Followers of False Gods in Warhammer 40,000 | World Anvil

Followers of False Gods

There are worlds waiting to be discovered within the Koronus Expanse that are inhabited by people who have fallen to the worship of false gods which are but a mask for the Ruinous Powers. Proud and decadent civilisations build temples to the Dark Gods and bind their societies together with sorcery, terror, intrigue, and atrocity.   On certain planets, they may worship the glory of Chaos Undivided as a pantheon of gods and divine Daemonic servants, the dark reality of their beliefs cloaked in strange names and mystery. Others may have fallen into the embrace of worship of a single major Chaos God, becoming a world in which war and bloodshed is the bedrock of existence, or one which has evolved an elaborate social and political hierarchy around which intrigues, lies, and secrets move like poison.   Where these worlds may be or what devilries they harbour are yet to emerge from the dark unknown of the Koronus Expanse, but they are there waiting like serpents in long grass. Were ever such a world to be discovered, then all true servants of the Emperor would destroy its people and the lie of its gods completely and utterly, lest its poison and lies spread.


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