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Myetharia Faewarin

Myetharia Faewarin

Myetharia is a high elf from the country of Shahalesti, but living in the city of Gate Pass.

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Chaotic Neutral
Date of Birth
1st Pyriel of Sagawey
Green, with flecks of blue
Long and black. Usually tied up
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
White, but lightly tanned

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Session 8.
July 7th 2021

The fight with the bounty hunters continues, and the tide begins to slowly shift in favor of the group. The two scouts along with the man who seemed in charge, are all dead by the time Kathor rides up with more men. However, instead of having them attack the group, he halts his men, saying that his fight is not with them, and now that Renald, the previous leader, is dead, the group is to go on their way freely. After some further inquiry, it seems he was only following Renald's orders, and truthfully viewed their recent job to hunt mages as distasteful and beneath them. Though the tension still seems high, the bounty hunters go their own way, offering their old camp as they leave.   Continuing on their way, the cliffs on either side of the path turn slowly to craggy hills, and the air begins to warm. What seemed at first to be snow in the air, they find is actually cinders and ash. The fire forest comes into view. Tall trees stretch down into a valley that burns, as far as they can see. The last quarter mile of ground to the forest is covered with ash, and a river can be seen at the border. Crossing the hills toward the forest, they notice the first and only farm house in the area, accompanied with a barn. Additionally, they note a young girl, with wide blue eyes, dark hair, and a cloak wrapped around farmer's garb. As the group approaches, she does not look to them, but gazes off in the distance, and speaks flatly, as though not to them.   "The scourge comes and the skulls of the dragon pursue you. I saw it in a dream."   She then shakes, as if waking from a daydream, not seeming to know that she has spoken to them at all. But she does say that she believes their "arrival means that the end is near." She clarifies, that it would mark the end of her and her father's time on the farm, saying that since they themselves are magic users, she wishes to come with the group to avoid The Scourge. This she says in reference to the Ragesian Inquisitors who are in search of any and all magic users. She introduces herself as Crystin, and her father as Haddin, and invites them to stable their horses and stay for the night. When she leaves the group in the barn to prepare things inside for them, Jack shares with the group that he has heard of this Haddin, and that he is a well known magic user with a rough past and is known in Gate Pass for his skills in Dominating people. Though the stories were from decades ago, he still warns the others to be on their guard. After talking for some time, the group goes in to meet with Haddin and Crystin. They find that, though Crystin is cheery and welcoming to them, Haddin is a sour and hard-hearted old man, who seems to have some concerning control over his daughter.   Out of Game After dinner with the two of them, the group retires to make camp in the barn. During the evening, both Jack and Rayland make their separate attempts to befriend Haddin, but he seems convinced that neither he nor Crystin will be leaving the farm, sure that they will be able to handle The Scourge when it comes for them. Through the evening, the group argues for some time on the best way to continue. They are all quite divided, but seem to mostly agree that they will wait until morning to make any move, and if Haddin still does not agree to leave with them, then they take Crystin by force, as they all agree based on what they have witnessed, that he is abusing her with a magical control. Later in the night, as Jack is on watch, Winry reveals to him that she has other plans, and proceeds to wake Rayland.

