Katarina Dominica


“Some Inquisitors believe the Emperor’s work is best done by charging around the place like a grox in a ceramic emporium, leaving a trail of carnage and destruction in their wake, while others prefer not to let the enemies of all that’s good and holy get clean away by making it blindingly obvious they’re coming for them.”
-Amberly Vail, Ordo Xenos
Lord Inquisitor Katarina Dominica is the current Grandmaster of the Calixus Sector and the final authority of the Inquisition within the whole of the Calixus and Scarus Sectors. With the oncoming of the Cicatrix Maladictum her reach has only increased as the wider galaxy has collapsed into anarchy and strife. One of the most powerful "mortal" psykers the galaxy has ever known, Katarina pushes the bounds of what is acceptable to be wielded by the Imperium of Mankind. She continually must control her psychic might through the use of powerful psy reductor to control her overwealming might and prevent accidentall liquidation of those around her.


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