surface. Set me free!” “End the song of the deep, the song of agony and eternal vigil. Silence the forty tongues who hold me here, who doom themselves with my relentless flame.” “I care for nothing but freedom. If you do not release me you shall suffer my wrath.”   Jack dispelled the flames with his Wand of Dispel Magic, and the dragon's visage dissipated in a roar of defiance. The party took their rest, deciding their course of action.

Session 11 - Devil in the Fire

The femur bone in hand, the party moved further into the Fire Forest, seeking the one looking to bargain with or potentially harm them. Text on the femur stated this individual wanted what was "in the case", presumably Funzbar's book of intel from the Ragesian palace. Not long into their trek, they were attacked by what Jack knew to be a bearded devil - a demonic figure with a fiery glaive and snakes for a beard. He viscously assailed the group, aided by two imps reminiscent of Kurychek.   The devil was able to teleport around the battlefield, and his thick flesh rebuffed most attacks. After beating the party down considerably, he left, running into the blazing forest, seemingly unharmed by both the flames and the party's aggressions.   Gathering themselves, the party moved on, bruised and beaten, paranoid of another attack. Further into the woods, Rayland was attacked by a fiery spear slamming into the ground, narrowly missing him. Two fire elementals shaped like deer appeared and approached the group, as fire sprang up on all sides, a wall made of the inferno encroaching on their position. The party dug in their heels, and prepared to face this new threat.

Session 10 - Into the Inferno

The dust settled from the battle with the Inquisitor and his goons, and the party tended to their wounded. Haddin was bleeding out, and while he was on death's door, his apparent hold on Crystin broke. She begged the party to get her away from the farm and away from Haddin, as he was controlling her. She implored us to take her, with or without Haddin. As soon as her father's wounds were closed (yet he remained unconscious), Crystin returned to her demure and quiet self.   The party discussed their options, and decided the best course of action was to take Crystin with them, but to leave Haddin at the farm, bound but alive. The group feared what Haddin could do to control individual minds while within the Fire Forest.   Each member had their rest, and in the morning, the party left the farm, carrying a bound Crystin. They quickly arrived at the Fire Forest and quaffed the potions of fire resistance, and trudged into the blaze.   Not long after entering, the party came across a few bodies. While they were ripped to pieces, they turned out to be alive. One of these undead bodies begged for death. Myetharia delivered a killing blow, but the body soon returned to life. Moving on, the party saved a mephit from being attacked by fire bats, discovered the same inability to bring finality to their enemies (though cold attacks seemed to have a strong effect).   Continuing on, the party found a bridge over a blazing gorge, with a wagon that had fallen off and was smoldering below. They safely crossed the bridge and continued on safely.   Eventually, the party discovered a dark figure, following them. Before they could get a clear view of the person, they seemingly teleported away in a blast of fire. Shortly after this event, a hound delivered a humanoid femur to the group with a message written on it. “Leave the case’s contents. Cooperate and we might find an arrangement to spare your lives. Carry this with you if you wish to bargain.”   The group took the bone with but left nothing behind to continue on.

Session 9 - Snatch and Scourge

After a long discussion, the party decided they would wait till morning to confront Haddin. As the members went to sleep, Winry was stirring. Waking Rayland, the duo quietly absconded from the camp, and broke into Haddin's home. Their target was Crystin. After silently scoping the house, the two found Crystin's room, put a sack over her head, and battered her into unconsciousness, so as to not alert the sleeping Haddin in the other room. With their prize in hand, Rayland and Winry snuck back to the camp, alerting the remainder of their party to gather their things and quickly leave.   Suddenly, Rayland noticed a goblin sneaking close to the party's camp. Bryn quickly commanded the creature to stop, while a booming voice on the other side of the house announced that the Scourge had arrived, and they sought to capture or kill Haddin.   A brutal fight began, between a group of thugs led by a Ragesian Inquisitor, the party, and a panicked Haddin, who was quickly brutalized and rendered unconscious by shambling skeletons. The forces battled back and forth, but the party finally gained the upper hand, defeating the thugs, and killing the Inquisitor as he tried to escape.