Session 7.
June 6th 2021

While seated around the fire, Winry proposes a game of "Two Truths, One Lie" to the group, in an attempt to get to know each other better. They all agree, though some more reluctantly than others. Bryn goes first and the group learns that she is older than they had initially guessed, at 40 years old. They also learn that she is separated from her husband, Brent, but has a 19-year-old son named Keth who is running the family farm with her brother while she is away. Next goes Jack, and he reveals to them that he is 125, has five siblings, has performed in a circus, and knows how to play eight instruments. Winry reveals that she had applied to the Monastery of the Two Winds, but was not accepted, and has adopted a similar style of magic and fighting as they use there. Then Rayland follows Winry by revealing that he is 33 years old. Additionally, he has been employed by a man named Ming as his footman for the last decade, and he is double jointed in a few areas. Next, Myetharia reveals that she can play piano, but poorly, and that she has so many cousins on her father's side that she has lost count of how many there are. Lastly, they prod Torrent to also play. She informs them that she herself is 28, and that her hair has always been white.   In the morning, they part ways with Captain Herreman and his men, and continue South toward the Fire Forest. They carry on into the foothills and find themselves traveling down a tight valley. Keeping in mind the fact that they were told Kathor and his bounty hunters had an encampment in the Southern foothills, they proceed with some caution, watching for tracks. They don't see any, but as the pass becomes tighter, Rayland realizes and points out that the area would be perfect for an ambush. He calls the group to halt, and climbs up one side of the mountain pass to get a better view. With his position, he is able to spy someone hiding on the path ahead, and returns with this news to the group. They set up a plan to trip the trap, but it does not end up going as they hoped. Instead, the two scouts who had been in hiding, come out and blow a horn, signaling the group's presence. These two prove quickly to be more than the group can handle, as none of the attacks made on them seem to hit. Additionally, a third man begins to ride toward them on horseback, seemingly upset at the group. As the fight progresses, it gets even worse. The signal is blown once again, the group seems incapable of dealing the bounty hunters any damage. And Jack, though he is able to take the man down from his horse, is soon unconscious himself. Fortunately, Bryn uses healing and her Twilight Sanctuary to get Jack back up, and boost the others. Though the fight still continues poorly, Torrent slowly leads the horses to the group from where they left them up the path.

Session 6.
June 8th 2021

The fight begins in the back alley, and after only a few blows, Myetharia's friend Rantle drops in from the roof tops to aid the group in their fight. With his aid, they are able to make quick work of their attackers, leaving one alive for questioning. Rantle and Myetharia exchange a few words of greeting, and the others find him to be very charismatic, and a bit of a flirt to both Winry and Bryn. After tying up the remaining attacker, Rantle leads them to an empty safe house nearby, where they sit their captive down, and heal those who took blows during the fight. Jack and Myetharia begin to interrogate their captive, and find that he and the others had been spying on the councilman's home, and, suspecting the group of being mages, followed them to make a profit. He revealed that there was a bounty put out for mages, and they had simply taken the job for coin. With some extra pushing, they are able to learn that they had been working under a man named Kathor who had a pass in and out of the city, and who would stay at a "Mannish Inn". Their encampment outside of the city was somewhere in the Southern foothills. They decide to leave their remaining attacker in Rantle's capable hands, but he asks a favor of Myetharia before they go. His sister Katrina, a practiced fire mage, disappeared over a week before with the intention of going to the Seaquen Lyceum, where the group will be headed with the secret information from Funzbar. He asks that they keep a look out for her and give her the note he hands Myetharia.   After this, they return to the temple, updating Torrent, and saying their goodbyes to Funzbar. With Torrent now accompanying them, the group heads to the East cavalry department, where they show the Captain Herreman there, Menash's passes for them out of the city. He accepts the passes, and informs them that they will be accompanying patrol out of the city at sunset, giving them 4-5 hours until they leave.   Out of Game At this, the party breaks to deal with separate matters in the city before leaving. Myetharia goes with Jack to Gabal's school, while the others tag along with Winry to her circus she performed with. Once they arrive, Winry explains to her friends at the circus tents that she will be leaving, and bids them all farewell. However, Jack and Myetharia have less of an easy time at Gabal's. When they arrive they find a mob at the gates, shouting for Gabal to hand himself over to the Ragesians. Terrified of another attack, many civilians seemed to believe that handing over the mages within the city would stave off any future attempts. In a nearby alley, Jack uses his magic in an attempt to make the crowds leave, by casting a spell which makes them believe the city is under attack again. Most of them flee, but a handful remain, not believing the illusion. These few begin hurling rock at Diogenes, who had before been attempting to calm them through the closed gates. At this, the pair of elves come running up to disperse the remaining mob. After some back and forth debate, the crowd finally departs, and Diogenes returns to the gate, allowing Jack and Myetharia to enter. Jack has a private conversation with Diogenes about how uncomfortable he is with death and killing, but he finds little aid or comfort from his words. On their walk back to the barracks, Jack opens up to Myetharia about his hesitation, and she offers him an ear, if the bloodshed becomes too much a mental burden for him to bear. Once the sun begins to set, the group, dressed as the city's guard, at last exit the city of Gate Pass, accompanied by the evening patrol. To the west tolls a single bell, and Herreman explains that the Ragesian Inquisitors must have been let into the city. The group stops for the night at an abandoned watch tower a couple miles out of the city.

