
“By the Throne, would you look at this! Barely a stone to fly around, no xenos, no grav-tides, nothing. There’s money to be made here, lads. Easy money.”
  • Rogue Trader Markus Forsellis.
  • Overview

    Near the Coreward end of the God-Emperor’s Scourge, bathed in the faint, flickering, bruise-colored light of the distant Void Dancer’s Roil, lays the small and unassuming Forsellis system. Centred on the star Forsellis, a brilliant blue giant of immense size and power, it was first charted by the Rogue Trader Markus Forsellis nearly one thousand years ago. It is sparsely inhabited for its size, has little in the way of resources, and no known archaeological or anthropological sites of interest. Its one habitable planet, Damaris, lies halfway between the star and the vast ice fields at the edge of the system and is home to a relatively young and burgeoning Imperial colony. The rest of the system consists mainly of gas giants, barren rocks with trace atmospheres and the aforementioned ice fields, a treacherous, ever-shifting expanse of ice asteroids the size of moons that ring the system like a wall.
    Beyond this wall lies a wide-open space free of serious navigation hazards like asteroid fields or heavy gravity tides, meaning the system is quite easy to navigate once clear of the ice fields. This easy navigation has turned the system into something of a trading hub, which has allowed Damaris a higher standard of living than would otherwise be possible in such a backwater. While the inner system has been exhaustively charted, and the planets close to Damaris surveyed for any available resources, the system does still hold secrets. The ice fields, known colloquially as The Frozen Reaches, remain largely unexplored due to their treacherous gravity tides and the ever-shifting ice. What little is known about them revolves around the super-massive gas giant Skadi that broods at the outer limits of the Reaches, holding close any secrets it may possess.
    Sadly, the peace and quiet enjoyed for generations of Damarans is about to be brutally shattered. Savage Orks have massed on the borders of the system, banding together in the wilderness of the Reaches for an assault on Damaris. Calls for help from the Planetary Government have gone largely unanswered, and rumors are that even the Imperium has abandoned the people of Damaris to their ugly fate at the hands of the greenskins.

    System Details

    Star: Forsellis, Blue Main Sequence Star

    Inner Cauldron


    Size: Large, High Gravity
    Atmosphere: None
    Climate: Burning World
    Features: Tidally Locked, Rampent Volcanism


    Size: Small, Low Gravity
    Atmosphere: None
    Climate: Burning World
    Features: Tidally Locked, Rampent Volcanism


    Size: Small, Low Gravity
    Atmosphere: Moderate Pressure, Corrosive
    Climate: Burning World
    Hydrosphere: Flooded World
    Ecosphere Classification: Vapour World
    Features: Tidally Locked, Rampent Volcanism

    Primary Biosphere


    Size: Large Planet with Normal Gravity
    Atmosphere: Moderate and Pure
    Climate: Temperate World
    Hydrosphere: Balanced World
    Ecosphere Classification: Moderate World
    Biosphere: Verdant Biosphere (8 notable species)
    Territories: 9 Territories
    1. Plains (Fertile)
    2. Oceanic (Notable Species)
    3. Wetlands (Waterfalls, Outlet)
    4. Mountain Range (Exotic Temperature -Cold, Titanic Resource Rich)
    5. North Polar (Varient Magnetosphere, Permanent Storm)
    6. South Polar (Varient Magnetosphere, Permanent Storm)
    7. Heavy Forest (Exotic Temperature - Tropical, Towering)
    8. Ocean (Archipelago 11 islands, reefs)
    9. Subterranean (Underway, Abyssal)
    10. Wetlands (Fertile, Notable Species, Outlet)
    11. Plains (Typical)
    12. Mountain Range (Volcanic)
    13. Oceanic (Typical)
    Landmasses: 3

    Outer Reaches


    Massive Gas Giant Triple orbital rings.
    Massive Icey Asteroid Field
    Adeptus Administratum Astrological Report
    Classification: Star System
    Owner: Imperium of Mankind
    Location: The Cauldron, Koronus Expanse
    Parent Star(s): Forsellis, Blue Main Sequence Star
    Known Anomolies: Major Gravity Tides
    Major Planetary Bodies
    Ignus (Molten World)
    Aestus (Barren World)
    Aduro (Barren World)
    Damaris (Civilized World)
    Skadi (Anomylous Gas Giant)


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