Session 8 - Ceasefire before Forest Fire

Fighting for their lives, the party continued their battle against the Black Horse Bounty Hunters in a high-walled canyon. The melee continued until the group's leader Renard was slain by Bryn (specifically her horse). At the defeat of Renard, Kathor ordered the remaining men to stand down, claiming that the group was under his leadership now, and he was not going to continue their pursuit of the party. The group parted on good terms. Wrapping their wounds, the party continued along their way, eventually reaching the outskirts of the Fire Forest. There, they discovered a two-story farmhouse, and a young lady standing before it. The young lady was starring off into the distance as the party approached. As they greeted her, she shared a strange premonition - "The Scourge comes, and the skulls of the dragon pursue you. I saw it in a dream." Snapping out of her trance, the young lady introduced herself as Crystin, and promptly shared a request for the party. She asked if they could help she and her father Haddin leave their farm and find safety from the Ragesian Scourge. The party asked if they could sleep on it, and Crystin invited them to stay at the house. Entering their home, the party met Crystin's father Haddin. Jack knew that he was a notorious wizard from Gate Pass, and quickly warned the party of this fact, insisting they sleep outside. Once dinner was finished and the party situated outside, Jack returned within to attempt to convince Haddin to leave the farm with them. Jack's attempt failed, leading Rayland to try. His attempt also failed, but while within the house, Rayland was able to unlock a window. He returned to the party with a crazy idea - they were going to kidnap Haddin. The party then began deliberations, deciding what course of action to take.

Session 7 - Pursuers

The party settled into camp with Captain Herreman and his men, and Winry suggested they all play a game - two truths, one lie. Each member participated, and the companions learned more about each other. Here were their truths:   Bryn has a son named Keth who is 19, also parents and a brother and sister, is separated from her husband, and is 40 years old. Jack can play 8 instruments, has 5 siblings, performed in a circus multiple times, and is 125 years old Winry didn't pass the entry exam at the Monastery of the Two Winds, she can't roar, and loves to swim. Rayland is double jointed (can pop his shoulder out of socket), and has been a footman for "The Ming" for a decade. He also didn't kill a man when he was 12 years old (can you imagine?) Myetharia doesn't know how many cousins she has, can terribly play the piano, eats meat, and her last name is Faewarin. And finally, Torrent has naturally white hair, trained under a druid, and has seen the Wayfairers perform a few times.   After a rest, the party separated from Captain Herreman, and made their way through a mountain pass, headed to the Fire Forest. While traveling, they were ambushed by more of the horse-head armband thugs, and a battle ensued. The violence mightily turned against the party, and things seemed quite dire. In the midst of the fight, a horseman escaped further down the pass, blaring his horn and warning other members of the gang that the party was on their way.   Struggling to keep the villains at bay, the party dug in their heels, and prepared to defend themselves against this onslaught of evil.

Session 6 - Magic, Money, and Mages

The thugs dressed as guards attacked the party. Realizing Bryn had the ability to use magic, the thugs focused their attack on her. The ensuing dog pile may have meant curtains for Bryn, when suddenly, a spry man with a greatsword dropped from the roof and joined the melee. With his help, the party fought off the enemies, capturing one of them in the process. The mysterious rogue introduced himself as Rantle, a member of the Thieve's Guild in Gate Pass. He was very familiar with Myetharia, and enjoyed flirting with Bryn after the fight.   Together, the party followed Rantle and took their captive to a hideout. There, they questioned the thug, and discovered he belonged to a group of mercenaries that worked out of a camp south of the city. The group's boss was revealed to be Kathor Danava, and they sought mages in the city to capture and turn in to the Ragesian army for a reward. Within the city, the group frequented the Mannish Inn.   All the information gathered, the group asked Rantle to watch the prisoner and let him go after a few days. Rantle agreed, and then asked Myetharia a favor of his own. His sister Katrina disappeared a few days prior when news of the Scourge arrived, and Rantle believed she was making her way to the Lyceum, hoping to hone her abilities as a sorcerer. Rantle asked Myetharia if she would look for Katrina on her way to the Lyceum, and gave her a letter to deliver to Katrina upon her discovery. He described her as 5'8" with long red hair fitting for her magical fire abilities.   The party made their way to the temple to gather Torrent. Saying their farewells to Funzbar, the group plus Torrent started the long trek to the barracks to find Captain Herreman. Herreman turned out to be a middle-aged half-orc with a graying beard, and a dagger at his hip in the shape of a banana (obviously showing his connection to Councilman Menash). Showing the captain the documents Menash gave them, Herreman explained that the party's way out of the city was to dress as guards and go out on patrol. Their patrol was to look into a Ragesian necromancer robbing graves to revive the inhabitants, though Herreman doubted the veracity of the claim.   The party decided to wait in the barracks until the time came for the patrol, and the escape from the Gate Pass.