Session 5.
June 1st 2021

Before leaving the temple, Jack completes his deal with Kurychek by giving him the box, and Kurychek, after saying a quick goodbye, turns into a raven and flies away. Bryn bonds with Malissa, the half-orc bard from the night before, while the others decide what stops to make, and in what order. They decide to stop by a store to pick up some general supplies before going to the One-to-Go, and Bryn leaves a letter for her sister with Brother Buron. On their way through one of the many gates within the city, they ask the guards if anyone is allowed in or out of the city, and find that no one is let in or out, unless they have a special pass to do so. These passes come mainly from the council members themselves. At the store, Bryn picks up more healing kits, which Myetharia and Jack insist they pay for. Winry thinks about buying lock picks like Rayland's, but decides to wait.   Then off to the tavern they go. When they enter the grungy building, the barkeeper gives both Myetharia and Rayland a knowing nod, while looking at the others with suspicion. The two regulars make their way over to their informants, Petra and Krach, who are in their usual place, and greet them. Both Myetharia and Rayland ask about ways out of the city, and after some discussion, it seems their best option would be to find the councilman Menash, and persuade him to give them passes out of the city. Petra warns them, with a smirk, of Menash's eccentricity. Meanwhile, Krach seems to recognize Jack, despite the fact that Jack does not know him, and claims that he's been connected to Gabal in the past. The others press Jack on the topic, and he reluctantly fills them in that his school has always been at odds with Gabal's school, and it may have led to a few "practical jokes" being taken too far, but that is all they are able to get out of him. The group is also informed by Krach, that there is a bit of a riot currently going on over at the school, as the townsfolk want the mages to hand themselves over to the inquisitors, so that their lives can go back to "normal". After some discussion, they decide to go find Jack's headmaster, with the hope that he will give them an introduction to Menash. Myetharia bids goodbye to Krach and Petra, telling them to send their mutual friend, Rantle, in her direction if they can, before she leaves the city.   The group is let by Jack and Myetharia to Jack's school, but enter what seems to be another tavern with a few patrons inside. Jack asks Fimrall, the dwarvish barkeeper, where the president of Eralore Hall, Gratanus Helicomb, can be found, so that they may speak to him. They are informed that he went in to join in with the council meetings. And after some short discussion, they decide to go to where the meeting is being held, in hopes that they may run into him. They cross the main square of the city and make their way to the council building as the clock is striking noon, and the members exit, breaking for lunch. Two men catch their attention. The first, a very well built man, is clad in clothes colored purple, green and gold, and the second man who walks beside him, though not as colorful, is still rather extravagant. Jack approaches the pair, as he recognizes the second man to be President Helicomb, while the others stay back just a bit. After greeting one another, Helicomb introduces the former, and far more extravagant-looking man as the very councilman Menash they were looking for. Jack politely requests to speak to Helicomb privately, and as the councilman takes his leave, Myetharia inches closer to hear the discussion. She overhears that Jack was in fact sent on a mission for the Resistance, unbenounced to her, who believed that she herself had invited him along, and Helicomb knew all about their need to get out of the city. He agrees to make an introduction for them to Menash at his shop, reaffirming that he would be their best option out of the city, and leads the group away. The group arrives at a garish shop, dressed in the same purple, green and yellows which the councilman had been wearing himself. After grabbing some lunch, and making some quick introductions, Helicomb leaves to run errands before the meeting readjourns. The councilman Menash is quite an eccentric character, and Winry bonds with him over his style and favorite colors. Though Jack expresses wishes to get what they need and leave without delay, the others agree to take a tour of Menash's home, in exchange for his aid in leaving the city. The manor is adjacent to the shop, and they make their way over. The tour, consists of Menash showing them his many collections of oddities, which he has created himself. Among these are weapons made to look like animals, and rather impractical at that. However ridiculous his "adventuring gear" may be, Menash is almost overeager to share any rumors or news he had gained about the attack on the city. One such rumor was that a druid had taken the form of a giant eagle and drove off a red dragon from lighting the city on fire. Another was that an incursion had occurred at the north wall, but townsfolk had held them up long enough that guards could arrive and help. Yet another rumor spoke of an earth elemental rising up from the sewers near the houses of other council members, but they had been able to take it down. The last story he told was of the very wyvern rider they had encountered during the strike, and of how a group of unknown adventurers had left him tied up in the street for the guards. At this last account, his eyes seem to twinkle with an air of knowing. After this discussion, Menash offers them to take one item from his wares. With that offer, the group not only walks away with a note for a Captain Herreman of a cavalry detachment, but Winry walks away with animal themed thieves tools, in a little bag designed to look like a frog. She offers to sell him paintings in the future, perhaps of frogs, which he happily agrees to.   As the group heads back to retrieve Torrent, they notice that a group of people dressed as city guards is following them from about 30 feet back. The uniforms they wear do not fit them quite right, so the group guesses that it is a ruse of some sort. The group slips into a nearby tavern and out the back, hoping to give their followers the slip. Unfortunately, as they go into the back alley, they are surrounded on both sides. They are told to surrender, on suspicion of being mages. When the group stands their ground, with no intention of surrender, the fake guards draw their weapons for battle.

