Crow Spirits in Warhammer 40,000 | World Anvil

Crow Spirits

The Crow Spirits are a band of Aeldari Corsairs who hunt their prey in the Koronus Expanse of the Segmentum Obscurus.   The Crow Spirits are grim, cold killers who seem bent not on piracy but the selective annihilation of Humanity's presence within the Koronus Expanse. Clad in glittering Asuryani Mesh Armour that shines as if filled with moonlight, they make no sound in battle and are led by witches robed in pale tatters with tall helms of gleaming wraithbone. Their starships are like pale, dead things driven by a cold and broken will. Their tattered ethereal solar sails propel them from the depths of the void to strike at Imperial voidships, colonies, and space stations in the Foundling WorldsAccursed Demesne, and Unbeholden Reaches regions of the Expanse.   Cloaked and unseen until it is too late, the Crow Spirits are borne on a storm within the Warp and realspace that boils and screams with ethereal voices. They destroy and kill with a cold precision -- and then leave, taking no prizes. Who leads these mysterious Aeldari Corsairs and what their purpose is remains unknown, but some have speculated that they are guarding something, or keeping something from being discovered. At least one Inquisitor of the Ordo Xenos believes that the Crow Spirits have some tie to a notorious Aeldari Corsair in the Calixis Sector -- Ulthyr Ellarion.
Leader   Unknown   Strength   Unknown   Base of Operations   Unknown


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