Session 5 - Leaving Town

The party wakes from their long rest, and conclude their business with Kurychek, handing him the empty case that previously housed Funzbar's book of intel. Using magic, Kurychek teleported the case away from the room, and bid the party farewell as he turned into a raven and flew away.   Gathering their belongings, the party headed out into the city morning, where passersby grumbled at the imposition the invading army has placed on their lives. Winry did some cartwheels to improve some moods. The group arrived at the One-to-Go Tavern, and met Krach and Petra, members of the Resistance. Myetharia and Rayland discussed with them ways for the party to escape Gate Pass, and the two suggested speaking with Councilman Menash at his mansion. The pair also mentioned unrest against magic users brewing in the city. A proclamation was made to turn all magic users over to the Ragesian Inquisitors for questioning, or another assault will fall upon Gate Pass. A mob had collected outside Gabal's School, although Krach was unconvinced that Gabal had left the city.   Jack suggested they speak with the president of Eralore Hall, Gratanus Helicomb. Not finding him there, the group made their way to the political district of the city, where they found the council breaking for lunch. Walking and talking together, Helicomb and Councilman Menash strode into the city streets. Jack approached and introduced himself to Menash and asked for a moment of Helicomb's time. Jack revealed the party's need to escape the city, and Helicomb led them to Menash's mansion.   Within Menash's Provisions and his garish mansion, he showed the party his many trinkets and implements for adventurers, most of which were fairly useless and designed in a silly fashion. While touring his estate, Menash filled the party in on the news of what happened the night prior - a druid turning into a giant eagle to kill a dragon, earth elementals bursting from the ground below the city, and an assault on the northern wall were some of his mentions.   Offering Winry a set of thieve's tools in a pouch shaped like a frog, the councilman also procured the documents necessary for escaping Gate Pass, instructing them to bring these documents to a specified place and to present them to Captain Herreman.