Session 4.
May 25th 2021

Having been to the ghetto before, Jack and Myetharia are able to get the group through the secret doors. Since high elves only need four hours of trance as sleep, they find the ghetto still rather active, even at two in the morning. They pass children playing in the street, and others, going about their day, and make their way to the carpentry shop on their map. Here, they find no door either, but again, after searching round for a hidden elvish entrance, they find one at the back. Symbols in the wall are carved to look like a winged woman with a trumpet, another as a noble and muscular man with the head of a lion, and a third to resemble an armored woman with a gleaming greatsword.   As the group discusses what plane of existence each symbol represents, a voice speaks out to say that is can help them get in if they, in exchange, give it the box they are in search of, even saying that the group may keep the contents. Myetharia convinces the voice to reveal itself, and a large rat steps out of the shadows. The rat says it's name is Kurychek, and explains that it has made a deal with someone for the box. However, the group dismisses Kurycheck, as they had already deduced that the winged woman represented Celestia, while the lion-headed man stood for Elysium and the armored woman for Arborea. The group turns from the rat and Jack begins to press the symbols in the order written on the map. But before he is able to press the last one, the rat makes a desperate attack at him to stop. Rayland and Winry are quick to the rescue, and Kurycheck flees into the shadows, saying it would not be the last they saw of him. In the darkness, they hear a light flapping of wings, the sound of which gets fainter. Collecting themselves, Jack pushes on the last symbol. A click is heard, and the door pushes inward. The group, led by Myetharia, enters into a large room, illuminated and warmed by a lit fireplace. In the room are nearly a dozen doors, propped up on metal frames, and unfinished. It seems to be the workroom of a carpenter who only works on doors. In front of the group stand four celestial and gleaming badgers, with coats of silver, gold and platinum hue. They watch the group guardedly, but are not aggressive. Myetharia speaks calmly to them, saying they mean no harm, coming only for information, and though they do not speak in return, the badgers seem to understand as they sniff at the group and then sit down on all fours. While Bryn and Rayland inspect the doors, only to find they are completely normal doors, Jack and Myetharia feed the badgers jerky and cheese.   From up a flight of stairs, they all hear a loud whisper, calling out to know who has entered. Jack answers, apologizing for the late hour and explains that they are looking for someone named "Clathan". When the voice shows no recognition to the name, Jack further explains that they have been sent by Shealis. The voice then seems confused, stating that they did not know there were "others", and invites the group up for introductions. They walk up the stairs to a room where they find two elves, a make with brown skin and a female with fair hair and skin. After Jack tells them they have been hired by Shealis and have been instructed to come here with the map and door key to "collect something" from her, the male elf pulls out a black, metal-looking box from behind a pillar, saying that they had collected the case for her. Myetharia, playing along, says that she remembers hearing about the two of them from Larion, as she recalls in her mind that Funzbar spoke of him having two elves take the case away earlier that day. Jack introduces himself by name and asks for theirs. The male introduces himself as Galaeron, and the female as Saphielle. Through some quick thinking and deception, the group is able to convince the pair that the plan has changed, and Shealis has requested that the box be passed to them to take out of the city. This persuasion was of course not