Delta Scippio

Long range observations has identified the star as a G type yellow dwarf characterized by its abnormally large habitable zone. Follow up surveys have identified several rocky planets potentially within the Delta Scippio's primary biosphere. Unfortunately every colony fleet dispatched to the system lost contact shortly after entering the stellar volume causing many sailor to dub the system "cursed."
Known System Features: 1 Jovian (CONFIRMED), 1 rocky planet in habitable zone (CONFIRMED), 1-2 additional rocky planets (Position and number UNKNOWN).
Colonization Fleet 42b A14419: Departed from Port Wander January 20th 4.801.999M41. Last Contact Date: June 15th 4.802.999M41 as the fleet past through the Rain system. Battlefleet Koronus was dispatched to investigate the lost convoy in 4.802.999M41, however no trace of the lost fleet was discovered.
Colonization Fleet 67c B15714: Departed from Footfall May 15th 4.580.850M41 under Rogue Trader Lux Paleheart the 14th aboard the Mortis Incidior. Contact was lost in 4.258.851M41 as the Mortis Incidior and its accompanying Jericho-Class pilgrim transports was lost in Arctoris Gamma. Viper Squadron was dispatched from Battlefleet Koronus in the later half of that same year to search for the ruins of the prominent Dynasty's flag ship under a formal request from one Elias Paleheart. The Mortis Incidior and the colonization fleet was discovered in the outer reaches of the Arctoris Gamma system. Commodore Janus Hekaton's official report described the Paleheart fleet's damage being consistent with wounds inflicted by Archenemy raiders known to operate in the Expanse. An Adeptus Terra Class 72-C expedited inquiry was formally requested the Paleheart Dynasty, and concluded in 4.999.999M41 the Commodore's initial report was correct and the attack was not undertaken in cooperation with a rival Rogue Trader dynasty.
Colonization Fleet 82z K28519: Departed from Footfall December 21th 4.762.855M41 under Rogue Trader Gregorius Hermin Brightheart shortly after news of Colonization Fleet 67c B15714 reached Footfall. Contact was lost in 4.777.852M41 in the Magaros System after the fleet was destroyed in its entirety by an ambush conducted by Archon Gharax of the Crimson Blossom Kabal. The crew's final moments were forcfully dispatched by astropathic transmission to all nearby systems upon order Gharax's command.

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