Session 4 - Rats, Badgers, and Imps

Leaving Gabal's School, the party began their trek through the city to the elven quarter. Using their knowledge of elven trickery, Jack and Myetharia were able to locate the hidden entrance, and quickly found their way to the carpentry shop mentioned on the map obtained from Shealis' dormitory. Finding the entrance to the shop similarly obfuscated, the party searched the exterior, eventually finding a section of the wall made of wood but painted to look like stone.   Next to the false wall was a series of switches, with images imprinted above each - an image of a winged woman with a musical horn, a muscled nobleman with the head of a lion, and an armored woman with a large sword, ready to defend. Using the text from the map "Arborea before Elysium before Celestia," the party prepared to enter the combination to open the door, when a sourceless voice spoke out to them.   The voice turned out to be a rat person who introduced himself as Kurychek. He offered to help the party get into the building in exchange for the box that they themselves sought, just without the contents. Denying his request, Jack turned to enter the combination when Kurychek lunged at him. Rayland stepped in front of Jack and was able to snatch the rat with his pack. Realizing he was outmatched, Kurychek escaped the pack and fled off into the night. Jack entered the combination, and the party was able to step inside.   Within, the party found a shop filled with doors in various states of construction, and four celestial badgers, their chromatic coats shining in the dancing firelight from a nearby hearth. The party calmed the guard badgers, and were called upstairs by a pair of voices. Taking the stairs, the party found themselves in a spartan room. The occupants were Galaeron, a dark skinned male elf, and Saphielle, a fair skinned and light haired female elf. They stated their working relationship with Shealis, and through a number of lies, the party was able to convince the two that they also worked for Shealis, and the box was to go to them. However, to convince them of this, Jack gave them each party member's true name.   Convinced, the elves loyal to Shahalesti gave the box to the party, who quickly made their way out of the building. Once outside, the part was once again accosted by Kurychek, who revealed his true form as a devilish imp. The party subdued and tied up Kurychek, and quickly made their way to the temple of the Aquiline Cross.   Once there, the party reconnected with Torrent and Funzbar, surrounded by dozens of citizens trying to escape the battle raging outside. The priest Buron Watcher led the party to a hidden chamber to hide and rest, but not before Jack gave a brief performance to lighten the mood. When the party had settled in the hidden room, they struck a deal with Kurychek - he could have the box if he let the party rest, and also did not reveal their identities to his handlers in Ragos. Agreeing, he shook Jack's hand, and the accord was magically struck. The party, exhausted from the excitement of the day, laid down for a much needed rest.

Session 3 - Mercy and Fireballs

The party charged through the streets of Gate Pass as the battle rages above the city. As they progress, an injured wyvern fell from the heavens and crashed through the roof of a civilian home. The party found a trail of bodies leading to a house where the rider of the fallen beast held a family hostage. Some of the group wanted to finish off the killer, but Jack put forth every effort to save him. In the end, the party removed the rider's weapons and armor, hog-tied him, and left him in a dark corner outside. Continuing on, the party arrived at Gabal's School of War. They were greeted by a portly man smoking a cigarette at the entrance of the school, who introduced himself as Diogenes. Jack and Myetharia lied to him in an attempt to convince him to quietly bring them to Shaelis, the elven woman who Larion was bringing the box to. After some discussion, Diogenes led them through the halls of The Castle, arriving at the dormitory hallway where Shaelis resided. Attempting to sneak to her door, Rayland, Myetharia, and Winry crept down the hall. Unfortunately, the attempt failed, and in an effort to stop Shaelis' retreat, the group charged through her door. They found Shaelis packing some belongings, with Larion and his solon watching her back. A melee ensured, in which Larion was slain. Seeing the numbers turn against her, Shaelis dropped a Fireball spell on the group, knocking several down, including Myetharia and Rayland. Seeing the level of her power, and that their two battle-hardened leaders were face down, Jack, Winry and Bryn decided enough was enough, and stepped back to allow Shaelis to leave. While she finished packing her things, Jack asked her if she was taking the box to Lord Shaaladel. She laughed this off. Winry asked her if she had any desire to protect Gate Pass. Shaelis claimed she had no allegiance to the city. Jack suggested that his father could pay Shaelis double for the intel (which Myetharia and Rayland were not conscious to hear), and while she was momentarily tempted by this, she headed out the door, but not before telling Jack that he should seek Clathan if he wanted the intel.