done without first giving the elves all of their names. As the group leaves the building, Rayland is leapt upon, and bit by the rat, Kurycheck. Winry and Rayland make quick work of it though, and as it falls to the ground, dying, the form of a rat changes into that of a small, impish creature with horns. They tie him up and put him inside Rayland's backpack, continuing on, out of the ghetto to meet up with Funzbar and Torrent at a temple of the Aquiline Cross. As they are making their way out, they see Shealis coming toward the carpentry shop in the distance,. They are able to avoid another fight with her by ducking into a nearby alley just in time to not be seen by her.   The group arrives at the temple to find it filled with roughly 100 nervous townsfolk, taking refuge from the attack, which still goes on in some parts of the city. They quickly find Funzbar and Torrent, and fill them in on all that had occurred. Torrent recommends that the group lays low for a short time, and decide on how best to leave the city. As they sit, a female, half-orc bard plays a soulful tune to the crowd. A few of the listeners begin to shout at her to play something happier, and after returning a sarcastic response about all her happy music getting burned in the fires, she continues to play the depressing song. When she does so, Jack picks up his banjo and begins to play a peppy New Year's tune to drown it out, nudging his companions to sing along with him. After just a short time, the head priest comes out, looking tired and worn, and thanks Jack for aiding in calming the crowd. He notices Torrent with the group, and ushers them quickly into a back room. The priest, Brother Buron Watcher, is another member of the Resistance, and when Torrent tells him they have something they need to keep from prying eyes for a bit, he welcomes them and offers them the temple as a safe space for however long they need it. When he asks, they inform him that it is information that they plan to use to save Gate Pass. Buron leads them down below into a storage area, saying they may stay as long as they need to. The crew thanks him and makes some quick introductions. Eventually, the box is brought up, or more to the point, it's contents. Funzbar once more states that he has been bound to never reveal or tell what is inside of it. Although, he can open it, which he proceeds to do. As they peer inside, they see a book. Myetharia picks it up and opens it, to find that the writing inside is not one she knows. In fact, no one can read it, though Winry recognizes the letters used as part of the Infernal Alphabet, though in some sort of code that she cannot decipher. There are a few maps and buildings also drawn on the inside. Rayland reminds the group that they have someone who also may speak infernal, still tied up in his backpack. They inform the others of how the imp attacked them, and of how he wanted, not the contents, but the box itself. After waking Kurychek the imp, and questioning him about the deal he's make for the box, he reveals that he was summoned by some orcs in Ragos who had ordered him to get the box, and had been careless enough to not be more specific. The group decides to make their own deal with Kurycheck, and give him the box (after taking the book out) so long as he agreed to never tell a single soul who they were or what they looked like. After agreeing to hand the box over by noon, Jack and Kurycheck shake hands, sealing the deal. After the long day they have all had, the group is finally able to lay their heads down and sleep. The five of them only just banded together and met Torrent a few hours prior, and they know very little of what is in store for them, but they know that it's only just begun.   Out of Game The group awakes and decides to go to the One-to-Go tavern, where Myetharia has contacts, who could help them out of the city. Torrent notifies them that the initial assault has been driven out, but inquisitors may eventually be allowed in.