Session 1 - A Very Warm Greetings

The session began with all the PCs meeting at the Poison Apple Pub in Gate Pass. The pub had a sign out front that said   "Official Notice - Trehan Finner, owner of the Poison Apple Pub has been taken into temporary custody under the protection of the city guard, until such time that the representatives of the Ragesian Empire can question and find him innocent of hostile collusion. The Poison Apple Pub is hereby closed until further notice." The note had the seal of the city guard stamped on it.   The pub was abandoned with all doors locked. Rayland tried to pick the lock on the side of the building when the door was opened by Torrent, who invited us in.   Torrent shared with us that a Ragesian army was marching for Gate Pass, accompanied by Inquisitors, who hunt and kill magic users not aligned with Ragesia. They are attempting to establish dominance after the death of Emperor Coaltongue. To stop them and protect the city, we need to find Funzbar Biteknee, a gnome spy from the Lyceum who was undercover in the Ragesian palace. He has intel that was supposed to be given to Peppin Tallman, Funzbar's human handler from the Lyceum in Gate Pass. He was found dead, and it is unknown if Funzbar is aware of this or not.   Funzbar has a package containing "vital military intelligence which he stole from the Ragesian palace". We need to meet with him where he was going to meet with Peppin, at the Depository. From there, we will deliver the package to the Lyceum in Seaquen. Torrent planned on us leaving the city and traveling down a southern road to the Fire Forest, for which she had proffered a few potions to resist the fiery blaze. The issue she presented was - how do we get out of the city, which is on lockdown. She suggested we talk to Councilman Menash, who is sympathetic to the Resistance and may be able to help. He has a home in Summer's Bluff, the wealthy borough of the city.   Before we could begin the mission though, we were attacked by assailants wearing red arm bands with a black horse's head imprinted on them. They were led by a male human on horseback named Kathor. In the process of these assailants sneaking in, a fireball made of oil smashed into the roof of the pub, lighting some of the assailants on fire, as well as the building. After a quick battle, the group escaped out the same side door they entered from, Torrent included.   On their way out, Bryn asked Rayland to grab one of the armbands. And they escaped into the night.

Session 2 - Deception in the Depository
New Year's Day, 5754

Gate Pass is on fire. Armed with wyverns and dragonbombs, the Ragesian army have begun their assault, focusing their efforts on lighting buildings on fire to maximize panic and chaos, while the bulk of their force engages the Gate Pass guards at the Western gate. The denizens of the city are in a full panic. Folks are running out of their burning homes, people are being burnt and trampled, and bodies are beginning to stack up. The party, after escaping the burning Poison Apple pub, found themselves right in the midst of the chaos. Jack, Myetharia, and Bryn were knocked down the fearful hoards of citizens half-crazed with fear, as a bat-winged creature as big as a house flew overhead. The party eventually found their shaky footing, and began through the throng to the Depository. They stopped to help those they could along the way, including a father with several children saved from a burning house and a woman trapped a few stories up. They weren't able to help a wealthy man looking for his weasel though. Finally arriving at the Depository, a fifty foot tall structure built of smooth exterior and surrounded by a gated wall, Torrent presented the credentials to be allowed in. The group found themselves surrounded by tall lockers, containing who knows what, in a room with a circular staircase. There, they were greeted by a gnomish man, not especially attractive, with a long, dripping nose. He introduced himself as Funzbar, the person they were to meet. He greeted Jack as Peppin, and asked them to follow him. Jack did so, but realized something was amiss. Summoning his Unseen Servant (whom he calls Gil) and commanded him to swipe the top of Funzbar, revealing a taller individual to be in disguise as Funzbar. The illusory magic dropped, and a tall, well-built elvish male dashed away from the party. They pursued the elf until they were separated by a shiny talking orb that shot painful light rays at the party. Some members stayed and fought the celestial familiar, while others snuck past to follow the elf. Though they pursued him to the top of the roof, the elf attempted to doff magical potions. One was snatched by Rayland, which turned out to be a Potion of Spider Climbing. However, the elf eventually was able to drink a potion that allowed him to fly, and he escaped the party, floating to the ground, his celestial familiar following him. Dismayed, Rayland headed back downstairs, Winry tried to break into one of the lockers and was interrupted by Myetharia, Bryn began checking for injuries, and Jack stayed on the roof, surveying the battle. The party regrouped inside the Depository, where a group a guards broke in to assess the situation. They found several unconscious guards, an equally unconscious Funzbar (the real on this time), and a dead guard who had been burned, presumable by the same familiar the group fought earlier. Awakened, Funzbar found a ring that belonged to Peppin, and understanding that Torrent had it, he told the group what they had come to hear - "The school stands ready." He then encouraged the party outside, where they could talk further.


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