Session 3.
May 18th 2021

After parting with Torrent and Funzfar, the group make their way quickly towards Gabal's school, or as it was fondly called by those who disliked it, "The Castle." Fights raged above in the sky, between wyverns and their riders, and the city's own aerial protection: griffins and their riders. As they travel down the streets, a wyvern crashes into a near-by house. Screams follow, along with the cry of a child, provoking the group to quickly investigate. They find bodies in the street, and the wyvern rider, a half-orc, rifling, through a in of clothes inside the house. The confrontation is rather tense when he uses a young boy as a shield, but they are able to capture him without too much issue. Rayland and Myetharia make it clear they want him dead, while Jack defends him, saying that everyone makes mistakes, and he deserves a second chance. They end up tying the soldier up and leaving him in an alley to be found by others. Jack and Myetharia converse as they go on their way, about whether mercy should be given to even murderers. But they do not seem to come to any conclusion, but rather agreeing to disagree. When they reach the school, they discuss whether they should sneak in or not, and it is eventually decided that they will simply go in through the front when they realize a man is standing at the gate, smoking, and observing their presence. Jack begins a polite conversation with the man, Diogenes, telling him that they have business with Shealis. He rolls his eyes at the mention of her, but says he can take them to her, informing them along the way that she is one of Gabal's best students. However, the group does not seem to understand how powerful this means she is. Diogenes leaves them to meet with her, and they attempt unsuccessfully to sneak into her room. When they enter, they find that Larion had already arrived. They begin to attack the two elves, and soon find how out matched they are when Larion downs Myetharia in only a few blows, and Shealis throws a fireball in the room when the others do not back down. At this point, Rayland is additionally downed, and Larion is slowly dying. When Shealis threatens to throw another fireball, the party agrees to no longer attack her, and allow her to go free. As she leaves, she informs them that if they still want the stolen information after she leaves, that they should go find "Clathan" for it, though none know the name.   Out of Game Bryn sets to work bringing Myetharia and Rayland back to consciousness, and Diogenes comes bursting in to investigate the sounds of fighting. Rather upset that they lies to him about their true reason for seeing Shealis, he berates them for attempting to fight, saying that he did try to warn them of how strong she was. Once they apologize several times over, and he calms down a bit, they are able to get two healing potions from him. They then search Shealis's room for any aid, and only find a map of an elvish ghetto, with a carpentry shop circled and the phrase: "Arorea before Elysium, before Celestia," written beside it. After conversing for a bit, and healing up, they decide to go investigate this shop in the ghetto.

Session 2.
May 11th 2021

The crew runs out the side of the tavern, to see many other buildings on fire, and people running through the streets in a panic. They begin to head toward the depository, squeezing through the crowd, and several of them are struck by fear in the moment. They see a man, quite damaged by the fire, holding an unconscious body and surrounded by little ones, but Bryn quickly heals what seems to be the two parents, and they continue on their way. Winry saves a woman from another burning building, and a man yells out to them, asking their aid in finding his pet, giant weasel, but they pass on by, wishing him luck. They arrive at the depository, where Torrent has an account, and they are all permitted entrance. Making their way into the holding area, they search for Funzbar. A gnome, matching his description, meets them and asks that Jack, who he believes to be Peppin, follow him up the stairs to view the contents he has come to collect. Jack, being suspicious of the location Funzfar's voice is coming from, uses his invisible servant, Gil, to determine that this person is using a magical disguise to hide their true identity. At a sharp poke from Rayland's rapier, the illusion drops to reveal an elvish man. He begins to make his way up the stairs to escape, but is caught by Jack and Myetharia on the second floor. However, after only a moment, the elf is able to slip away once more, leaving behind some glowing, hovering ring. The ring sends a couple of radiant beams at Winry, and Myetharia makes some attacks at it. This provokes it to say in a rather automated voice, that "it is time to leave", and asks for "no violence". The elf makes it to the top of the tower, takes a potion, and jumps off. He begins to fall slowly down to the ground, followed by the glowing ring, and several of the crew make attacks as he falls, from arrows to spells. All to no avail, as he soon reaches the ground and quickly departs. Winry attempts to break into one of the safes, while no one is around, but is unsuccessful, while Jack apologizes to Rayland and Bryn for how things went, admitting that he has never been on any sort of mission before, let alone a fight. Bryn also confides in them that she has no experience, despite being in a heavy shirt of chainmail which belonged to her father. Rayland simply grunts at all of it, seemingly to accept the situation, and they make their way down to join the others. Before Myetharia is able to update Torrent on what happened, guards burst in, having been alerted to the fighting from the noise. She tries to play it off as though they were simply attacked by a random elf while there on business, though escaped from the roof before they could do any real damage to him, but they ignore her. They instead call for the group to lay down their weapons while they assess the situation, who then wait in silence as the guards inspect the upper levels. When they return, they bring back with them the unconscious bodies of the real Funzbar, and several guards, one of which is dead. The group is a bit shocked, as they had not thought to search the entire upstairs area. Funzbar and the living guards are brought back to consciousness, and Funzbar, realizing from a ring belonging to Torrent, that they are a part of the Resistance, and vouches for the group. Torrent relays that Peppin was found dead, and Funzbar, saddened by the news, suggestes that they continue the conversation elsewhere.   Out of Game Once they get back on the street, Funzbar reveals that he overheard part of a conversation the elf had through the glowing orb, which was called a solon (a celestial-like being which cannot lie and can be similar to a familiar). The elf, Larion, had two other elves take the case, and spoke with another elf, Shealis, who seemed to be a contact at Gabal's school. The case itself was a black metal, about a foot long and wide, and a half-foot deep. Funzbar had convinced the eves that the case was trapped, and could only be opened by a word that Peppin knew. He believed that this would keep them from opening it for the time being. Funzbar himself admitted that the Inquisitors had "enslaved his lips and hands to never reveal what he knew", so he could not tell the group what was in the case, or more about the info. After some time debating what they should do, the group decide to go to Gabal's school in search of this Shealis, in hope that wherever she was, the case would not be far behind. They leave, agreeing to meet Torrent an Funzbar at a near by temple of the Aquiline Cross, an undercover Resistance location.

Session 1.
May 4th 2021

Two elves make their way through the city of Gate Pass in the dark and cold of New Years Eve. They arrive at an abandoned tavern, and before they can make a move to enter or inspect the building, three other shapes approach. One, a gruff-looking, brown-haired halfling man, the second, a tall tabaxi with the print of a snow leopard, and the third, a female half-orc in oversized armor. Realizing that they are all here for the same mission, the group begins with introductions. The two elves are friends, Jack and Myetharia, the halfling is Rayland, the tabaxi is Winry, and the half-orc is Bryn.   As they turn to the door of the abandoned tavern, The Poison Apple Pub, they read a note which has been pinned to the door, and stamped with the seal from the city guards.   "Official Notice - Trehan Finner, owner of the Poison Apple Pub has been taken into temporary custody under the protection of the city guard, until such time that the representatives of the Ragesian Empire can question and find him innocent of hostile collusion. The Poison Apple Pub is hereby closed until further notice."   They are let in through the side entrance of the pub by a white-haired famale who introduces herself as Torrent. Torrent, who works for the Resistance, has a job for the group. As they sit together around a lone table, she informs them that the Ragesian army is marching for the city as they speak. The job is to get a package of intel which may aid in ending the surmounting war efforts, from a gnome by the name of Funzbar Biteknee, out of the city and to the Lyceum in Seaquen. Funzbar, who works for a member of the Ragesian court, is an imbeded spy for Peppin Tallmen, who works for the Lyceym, and is meant to meet with him this very night at the depository in the city, not knowing that he was recently found dead. Another problem the group faces, is that the city has been shut down. No one in or out.   As they are discussing their plan of action, and Rayland makes a move for the door, they hear a floorboard creak above, and movement from outside the pub. After some quick consideration, they douse the lights and make a move for the stairs. A shout from outside calls them to stand down, and drop their weapons, or else there would be violent consequences. When the order is ignored and they continue toward the stairs, the building shakes, and fire rains down onto the roof., lighting individuals upstairs alight. Several come running down, while the front door gets slammed off it's hinges.   A fight ensues on all ends of the tavern, with fire now blazing all around them. They clear a path to the side door and make their escape, and it seems as though their pursuers will not give chase. Before the group continues, Bryn rips a red arm band off one of the dead bodies which carries the symbol of a black horse head on it.


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